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Vietnam Defence Forum

In your eyes, even a Vnese like Ho Chi Minh could be a corrupted guy cos he got lots of 'gifts' from CN, Soviet to eliminate the political opposition and did some wrong things like land reforming. But in the end, "gift" from CN,Soviet helped VN to defeat France, US.

Same thing Mr.Trong is doing in VN now, u can keep lying that Corrupted man like him can't clean up corruption, but most of Vnese can see that corruption will be reduce in the future.

well, I have the similar opinion as Carlosa, How about Yen Bai, Thanh Hoa issues, why it not be resolved? Mr.Trong only care about BOT, Petro, Mr.Thang, Trinh Xuan Thanh, Vu Huy Hoang..and If you notice, all of them are Mr Dung's ally.BTW, The comparison between HCM and Mr.Trong is not suitable.
Good, CN start realize that supporting Vn is better than fighting against VN. Everytime u guys think abt doing bad thing to VN, u guys should ask yourselves why chairman Mao supported VN to defeat dirty capitalist nations (France, US)

It is going to get better, my friend. East Asia is bound to rise again. No more infighting. Vietnam and China are ideally positioned not the least because similar governance models.
Welcome Sunil Lanba, chief of India General Staff to Vietnam


After T54/55 upgrade, T62 with 115mm main cannon expectedly comes in line.


Da Nang says has completed with preparation for the incoming Apec summit, where the city will expect 21 country leaders from America, China, Russia, Japan, Korea, Australia and other. Besides the government chiefs, some 10,000 foreign delegates will attend the events. To accommodate the guests, some 14 5-star hotels and many numerous 3-4 star hotels are ready.

The army group 5 (center) will probably be put on alert.


well, I have the similar opinion as Carlosa, How about Yen Bai, Thanh Hoa issues, why it not be resolved? Mr.Trong only care about BOT, Petro, Mr.Thang, Trinh Xuan Thanh, Vu Huy Hoang..and If you notice, all of them are Mr Dung's ally.BTW, The comparison between HCM and Mr.Trong is not suitable.
there r 2 points we talk about:
1. Carlosa thinks that corruption in VN like cancer, I also agree wt him. But to me, corruption in EU, US are even worse than in VN cos dirty white tycoons legalize corruption and call it like "lobbying".

2. We can clean corruption while EU, US can not.(This poit, Carlosa disagree wt me cos he try to believe that dirty capitalist system is superior even more than 50 innocent ppl just got killed by a dirty law allowed spycho can buy guns easily )
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Carlosa thinks that corruption in VN like cancer, I also agree wt him. But to me, corruption in EU, US are even worse than in VN cos dirty white tycoons legalize corruption and call it like "lobbying".

We can clean corruption while EU, US can not.
Lobbying is not corruption. There are rules that everyone has to follow.
Lobbying is not corruption. There are rules that everyone has to follow.
Okay, then is there any rule to stop dirty arm seller selling guns to civilians, so no more mass killing happen ?? any rule to stop Wall st tycoons robbing Tax when they r "too big to fall" ??

It is going to get better, my friend. East Asia is bound to rise again. No more infighting. Vietnam and China are ideally positioned not the least because similar governance models.
YEs, CN should focus on the plan of taking back Taiwan from US. U can get VN's support in this plan if CN give a full support to VN again like during chairman Mao's time
there r 2 points we talk about:
1. Carlosa thinks that corruption in VN like cancer, I also agree wt him. But to me, corruption in EU, US are even worse than in VN cos dirty white tycoons legalize corruption and call it like "lobbying".

2. We can clean corruption while EU, US can not.(This poit, Carlosa disagree wt me cos he try to believe that dirty capitalist system is superior even more than 50 innocent ppl just got killed by a dirty law allowed spycho can buy guns easily )
Some of your opinions are right, some are not as my thought, I think cleaning corruption is impossible with any countries, that thing You can make it smaller than. the Vietnamese situation is worse than a big part country in the world, why you tried to compare Vietnam with US, why you don't compare with EU country like England, Sweden, Denmark,..If I remember rightly, Vietnam is one of the worst countries because of corruption in the word based on some statistics.
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Some of your opinions are right, some are not as my thought, I think cleaning corruption is impossible with any countries, that thing You can make it smaller than. the Vietnamese situation is more and worse than a big part country in the world, why you tried to compare Vietnam with US, why you don't compare with EU country like England, Sweden, Denmark,..If I remember rightly, Vietnam is one of the worst countries because of corruption in the word based on some statistics.
England, Sweden, Denmark, Germany etc without US "protection" will not survive, just see how easily Soviet union could occupy East Germany after WW 2. Those countries look good just bcs US make them look good. just imagine what happen in EU when no more US protection ?? They will kill each other like in WW 2 for food again ??

