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Vietnam has no ballz


Mar 9, 2018
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United States
Emptiness of US rhetoric has been exposed by China bringing Vietnam to heel
Washington failed to back up words with action after Beijing pressured Hanoi into abandoning South China Sea oil drilling project

Ankit PandaUPDATED : Sunday, 15 Apr 2018, 9:56PM

In the first quarter of 2018, China successfully coerced a South China Sea claimant state and got away with it. The implications are serious and undermine ongoing efforts by the United States and its democratic partners to build a “free and open” Indo-Pacific.

In March, Vietnam’s state petroleum firm PetroVietnam withdrew its consent for Spanish energy firm Repsol to move ahead with a drilling project in the South China Sea. According to a report by Bill Hayton, a journalist and South China Sea analyst, the move could cost Repsol as much as US$200 million in sunk investment costs.

The Vietnamese decision was not made freely by the government. For months, China has been working to coerce the government of Vietnam and deprive it of the right to freely exploit its exclusive economic zone as should be its right under international law.

Vietnam ‘scraps South China Sea oil drilling project under pressure from Beijing’

Last summer, in July, executives from Repsol said that China threatened to initiate a military conflict with Vietnam in the Spratly Islands if the Spanish firm moved ahead with its planned drilling activities in a separate oil drilling block. PetroVietnam’s decision in March followed similar coercion.

So far, several weeks out from the Vietnamese decision, China appears to have entirely got away with bullying a littoral South China Sea state from accessing its own hydrocarbon resources. The development underlines the ultimately shallow assurances the United States has been able to provide to regional states.

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Last year Repsol executives said China threatened military action against Vietnam in the Spratly Islands if drilling proceeded as planned. Photo: Reuters
I’ve noted in these pages that under President Donald Trump, the United States has increased the operational tempo of its much-discussed freedom of navigation operations near disputed features in the South China Sea. Roughly, one operation takes place every two months instead of roughly every quarter under the Obama administration.

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Meanwhile, the US Navy has considerably expanded its presence in the South China Sea as well, sending a message to China that the United States is very much a Pacific power. In recent weeks, the USS Theodore Roosevelt carrier strike group conducted a rapid air wing sortie exercise to emphasise to the People’s Liberation Army Navy that its experience and capabilities in carrier aviation vastly outclass that of China’s lone carrier and its crew.

Farewell comrade: Why Communist China and Vietnam are drifting apart

But for all this military activity and for all the rhetorical support from Washington and other democratic Asian capitals in recent months, none of these countries made any grievances known as Vietnam was deprived of access to its South China Sea resources under the threat of force.

Even as the USS Carl Vinson carrier strike group made its historic visit to Da Nang in March, Washington sat out this episode of Chinese coercion. It was in that same city in November where Trump delivered a highly anticipated speech outlining his vision for a “free and open Indo-Pacific”.


Relations between Vietnam and Washington have dramatically improved in the past five years, culminating in the complete lifting of the decades-old arms embargo in the Obama administration’s final year. But Vietnam, as one of the most forward-leaning claimant states in the South China Sea, now appears to be hung out to dry.

How can Communist Vietnam be friendlier to the US than China?

Instead of seizing on international law, including the July 2016 arbitration award by a Hague-based tribunal in the Philippines’ 2013 case against China, Hanoi simply had to accept the reality of its poor odds of prevailing in a military conflict with China.

When Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc visited Washington to meet Trump last year, the two leaders agreed to a statement that “noted with concern the destabilising impacts that unlawful restrictions to the freedom of the seas have on peace and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region”.

Admiral Harry Harris, the outgoing commander of Pacific Command, recently described Vietnam as the United States’ “boldest regional partner in standing up to China’s provocative behaviour in the South China Sea”.

