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Vietnam-India strategic partnership in spotlight

Your question is absolutely correct. Vietnamese posters never interfere or posted in Pak China thread, but in this thread of Indo-Viet friendship, the chinese posters have ruined the thread by posting all BS.

Long Live Vietnam-India friendship.

They do that because that's what they're paid to do...
LOL at indonam..... massive inferiority complex on full display :woot:
massive burnol requirement

most Mongols live in China and they are Chinese,the shrine of Gengis Khan is also in China.
Historically, the Mongols actually came from Inner Mongolia, which is grasslands outside of the Great Wall. Outer Mongolia is a giant desert. After the fall of the Yuan, Chinese conquered Mongolia during Ming and Qing dynasties, assimilating ethnic Mongolians into Chinese. Today, the only ethnic Mongolians who are not Chinese citizens are roughly 2+ million living in the desert of Outer Mongolia. Genghis Khan is NOT Chinese because he predates the Chinese occupation / assimilation of Mongolia, but he can be considered an important ancestor of ethnic Mongolian Chinese citizens today.
sounds a loser loser alliance. let's name it as Indonam

who is the looser?

Let check the history:
which country lost the war against India in 1971? Pakistan!
which country lost most of the wars against Vietnam in the last 1000, even 2000 years? China!

China is the biggest looser in the history!
who is the looser?

Let check the history:
which country lost the war against India in 1971? Pakistan!
which country lost most of the wars against Vietnam in the last 1000, even 2000 years? China!

China is the biggest looser in the history!

Your brain short-circuited? Or Agent Orange variation?China lost the war in Vietnam in the past 1000 years or even 2000 years ? Vietnam is the Millennium vassal of China, but China lost the war in Vietnam? You are so mentally handicapped Vietnam, which country is the vassal state of China's Millennium? A French colony? Japan's occupied Area?Today is still a poor, dirty pit, backward country? Monkeys of the Republic of: Vietnam! The reality is cruel, and IQ is mentally retarded. So, Vietnam monkeys do not know what is the sense of shame, only trolls. See you now how to lick the U.S., Japan's smelly feet, kill more Vietnamese monkeys, the more they love you!
relax...no reason to throw insulting words out here. The Chinese seem to be good at. They´re famous for. I just calculated how many times (of wars) Vietnam fought against China. I did not deny the rule of China over Vietnam. Nor vassal state.
Let us read the history of Vietnam in the last 2000 years, and check: who won and who lost!

History of Vietnam wars from 111 B.C. to 1988 A.D.

111 B.C. Han Chinese occupation of Nam Viet

40 A.D. Nam Viet rebelled against Han Chinese rule
679 Tang China established protectorate over Annam
938 Southern Han Chinese invasion repelled
968 Restoration of law and order after period of anarchy in Annam (since 954)
981 Chinese (Sung) invasion
982 Annam invasion of Champa, capital Indrapura sacked
1043 Champa naval expedition against Annam
1044 Chinese-Annamese naval expedition against Champa; capital Vijaya sacked
1057-1061 Chinese invasion
1069 Annamese War with Champa; capital Vijaya sacked; annexion of Champa's northern provinces

1074 Annamese War with Champa; Annamese defeat
1075-1077 Annamese War with Sung China; Annamese victory
1128 Annamese War with Champa
1132 Champa, Khmer invasion of Annam
1136 Khmer invasion of Annam
1138 Khmer invasion of Annam
1145-1147 Khmer conquest of Champa
1165 Champa invasion of Khmer Empire
1177 Champa invasion of Khmer Empire; capital Angkor sacked
1203 Khmer invasion, occupation of Champa
1220 Khmer forces evacuated Champa
1257 Mongol/ China invasion of Annam repelled
1284 Mongol/ China invasion of Annam repelled
1287 Mongol/ China invasion of Annam repelled
1312 War with Champa, which was reduced to Annamese vassal
1326 Champa regained independence from Annam
1340 Domestic rebellions