So, Independence country like VN only can compare wt other independence countries like Russia, US, bro.
Okay, then is there any rule to stop dirty arm seller selling guns to civilians, so no more mass killing happen ?? any rule to stop Wall st tycoons robbing Tax when they r "too big to fall" ??
You mixed too many things together to a cocktail nobody can drink. Wall Street tycoons? Who are they? If you mean banks too big too fall then what do you think what will happen when a major bank fails?

If a big company goes bankrupt, thousands of jobs will go lost, but if a big bank fails, the entire country will crash. Do you want to see that happening?

Robbing tax money from poor people to save banks? Far from the truth. First the poor have no money there is nothing to rob. Second, the money that saved banks are virtual money created by central banks.

That virtual money never enters real economy.

As for lax gun control, the US is a special case. That has to do with the country tradition. You can't buy guns in such easy way in Europe.

England, Sweden, Denmark, Germany etc without US "protection" will not survive, just see how easily Soviet union could occupy East Germany after WW 2. Those countries look good just bcs US make them look good. just imagine what happen in EU when no more US protection ?? They will kill each other like in WW 2 for food again ??

So, Independence country like VN only can compare wt other independence countries like Russia, US, bro.
Don't talk nonsense bro. The countries you mentioned enjoy the best period in the history. A war in east Asia is much more likely.

A war in Western Europe is as likely as the return of dinosaurs.

Indonesia, Vietnam Step Up Defense Cooperation Amid Regional Challenges


Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu said Indonesia and Vietnam must step up bilateral cooperation in defense and security to address threats in the region, such as terrorism, separatism and cyberwars.

"It's in the best interest of Indonesia and Vietnam to increase efforts to ensure regional peace and prosperity," Ryamizard said during a meeting with his Vietnamese counterpart, Gen. Ngo Xuan Lich, in Jakarta on Friday (13/10).

He added that the Indonesian and Vietnamese defense ministries should increase "coordination, cooperation and flexibility to address and tackle regional and global challenges together," emphasizing that no country can singularly address present-day issues facing the world.

Ryamizard said the international community faces the threat of open war between countries, although he added that this remains unlikely. The actual threats, he said, are terrorism and radicalism, separatism and secessionism, natural disasters, theft of natural resources, border violations and cyberwars.

During their meeting, Ryamizard and Ngo signed a joint vision statement that will serve as guideline across all areas in defense cooperation between Indonesia and Vietnam.

"Among those is continuing to promote areas of cooperation that have been mapped out in the memorandum of understanding Indonesia and Vietnam signed in 2010. [...] Defense industrial cooperation is one of the areas we have agreed upon and signed in the joint vision statement today," Ngo told reporters.

Indonesia and Vietnam will hold a defense policy dialog in 2018 and continue their joint working group on armed forces.

They also agreed to continue exchange programs between high-level delegations and junior officers, while stepping up cooperation between their navies and coastguards, among others.

"We strongly believe the defense cooperation between our two countries will be one of the pillars of the strategic partnership," Ngo said.

Addressing the matter of overlapping claims in their respective exclusive economic zones near the Natuna Sea, which resulted in clashes between the Indonesian and Vietnamese coastguards earlier this year, Ryamizard said affiliated bodies from the two countries will meet to reach an agreement and resolve the issue by the end of this year.

Indonesia and Vietnam established diplomatic relations in 1955, while both countries are members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean).

Nguyễn Phú Trong, secretary general of the Communist Party of Vietnam – the highest political authority in the country – met with President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo during a visit to Jakarta in August. The two leaders agreed to deepen their strategic partnership.



Vietnam Want to See Indonesia Defense Products Products
Kompas.com - 12/10/2017, 12:26 WIB
Kaplan/Harimau Hitam (Black Tiger) Medium Tank

Badak (Rhino) Fire Support Vehicle

Indonesian Aerospace N-219 Light Utility Transport Aircraft

Makassar Class Landing Platform Dock Ship

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Wiranto met with Vietnam Defense Minister Ngo Xuan Lich at Kemenko Polhukam, Central Jakarta, Thursday (12/10/2017).

In a meeting that lasted about 45 minutes, the two discussed increasing cooperation in the field of defense industry and security in the ASEAN region.

Wiranto said the Vietnamese are interested to see all defense industry products in Indonesia and work together in the form of barter products.

"It has been said that Vietnam's desire to continue to improve defense relations, especially those concerning the defense industry, is also willing to see what Indonesian production can be used by Vietnam," said Wiranto after the meeting.

