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Vietnam Defence Forum

Vietnam is drilling 250 miles from their coast. It's not their territory
Vietnam as coastal country has the rights to drill for resources up to 350 miles from the baseline. Read Unclos.

Actually it does. China did not claim the entire SCS. They claim the islands within the 9 dash line.
Nobody is interested of China claim. I can claim Singapore is mine because Vietnamese smugglers once discovered the island. Does it matter anything?
Vietnam as coastal country has the rights to drill for resources up to 350 miles from the baseline. Read Unclos.

Nobody is interested of China claim. I can claim Singapore is mine because Vietnamese smugglers once discovered the island. Does it matter anything?

I don't care if you care. I am merely pointing out the fallacy of your post. I.E. you lied about something and presented it as a fact.

When you lie, you loss credibility. When you loss credibility it makes whatever you say worthless.
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I don't care if you care. I am merely pointing out the fallacy of your post. I.E. you lied about something and presented it as a fact.

When you lie, you loss credibility. When you loss credibility it makes whatever you say worthless.
I have no idea what you are talking about.

Nah I don't have any worry, China will not sit idle, by moving our oil rig we can suck dry the entire area that Viet plan to exploit. :lol:
Do you believe you are the only one that has oil rigs? Our Spanish friend Repsol has begun the work on the $1.1 billion project.


we can´t deploy warships to exercise in the Indian Ocean yet because someone would take advantage from the peaceful rise and rob our country. Give us 5 more years then we both could do shark hunting exercises in both the South China sea and Indian Ocean. in the meanwhile Indian surface warships and submarines are welcome to visit the Bay if there is a need to re-supply.
I am curious,what would happen in 5 years? Sounds like your country is preparing for something, any hint?:what:
I am curious,what would happen in 5 years? Sounds like your country is preparing for something, any hint?:what:
You sound like a nice guy so I'll give you a honest answer. The Vietnamese people are peace loving folks but have little humor for hooligans, least to a hooligan who calls us ungrateful southern monkeys. In 5 years we not only slam a fist in his face, breaking his nose but in addition we break his leg. hint? the Mongols were arrogant they thought being invincible, starting aggression with three invasions with the support of chinese mercenaries. They believed Vietnam was a walkover but at the end of the day, our roads and rivers were scattered by their dead bodies.
You sound like a nice guy so I'll give you a honest answer. The Vietnamese people are peace loving folks but have little humor for hooligans, least to a hooligan who calls us ungrateful southern monkeys. In 5 years we not only slam a fist in his face, breaking his nose but in addition we break his leg. hint? the Mongols were arrogant they thought being invincible, starting aggression with three invasions with the support of chinese mercenaries. They believed Vietnam was a walkover but at the end of the day, our roads and rivers were scattered by their dead bodies.
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Vietnam And India To Spoil China's South China Sea Ambitions
Jul 7, 2017 @ 07:50 PM

Vietnam and India are teaming up to tame China’s ambitions to control the South China Sea and the riches that are hidden beneath.

Early this week, Vietnam granted Indian oil firm ONGC Videsh a two-year extension to explore oil block 128, according to a Reuters report.

China considers the South China Sea its own sea, and is building artificial islands, defying international tribunal rulings – including one favoring the Philippines. While Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte isn't prepared to stop Beijing, Vietnam – which also claims parts of the waterway – seems to be.

Vietnam’s and India’s challenge to China comes at a time when tensions between New Delhi and Beijing have flared on several fronts. Like the Dokalam area of Sikkim, where India has been trying to block China’s efforts to build a road, and where in reply Beijing has warned New Delhi that it is risking to suffer "greater losses" than 1962.

Then there’s the Pakistani regions claimed by India and crossed by the China Pacific Economic Corridor (CPEC). And the Malacca Straits, where India sent warships recently--most of China's energy supplies and trade passes through this waterway.