1353 Champa failed to retake Hue from Annam
1360-1390 Annamese War with Champa
1372 Annamese sacked Thang Long
1377 Annamese sacked Thang Long
1402 Annamese War with Champa; conquest of the core region of Champa
1407 Ming Chinese invasion of Annam
1418-1428 War with Ming China
1446 War with Champa; capital Vijaya temporarily held
1471 Annamese War with Champa; further annexions

1509 Nobles' rebellion
1545 Civil War; partition into northern Kgd. of Tonkin, southern Kgd. of Annam
1648 Tonkin-Annam War
1659 Annamese invasion of Cambodia
1661 Tonkin invasion of Annam
1672 Tonkin invasion of Annam
1690 Cambodia reduced to Annamese vassall
1697 Champa reduced to Annamese vassall
1720 Champa conquered, annexed
1730 peasant revolt
1749 Annamese conquered the Mekong Delta (Khmer Cochinchina)
1771-1802 Tay Son peasant revolt in Annam
1788 Qing Chinese invasion of Annam
1811-1812 Cambodian rebellion against Siamese rule; Annamese intervention
1820 Khmer revolt against Annamese rule
1831-1834 Cambodian revolt against Siamese rule; escalated into Siamese-Annamese war
1841-1845 Siamese-Annamese war over Cambodia
1847 French naval bombardment of Tourane (Annam)
1851 Cambodian victory over Annamese
1858-1863 French war on Annam, Cambodia; conquest of Cochinchina, est. of protectorate over Cambodia
1883-1885 Sino-French War; China ceded Annam, Tonkin

1885-1895 Vietnamese resistance against French rule in Tonkin
1930-1931 Yen Bai rebellion against French rule
1942-1945 World War II; Japanese occupation

1946-1954 War of Independence, against the French
1954-1975 Vietnam War
1979 Vietnam Invasion, occupation of Cambodia
1979 Sino-Vietnamese border war
1979-1991 Cambodian resistance against Vietnamese occupation
1979-1988 Vietnamese incursions from occupied Cambodia onto Thai territory

WHKMLA : List of the Wars of Vietnam, Tonkin, Annam
relax...no reason to throw insulting words out here. The Chinese seem to be good at. I just calculated how many times (of wars) China fought against Vietnam. I did not deny the rule of China over Vietnam. Nor vassal state.
Let us read the history of Vietnam in the last 2000 years! and check: who won and who lost.

History of Vietnam wars from 111 B.C. to 1988 A.D.

111 B.C. Han Chinese occupation of Nam Viet

40 A.D. Nam Viet rebelled against Han Chinese rule
679 Tang China established protectorate over Annam
938 Southern Han Chinese invasion repelled
968 Restoration of law and order after period of anarchy in Annam (since 954)
981 Chinese (Sung) invasion
982 Annam invsion of Champa, capital Indrapura sacked
1043 Champa naval expedition against Annam
1044 Chinese-Annamese naval expedition against Champa; capital Vijaya sacked
1057-1061 Chinese invasion
1069 Annamese War with Champa; capital Vijaya sacked; annexion of Champa's northern provinces

1074 Annamese War with Champa; Annamese defeat
1075-1077 Annamese War with Sung China; Annamese victory
1128 Annamese War with Champa
1132 Champa, Khmer invasion of Annam
1136 Khmer invasion of Annam
1138 Khmer invasion of Annam
1145-1147 Khmer conquest of Champa
1165 Champa invasion of Khmer Empire
1177 Champa invasion of Khmer Empire; capital Angkor sacked
1203 Khmer invasion, occupation of Champa
1220 Khmer forces evacuated Champa
1257 Mongol/ China invasion of Annam repelled
1284 Mongol/ China invasion of Annam repelled
1287 Mongol/ China invasion of Annam repelled
1312 War with Champa, which was reduced to Annamese vassal
1326 Champa regained independence from Annam
1340 Domestic rebellions

1353 Champa failed to retake Hue from Annam
1360-1390 Annamese War with Champa
1372 Annamese sacked Thang Long
1377 Annamese sacked Thang Long
1402 Annamese War with Champa; conquest of the core region of Champa
1407 Ming Chinese invasion of Annam
1418-1428 War with Ming China
1446 War with Champa; capital Vijaya temporarily held
1471 Annamese War with Champa; further annexions

