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Vietnam Defence Forum

Actually -- Yes. The Geneva Convention says so. Let us see if you gots the brains to find out the reasoning. Finally, the Geneva Convention is not the first document to give that permission. This understanding have been around since the beginning of warfare.

US never ratified Protocol 1 &2 of Geneva Convention. What a great hypocrisy of yours.

Now you throwing treaties which not followed by your country?
And tell me when your country going to bomb Saudi Arabia under Geneva Convention?

Now I really doubt you are even a US citizen, who even dont know some basic facts about your own country.
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'Strategic move': Vietnam renews India oil deal in tense South China Sea

Vietnamese brothers, sisters and mutual friends, once we done exposing hollowness of a certain bully barking threats (mostly through its media mouthpieces) in Sikkim/Bhutan border area....there will be more credibility for expanding of India-Vietnam bilateral ties given bluffs would be called by then and cards shown. More needs to be operationalised.

Hope you all gonna watch Malabar naval exercises (starting tomorrow and lasts 10 days) too. Hope sometime in the future Vietnam navy is a participant.
we can´t deploy warships to exercise in the Indian Ocean yet because someone would take advantage from the peaceful rise and rob our country. Give us 5 more years then we both could do shark hunting exercises in both the South China sea and Indian Ocean. in the meanwhile Indian surface warships and submarines are welcome to visit the Bay if there is a need to re-supply.
Welcome to Hamburg!

Donald Trump is in the city. more heavily armed policemen have been called on, and as bonbon, APCs from the German armed forces. Lets see if we will see Leopard main battle tanks on the streets. the rioters have called the G20 summit as "Welcome to Hell!".



Oh in a quite place, Vietnam/Germany summit takes place with signing 28 agreements worth $1.7 billion. The bilateral trades should increase to $20 billion in the next few years. Besides Germany is committed to providing Vietnam with money and expertise in all fields from education to climate change adaptation.



Sis mado you are right. I agree. that makes little sense to keep secret of everything, least the tanks. Such giant monster can't be hidden before satellites. Though I question why you need destroyers and submarines considering Indonesia defense paper sees a war in the SCS impossible, the likelyhood of a asteroid falling on earth killing all of us is higher and main threat to your country is Vietnamese illegal fishermen, Chinese turtle poachers, poor immigrants, Islamist terrorists and other unwanted individuals. Don't you think destroyer is overkill?
There's many reasons but the defense of the natuna & the strait is the main factor for procuring destroyers & subs.

Also we're indonesian we are destined to rule the waves. [emoji48]
Update: July 6, 2017


Viet Nam News
The American salvage ship USNS Salvor (T-ARS-52) and littoral combat ship USS Coronado of the United States Navy arrive at the Cam Ranh Bay in the central province of Khánh Hòa on Wednesday to join the eighth annual Naval Engagement Activity (NEA) with the Việt Nam People’s Navy. Held July 5-10, NEA focuses on training skills on military medical, marine salvage skills, and maritime security, as well as practicing the Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea (CUES). — Photo tuoitre.vn
Two US B1 strategic bombers conduct reconnaissance flight over the Chinese made artificial islands. Let's see when the PLA air defense lose patience and nerves and shoot down the planes, triggering a full scale armed confrontation.


"We crossed thousand of kilometers from the other side of the globe just to bombed the fck outta of you, funded every organization or movement that can hurt you but dont you dare blame us about anything". Fun conclusion indeed.

So to go back to some relevant issues instead ideology, here is another assumption about the sudden return of the Chinese general, also relate to oil under the sea.

Vietnam drills for oil in South China Sea

Vietnam has begun drilling for oil in an area of the resource-rich South China Sea also claimed by China.

An oil industry consultant told the BBC that a drilling ship on contract to international firm Talisman-Vietnam was working off Vietnam's south-east coast.

This appears to be why a senior Chinese general cut short an official visit to Vietnam last month.

China claims almost all of the South China Sea, including reefs and islands also contested by other nations.

According to Ian Cross, of Singapore-based Moyes & Co, the drillship Deepsea Metro I, began to drill in an area of sea about 400km (250 miles) off the Vietnamese coast on 21 June.

It is likely that the news was kept secret because of its extreme sensitivity.

Other oil industry sources have told the BBC that Talisman-Vietnam was denied permission to drill over the past three years to avoid upsetting China.

It would appear that by taking such a bold move, the leadership in Hanoi is less concerned about such risks now.

The piece of seabed in question is known as Block 136-03 by Vietnam, but China calls it Wan-an Bei 21 and has leased out the same area to a different company. In 2014 the Chinese rights were bought by a Hong Kong-based company called Brightoil.

Two of the directors of Brightoil are senior members of the Chinese Communist Party.

Talisman-Vietnam was formerly owned by the Canadian company Talisman but since 2015 has been part of the Spanish-owned Repsol group.

Gen Fan Changlong, who is Vice-Chair of China's Central Military Commission, recently paid a visit to Madrid, where Repsol is based. Repsol has not responded to BBC questions about whether the Chinese authorities have made any protest to the company.

In 2014 coastguard vessels and other ships belonging to China and Vietnam confronted each other in a different area of the South China Sea, further north near the Paracel Islands.

Since then the two countries have tried to avoid confrontation. However, Vietnam has clearly decided that the risks of a crisis are relatively low.

So far the only casualty of Vietnam's new oil expedition has been a planned meeting of the annual Vietnam-China border defence friendship exchange.

That high-level meeting between the two countries' militaries was supposed to have taken place on the same day the Deepsea Metro I began drilling.

Instead, Gen Fan - who was due in Hanoi after his Madrid visit - flew home, citing problems with the "working arrangements".

Vietnam may have judged that with China currently promoting its "Belt and Road" initiative to the region and encouraging other countries to agree the new Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), at the same time as it is preparing for its crucial Communist Party congress, it would be unwilling to provoke a regional crisis.

There are no obvious signs of Chinese retaliation so far but we could see a tit-for-tat response with Beijing authorising a drilling operation in an area that Vietnam also claims. This, however, would take some time to organise.
@cirr @Kiss_of_the_Dragon @terranMarine @Beast no Chinese news on this?
Two US B1 strategic bombers conduct reconnaissance flight over the Chinese made artificial islands. Let's see when the PLA air defense lose patience and nerves and shoot down the planes, triggering a full scale armed confrontation.

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I don't have any doubt that you Viets are dreaming between two pillows for this to be happened, crisis = opportunity ...remember that, it will give perfect excuse for China to permanently station our warplanes in these Islands.

is that a big deal...remember 981 oil rig :lol:
Can you source the news on this? The only ones I saw were bombers fly through SCS, not over the islands.
I don't have any doubt that you Viets are dreaming between two pillows for this to be happened, crisis = opportunity ...remember that, it will give perfect excuse for China to permanently station our warplanes in these Islands.

is that a big deal...remember 981 oil rig :lol:
Vietnam is drilling 250 miles from their coast. It's not their territory
Would it matter? Through or over the islands, China still claim it all as theirs.
Actually it does. China did not claim the entire SCS. They claim the islands within the 9 dash line.
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