By failing to show up as Vietnam was coerced into a corner, Washington ultimately failed to live up to supporting the values that it claims to hold with regard to the future of the regional security architecture in Asia. The next time Chinese decision-makers seek to authorise the coercion of a Southeast Asian claimant state in the South China Sea, they’ll remember that.
. . . . . .
You lost me. No such thing as Indian Panda. As for SCMP, it's gotten worse after Alibaba took it over. All the writers are western cum swallowers.

Indeed, terrible publication. I thought Alibaba purchase would make it a more credible peace of paper.

Anyways, on topic, why this Panda is surprised is surprising. Because the US essentially hates VCP, houses anti VCP Vietnamese, and keeps trying to overthrow it.

Normally, VCP would be the last to trust the US when it comes to SCS dispute with China and many other states and regions (like Taiwan).
Indeed, terrible publication. I thought Alibaba purchase would make it a more credible peace of paper.

Anyways, on topic, why this Panda is surprised is surprising. Because the US essentially hates VCP, houses anti VCP Vietnamese, and keeps trying to overthrow it.

Normally, VCP would be the last to trust the US when it comes to SCS dispute with China and many other states and regions (like Taiwan).
US never liked Communist since 1950s. The PDF viets are delusional in believing the US like viets.
Remember when China send their drilling platform to the SCS near Vietnam some years back and pulled it back? Well, similar to Vietnam, it wasn't China "has no ballz" but it was done for deescalation. The Americans wants nothing more than China and Vietnam fighting each other.

Divide and Conquer.
All China said to Vietnam was you start drilling we cut off Hong River and dry up half of Vietnam. That was it. They got scared.

Looks like those chimps really lack balls, reality really hurts. No matter what kind of tough language those stupid chimps use, when China issues severe warnings you know China means it.

India got our message, after photos emerged of large amount of missiles being transported those slumdogs fled back to their own border during the Doklam standoff. When the Big Boss shows up carrying the big stick those puny super powas all got scared.
Remember when China send their drilling platform to the SCS near Vietnam some years back and pulled it back? Well, similar to Vietnam, it wasn't China "has no ballz" but it was done for deescalation. The Americans wants nothing more than China and Vietnam fighting each other.

Divide and Conquer.
SCS(east Vn sea)is not important to VN while its so crucial to CN, SK, JP. What we doing there is just make CN, SK, JP remember how important of SCS(east Vn sea) is and JP should support Vn more in TPP.Thats all

If CN wanna compete "ball" wt us, then try to kick VN out of Laos-Cam where hundred thousand VN troops stationing there and "balless", corrupted PLA only can bark but dare not do anything till now. Thanks for Hunsen's support, Vn just got big lands from Cam while CN got nothing:cool:
Remember when China send their drilling platform to the SCS near Vietnam some years back and pulled it back? Well, similar to Vietnam, it wasn't China "has no ballz" but it was done for deescalation. The Americans wants nothing more than China and Vietnam fighting each other.

Divide and Conquer.

US will never trust the VCP. Impossible. It is in their gene.

What they want is, as you say, either to put CN-VN against each other, or overthrow the VCP and put a puppet regime there.

But the VCP is too smart, and keeps well contact with global communist parties.
They will get some ball when boat people get deported back to their non-white land.

Boat people with some balls will give their home country some balls.

Do they have balls?
. .
SCS(east Vn sea)is not important to VN while its so crucial to CN, SK, JP. What we doing there is just make CN, SK, JP remember how important of SCS(east Vn sea) is and JP should support Vn more in TPP.Thats all

If CN wanna compete "ball" wt us, then try to kick VN out of Laos-Cam where hundred thousand VN troops stationing there and "balless", corrupted PLA only can bark but dare not do anything till now. Thanks for Hunsen's support, Vn just got big lands from Cam while CN got nothing:cool:

History is history, my friend. You learn from it, and move on. Today, a war among the ASEAN as well between ASEAN and any other regional country is impossible.

Evaluate today under today's conditions, including balance of power without getting too much caught up with historical details.

History is important for any Communist like you and me (we believe in dialectics), but, we utilize it to enlarge our vision and lead to more possibilities not to arrest it into less possibilities.

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