1509 Nobles' rebellion
1545 Civil War; partition into northern Kgd. of Tonkin, southern Kgd. of Annam
1648 Tonkin-Annam War
1659 Annamese invasion of Cambodia
1661 Tonkin invasion of Annam
1672 Tonkin invasion of Annam
1690 Cambodia reduced to Annamese vassall
1697 Champa reduced to Annamese vassall
1720 Champa conquered, annexed
1730 peasant revolt
1749 Annamese conquered the Mekong Delta (Khmer Cochinchina)
1771-1802 Tay Son peasant revolt in Annam
1788 Qing Chinese invasion of Annam
1811-1812 Cambodian rebellion against Siamese rule; Annamese intervention
1820 Khmer revolt against Annamese rule
1831-1834 Cambodian revolt against Siamese rule; escalated into Siamese-Annamese war
1841-1845 Siamese-Annamese war over Cambodia
1847 French naval bombardment of Tourane (Annam)
1851 Cambodian victory over Annamese
1858-1863 French war on Annam, Cambodia; conquest of Cochinchina, est. of protectorate over Cambodia
1883-1885 Sino-French War; China ceded Annam, Tonkin

1885-1895 Vietnamese resistance against French rule in Tonkin
1930-1931 Yen Bai rebellion against French rule
1942-1945 World War II; Japanese occupation

1946-1954 War of Independence, against the French
1954-1975 Vietnam War
1979 Vietnam Invasion, occupation of Cambodia
1979 Sino-Vietnamese border war
1979-1991 Cambodian resistance against Vietnamese occupation
1979-1988 Vietnamese incursions from occupied Cambodia onto Thai territory

WHKMLA : List of the Wars of Vietnam, Tonkin, Annam

very very few comparing with wars of China,less one percent,but your country is tiny and you dont have a lot of history so it is ok.

China is the biggest looser in the history!

haha,if a country rules you for over 1000 years can be called a loser,then you really have the guts,lol...how many years you ruled China?

First Chinese domination of Vietnam
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
First Chinese domination of Vietnam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Second Chinese domination of Vietnam
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Second Chinese domination of Vietnam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Third Chinese domination of Vietnam
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Third Chinese domination of Vietnam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fourth Chinese domination of Vietnam
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fourth Chinese domination of Vietnam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China started very small but now one of the biggest country in the world.Vietnam started fairly big but now a tiny insignificant state,so who is the sore loser?lol...
very very few comparing with wars of China,less one percent,but your country is tiny and you dont have a lot of history so it is ok.

haha,if a country rules you for over 1000 years can be called a loser,then you really have the guts,lol...how many years you ruled China?

China started very small but now one of the biggest country in the world.Vietnam started fairly big but now a tiny insignificant state,so who is the sore loser?lol...

It's funny that you laugh too much. Britain controlled Chinese until 1992 in Hongkong and Taiwan is living under protectorate of US now.
Your brain short-circuited? Or Agent Orange variation?China lost the war in Vietnam in the past 1000 years or even 2000 years ? Vietnam is the Millennium vassal of China, but China lost the war in Vietnam? You are so mentally handicapped Vietnam, which country is the vassal state of China's Millennium? A French colony? Japan's occupied Area?Today is still a poor, dirty pit, backward country? Monkeys of the Republic of: Vietnam! The reality is cruel, and IQ is mentally retarded. So, Vietnam monkeys do not know what is the sense of shame, only trolls. See you now how to lick the U.S., Japan's smelly feet, kill more Vietnamese monkeys, the more they love you!

Your troll is typical Chinese Ah Q's idea. Your brain Chip is fake product. Idiot invaders ran away from Vietnam. It's clear. :enjoy:
Your troll is typical Chinese Ah Q's idea. Your brain Chip is fake product. Idiot invaders ran away from Vietnam. It's clear. :enjoy:

This time Viet Nam will give Chinese free tats and that will be "I, PLA soldier was ran away from Viet Nam land due to lost war and a big looser" I belief Viet Nam still has some artist could write Chines script for it best.
India cooperates with Vietnam in off-shore oil exploitation

07/23/2012 09:33:01

India"s oil company ONGC Videsh Ltd (OVL) will continue its oil exploration and exploitation at Block 128, which is under Vietnam’s sovereignty in the East Sea.

