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Vietnam-India strategic partnership in spotlight

When I ate pho (pho dac biet) and indian food, I think of China eating their "territory" overseas. Hehehehe. =)))

Firstly get areas claimed by u in south china sea then come to india...:lol:
you are inviting more n more countries in it...and 60% of U.S fleet will be for u only .
so its like bone of contention and i wish more countries jump in ;)
You have to agree that Vietcong and Indians make good food. I actually like the Indian style Chinese food. Much better than American style Chinese food. You should give them a try.
Then so, I think they should just cook food for the Chinese people instead of confronting and fighting China. =)))))))
And Taiwan, why did not it go back to Japan, instead of hovering between your master Uncle Sam and communist China?

Unfortunately for Vietnamese, there are no free Vietnam any where else in the world as the whole Vietnam is under communist rule. I wish Vietnamese American like Gambit would recover Vietnam from you communist.

Taiwan is another example of East Asian culture can absorb western technology and develop the economy. Maybe you Vietcong should invite Taiwanese to help build your country instead of shooting at the Taiwanese island in the Spratleys.

Also, no excused for why Vietnam has a failed economy.

Have you ever eaten cut?

You sure you copied the whole thing from the google translate?
Firstly get areas claimed by u in south china sea then come to india...:lol:
you are inviting more n more countries in it...and 60% of U.S fleet will be for u only .
so its like bone of contention and i wish more countries jump in ;)
If I eat those food onboard the U.S. carrier of the fleet, you all will be sooo confused. Hehehehe =)
The member Joe Sheahrer here is a dalit, judging his post, we Indians can expect a lot.

Joe shearer is one of the few Indians in here that I have utmost respect, unlike you high caste Indians who look down on none Indians as how you would treat a dalit.

Its no surprise that even Indians believe that you guys are the most racist people out there. That I have to agree with the Indians.

And we are talking about the tech support Indians, not casino Indians, correct?
When I ate pho (pho dac biet) and indian food, I think of China eating their "territory" overseas. Hehehehe. =)))

I heard that Chinese love papad(poppadom).
Unfortunately for Vietnamese, there are no free Vietnam any where else in the world as the whole Vietnam is under communist rule. I wish Vietnamese American like Gambit would recover Vietnam from you communist.

Taiwan is another example of East Asian culture can absorb western technology and develop the economy. Maybe you Vietcong should invite Taiwanese to help build your country instead of shooting at the Taiwanese island in the Spratleys.

Actually, you seemed to have made sense here (which seems rare) , however, stronger economic ties with Taiwan , would mean default recognition of Taiwan as a nation.

But then again is Taiwan a nation? or an unrecognized state or a region of PRC, which the CCP has zero control over?

So i hope you understand the conundrum Indians and Vietnamese are when it comes to Taiwan. :pop:

Hope you can help us out here.
The member Joe Sheahrer here is a dalit, judging his post, we Indians can expect a lot.

I wonder when the international community will condemn the caste system in India in the same light as apartheid in South Africa. Enough of suppression of Dalit and other schedule caste people in India. No wonder there are so many rebellions going on in India.
Last time i checked, Agni V was on all Chinese media channels and they were questioning its efficiency and range. I mean, if we are so inferior, weak and scared, then why bother to even mention and discuss all across China. :blink:

they were even claiming that its actual range is 8000 KM :lol:

BTW long live Indo-Viet Freindship
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