Meanwhile, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been traveling around the globe to enlist old and new friends and allies to New Delhi’s cause.

So far, financial markets in the region do not seem that concerned, at least for now, focusing on the economic fundamentals rather than the geopolitics of the region. But things may change as the US Navy and Air Force have stepped up their presence in the region, drawing angry protests from Beijing.
You sound like a nice guy so I'll give you a honest answer. The Vietnamese people are peace loving folks but have little humor for hooligans, least to a hooligan who calls us ungrateful southern monkeys. In 5 years we not only slam a fist in his face, breaking his nose but in addition we break his leg. hint? the Mongols were arrogant they thought being invincible, starting aggression with three invasions with the support of chinese mercenaries. They believed Vietnam was a walkover but at the end of the day, our roads and rivers were scattered by their dead bodies.

And that why red river name was being born? :lol: don't worry we will clean up the mess in this river.
Vietnam And India To Spoil China's South China Sea Ambitions
Jul 7, 2017 @ 07:50 PM

Vietnam and India are teaming up to tame China’s ambitions to control the South China Sea and the riches that are hidden beneath.

Early this week, Vietnam granted Indian oil firm ONGC Videsh a two-year extension to explore oil block 128, according to a Reuters report.

China considers the South China Sea its own sea, and is building artificial islands, defying international tribunal rulings – including one favoring the Philippines. While Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte isn't prepared to stop Beijing, Vietnam – which also claims parts of the waterway – seems to be.

Vietnam’s and India’s challenge to China comes at a time when tensions between New Delhi and Beijing have flared on several fronts. Like the Dokalam area of Sikkim, where India has been trying to block China’s efforts to build a road, and where in reply Beijing has warned New Delhi that it is risking to suffer "greater losses" than 1962.

Then there’s the Pakistani regions claimed by India and crossed by the China Pacific Economic Corridor (CPEC). And the Malacca Straits, where India sent warships recently--most of China's energy supplies and trade passes through this waterway.

Meanwhile, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been traveling around the globe to enlist old and new friends and allies to New Delhi’s cause.

So far, financial markets in the region do not seem that concerned, at least for now, focusing on the economic fundamentals rather than the geopolitics of the region. But things may change as the US Navy and Air Force have stepped up their presence in the region, drawing angry protests from Beijing.

Actually Doklam plateau is in Bhutan. The writer don't know the geography.

The standoff going on in Bhutanese territory. Not in Sikkim.

US never ratified Protocol 1 &2 of Geneva Convention. What a great hypocrisy of yours.

Now you throwing treaties which not followed by your country?
And tell me when your country going to bomb Saudi Arabia under Geneva Convention?

Now I really doubt you are even a US citizen, who even dont know some basic facts about your own country.
You might want to look somewhere else...in the GC...:lol:
Actually Doklam plateau is in Bhutan. The writer don't know the geography.

The standoff going on in Bhutanese territory. Not in Sikkim.

Yes, I very much like how India took the courage to enter Bhutanese territory and stopped the chinese road construction.The chinese didn't expect that. India has been way too soft with China, the chinese hit India at every opportunity, Its time to retaliate in kind. Can't negotiate with these people, any agreement with them is not worth the paper that is written on as they have just shown by saying that the treaty with UK about Hong Kong is no longer relevant and they are not bound by it.
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Launch of new CSD 500 dredger class manufactured by Long Hải - Nam Phương shipyard, with the support from our Dutch friend the Damen Shipyard. Vietnam island construction program will be accelerated a bit. Everyone builds in the SC sea, so there is no reason why we shall hesitate. Giant man made islands with airfields, hangar, housing, sport facilities and other stuffs.



Welcomed to the city hall by Hamburg mayor Olaf Scholz. The city that hosts G20 summit is the richest in Germany.



A walk in the city. The lady in red is the spouse of PM Phuc. The women in head scarf is the wife of PM of the Turkey.


In blue ao dai in the city hall

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