"They will do a review and will talk about it, I encourage there to be at least interstate products that we can combine, we exchange," he added.

In addition, Ngo Xuan Lich also expressed a desire to establish more intense cooperation related to the security of ASEAN region.

According to Wiranto, Indonesia and Vietnam have the same attention to the security of the region.

Wiranto suggested Ngo Xuan Lich met with Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu and the head of State Intelligence Agency (BIN) Budi Gunawan.

"I suggest to have a more intense meeting here with the Minister of Defense, with the head of BIN and so on, in order to have a common understanding that Vietnam and Indonesia have the same interests to maintain the security of this region, especially ASEAN," Wiranto said.

The meeting between Wiranto and Ngo Xuan Lich is a follow-up to the signing of the memorandum of understanding between the two countries in August.

President Joko Widodo previously discussed three main topics in a meeting with Vietnam Communist Party Secretary General Nguyen Phu Trong at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday (8/23/2017).

The three main issues discussed are enhanced cooperation in maritime and fisheries, trade and investment, and regional issues.

May bring prosperity and goodness to the relations between the two countries
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Classic books

"Street without Joy" written by Bernard Fall (1961)

You mixed too many things together to a cocktail nobody can drink. Wall Street tycoons? Who are they? If you mean banks too big too fall then what do you think what will happen when a major bank fails?

If a big company goes bankrupt, thousands of jobs will go lost, but if a big bank fails, the entire country will crash. Do you want to see that happening?

Robbing tax money from poor people to save banks? Far from the truth. First the poor have no money there is nothing to rob. Second, the money that saved banks are virtual money created by central banks.

That virtual money never enters real economy.

As for lax gun control, the US is a special case. That has to do with the country tradition. You can't buy guns in such easy way in Europe.
When a big private bank fails, the entire capitalist country will crash. Of course I and many pple want to see that thing happen, dirty tycoons must pay for what they did to poor countries like VN, Syria etc

Btw if a big bank fails leading to the crash of the entire country, then thats what Karl Marx said is true abt capitalist system, and ppl need to think abt a better system such as socialist system thats is working well in VN
Don't talk nonsense bro. The countries you mentioned enjoy the best period in the history. A war in east Asia is much more likely.

A war in Western Europe is as likely as the return of dinosaurs
then pls explain to me why EU have to join wt US to slap sanction on Russia when he just took back Crime that belong to him long time ago ?? Cos u guys r scared that Russia will annex east Germany again ??

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Indonesian Navy ships visit Ho Chi Minh City
Wednesday, 2017-10-18 09:03:02


Kri Sultan Iskandar Muda 367 arrives at Ho Chi Minh City’s Nha Rong Port. (Credit: VNA)

NDO – A squadron of two Indonesian navy Sigma-class guided missile frigates docked at Nha Rong Wharf in Ho Chi Minh City on October 18, beginning their four-day visit to the southern economic hub and their exchange with the Vietnam People's Navy.

The two Sigma-class corvettes, namely Kri Sultan Hasanuddin 366 and Kri Sultan Iskandar Muda 367, have 181 crew members and are led by Lieutenant Colonel Sunmarji Bimoaji, the captain of the 367 vessel.

The guided missile ships have the same specifications, with a displacement of 1,818 tonnes, measuring 90.71 m long, 13.02 m wide and have a 5.2 m draft.

The visit by the Indonesian Navy fleet aims to enhance the cooperation between the two countries' military, and the navies in particular, contributing to promoting the strategic partnership between Vietnam and Indonesia, in an in depth manner with practical benefits.

Representatives from the HCM City agencies, the Ministry of Defence, Military Region 7 Command, the Border Guard Command, and the Vietnamese Navy authorities participated in the welcoming ceremony for the Indonesian frigates.


The hosts welcome the Indonesian Navy delegation at Nha Rong Wharf. (Credit: tuoitre.vn)

At the event, Colonel Ha Xuan Xu, a representative of the Vietnam People's Navy Command in the South, conveyed his wish for a successful visit to the Indonesian side.

The colonel also expressed his hope that the friendship between the two countries' military, and the navy in particular, would be increasingly intensified following the visit.

Expressing his sincere gratitude to the hosts for a warm welcome, Captain Sumarji Bimoaji said that the visit would contribute to promoting a fine and comprehensive partnership between the two countries.

During the visit, the commanders, officers and sailors of the Indonesian Navy ships will greet the leaders of the HCM City People's Committee; visit the Military Region 7 Command and Navy Region 2 Command; and take part in sporting activities, as well as exchanges with the hosts’ young navy officers.

The visit by the Indonesian Navy fleet will last until October 21.


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