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Vietnam Defense Minister meets PLA Delegation

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Vietnam Defense Minister meets PLA Delegation

Gen. Phung Quang Thanh, Vietnamese defense minister, met with the Aid-Vietnam Veteran Delegation of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) which was on a visit to Vietnam in Hanoi on July 22.

Phung Quang Thanh said that the Vietnamese government, the people and the military appreciated the precious support and assistance given by the Chinese government, the people and the military to Vietnam in its struggle for national independence and liberation as well as in the cause of its socialist construction.

He noted they were heartily glad to see that the relations between the two Parties, the two governments, the two peoples and the two militaries advanced in a down-to-earth way in recent years.

The Vietnamese side is willing to work together with the Chinese side to carry on the revolutionary cause of the old generation, carry forward the friendship of “comrades and brothers”, and push forward the development of the Vietnam-China friendly and cooperative ties to a new level.

Gong Gucheng, head of the Aid-Vietnam Veteran Delegation of the PLA and former deputy commander of the Guangzhou Military Area Command of the PLA, said that the Chinese and Vietnamese militaries forged profound friendship in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Vietnam.

In recent years, the fields for exchange and cooperation between the two militaries were constantly expanded and the mechanism was gradually improved.

The Chinese side sincerely hopes to work together with the Vietnamese side to push forward the friendly exchanges between the two militaries by taking advantage of the China-Vietnam Friendship Year.

The PLA Aid-Vietnam Veteran Delegation arrived in Hanoi on July 21 upon the invitation of the Vietnamese Ministry of Defense to kick off a 6-day official goodwill visit to Vietnam.

China Military Online English Edition
Conveniently these talks skim over things like the 1979 war, Sprately islands, their eternal hatred for all Chinese people.... you know small stuff.
Conveniently these talks skim over things like the 1979 war, Sprately islands, their eternal hatred for all Chinese people.... you know small stuff.

Viets don't hate the Chinese, Vietnam has the same government as the PRC they both understand that the other side just wants resources and that war is bad for business.

As evidence just view the Vietnam - China border, its practically unguarded. Now compare that to the India-China border or to the India-Pakistan border.
Viets don't hate the Chinese, Vietnam has the same government as the PRC they both understand that the other side just wants resources and that war is bad for business.

As evidence just view the Vietnam - China border, its practically unguarded. Now compare that to the India-China border or to the India-Pakistan border.

You haven't posted a single post that was insightful or helped me understand an issue better. This is one... no different.

Vietnamese people have always had a love hate thing with China. On one hand China is responsible for much of their culture on the other hand, China had a nasty habit of invading them when we think they've been naughty and generally pushing them around (literally, seeing as the Vietnamese use to live in south china and lost out to mighty chinese rice cultivation power heh.)

Vietnam has the same government as the PRC they both understand that the other side

lies, as been mentioned on this sub-forum before, the Vietnamese leadership sided with the soviets after the American war. Then when their government saw the soviets couldn't lift a finger to help them in 79' they went their own way.

For god sakes, there were bloody border skirmishes right into the 80s
Viets don't hate the Chinese, Vietnam has the same government as the PRC they both understand that the other side just wants resources and that war is bad for business.

As evidence just view the Vietnam - China border, its practically unguarded. Now compare that to the India-China border or to the India-Pakistan border.

Whose side was Vietnam on during the Sino-Soviet split? Who was the only country that PRC had fought in a naval battle? Learn some history before you open your mouth please.
You haven't posted a single post that was insightful or helped me understand an issue better. This is one... no different.

Vietnamese people have always had a love hate thing with China. On one hand China is responsible for much of their culture on the other hand, China had a nasty habit of invading them when we think they've been naughty and generally pushing them around (literally, seeing as the Vietnamese use to live in south china and lost out to mighty chinese rice cultivation power heh.)

lies, as been mentioned on this sub-forum before, the Vietnamese leadership sided with the soviets after the American war. Then when their government saw the soviets couldn't lift a finger to help them in 79' they went their own way.

For god sakes, there were bloody border skirmishes right into the 80s

And there was a war between Vietnam and Cambodia, yet the two countries are like brothers despite years of border wars.

There was a border war between Russia and China and yet China is one of 3 countries that has a a friendship treaty with Russia (other two countries are Kazhkastan and Tajikastan)

2001 Sino-Russian Treaty of Friendship - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China and Vietnam are by no means Friends but they are definitely not enemies. The practically unguarded border between China, Vietnam and Russia is testament of this.

And as for the comment about having the same government, I meant that the government of Vietnam is almost the same as China's. In fact Vietnam modeled their government after they saw the success the chinese had, only difference is that it is militocracy instead of technocracy, and blood relations instead of meritocracy.
And there was a war between Vietnam and Cambodia, yet the two countries are like brothers despite years of border wars.

There was a border war between Russia and China and yet China is one of 3 countries that has a a friendship treaty with Russia (other two countries are Kazhkastan and Tajikastan)

2001 Sino-Russian Treaty of Friendship - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China and Vietnam are by no means Friends but they are definitely not enemies. The practically unguarded border between China, Vietnam and Russia is testament of this.

And as for the comment about having the same government, I meant that the government of Vietnam is almost the same as China's. In fact Vietnam modeled their government after they saw the success the chinese had, only difference is that it is militocracy instead of technocracy, and blood relations instead of meritocracy.

China modeled its government after soviet after its establishment and they still fought with each other, so what is your point? It is common interests that bond the governments together rather than anything else. You can have your own brother as the head of other country's leader and still fight between you two. There are too many area that China and Vietnam's own interests that collided or will collide with each other.
^^ lets say economic interests bind them together then, more and more well off chinese are going to vietnam for vacations, my family members certainly did. that and it better to be peaceful(and make money) rather than go into an arms race with someone far richer and larger than you
^^ lets say economic interests bind them together then, more and more well off chinese are going to vietnam for vacations, my family members certainly did. that and it better to be peaceful(and make money) rather than go into an arms race with someone far richer and larger than you

Let's hope the Vietnamese government thinks the way you do.
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