An OVL senior official has told Hindistan Times that his company accepted an offer from Vietnam"s national oil company, PetroVietnam, to stay on for another two years.

OVL"s decision is a volte-face by the company, which had indicated several months ago that it intended to exit Block 128 because of its rocky seabed and difficult exploration conditions.

Your brain short-circuited? Or Agent Orange variation?China lost the war in Vietnam in the past 1000 years or even 2000 years ? Vietnam is the Millennium vassal of China, but China lost the war in Vietnam? You are so mentally handicapped Vietnam, which country is the vassal state of China's Millennium? A French colony? Japan's occupied Area?Today is still a poor, dirty pit, backward country? Monkeys of the Republic of: Vietnam! The reality is cruel, and IQ is mentally retarded. So, Vietnam monkeys do not know what is the sense of shame, only trolls. See you now how to lick the U.S., Japan's smelly feet, kill more Vietnamese monkeys, the more they love you!

Mr Viet was right. You try look at your China. Maybe you've been brainwashed too much by CCP, or you drink too much milk melamine so you dont recognize your country history. Let me tell you: Your country was consecutively defeated by the smaller countries but it could not do anything: Manchuria, Mongolia, Japan. And six powers divided China as sharing a big cake. Without the Soviet and Uncle Sam, the more likely you are now hung two sunrise flags.
And remember that some part of your country were still colonized by the West until 1997 and 1999, and Taiwan now still be entertained by Uncle Sam.

At least we have dared to stand up to fight against the invaders, and have many the great victories. But you? See Nanking.

Fil:China imperialism cartoon.jpg - Wikipedia
It's funny that you laugh too much. Britain controlled Chinese until 1992 in Hongkong and Taiwan is living under protectorate of US now.

Hongkong is just a city which China leased to Britain for 100 years,and Hongkong is not a country it doesnt mean whole China.Dengxiaoping was very smart while was already the international financial center,he didn't want to make big change to kill the goose that lays golden eggs,so He proposed a long but smooth transition,HongKong is just a city with the population of just 6 million,but it's GDP is more than 2 times of your whole country's.you would eat your heart out to have a city like HongKong.

Taiwan dosent even have diplomatic relationship with US and not like the case in Japan and Korea,there is not even one US soldier in Taiwan,if you say Taiwan is a protectorate,then you can say the whole western countries are.

and by the way the lease was dued in 1997,not 1992.Vietnamese education system is so messed up.

This time Viet Nam will give Chinese free tats and that will be "I, PLA soldier was ran away from Viet Nam land due to lost war and a big looser" I belief Viet Nam still has some artist could write Chines script for it best.

wrong spelling for key words appear once may be just a typo,but please dont always spell you key word the wrong way.it's "loser" not "looser",you've been chanting about that word for days,Geez..
Historically, the Mongols actually came from Inner Mongolia, which is grasslands outside of the Great Wall. Outer Mongolia is a giant desert. After the fall of the Yuan, Chinese conquered Mongolia during Ming and Qing dynasties, assimilating ethnic Mongolians into Chinese. Today, the only ethnic Mongolians who are not Chinese citizens are roughly 2+ million living in the desert of Outer Mongolia. Genghis Khan is NOT Chinese because he predates the Chinese occupation / assimilation of Mongolia, but he can be considered an important ancestor of ethnic Mongolian Chinese citizens today.

You people will claim anything which has minute chinese connection. It has become usual these days :rofl:

very very few comparing with wars of China,less one percent,but your country is tiny and you dont have a lot of history so it is ok.

haha,if a country rules you for over 1000 years can be called a loser,then you really have the guts,lol...how many years you ruled China?

China started very small but now one of the biggest country in the world.Vietnam started fairly big but now a tiny insignificant state,so who is the sore loser?lol...

Don't worry soon your fate will be sealed and confined like today's germany.
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