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Vietnam Defence Forum

The runway will be long enough for Su-30 fighter aircraft to take off and land with brake parachute. Interesting, it is as if my post was read. If one remembers I once proposed lengthening the runway, stationing two Su-30 bombers on the island, protected by hardened shelters and hangars. Now thing is coming to reality. We will respond quicker to any provocation.

I think we will start with basing surveillance and transport aircraft. combat aircraft will join later. Also that would not be bad, either if we build runways on other islands and last but not least deep sea ports for our warships and attack submarines

More important than naked firepower is the statement and determination that are made.
Havanna November 16. Vietnam president Quang on a overseas trip, visiting an old socialist friend since the early days of the Cold War. Cuba is probably the most visited countries by Vietnam in American hemisphere. Socialist brotherhood :D

There is a difference in path Vietnam and Cuba undertake towards glorious socialism, while the first allows private enterprises in 1986, the latter still discusses allow or not allow. One cuban newspaper asks an interesting question why not, comparing both countries economic progress. An average cuban worker earns 15-20 dollars a month, while in Vietnam 200-300 dollars. Cuba experts once assisted Vietnamese in planting coffee. While Vietnam now is the second largest coffee exporter of the world in volumesq and aims to overtake Brazil, Cuba imports coffee for domestic consumption. While Vietnam received $290 billions in FDI since market liberalization, Cuba registers little money from the outside. I guess in 20 years when we achieve a developed status, the government of Cuba still discusses how to advance socialist ideals without giving freedom to enterprises. Actually that is not what makes me worry. Their country their problems. We have our problems. I wish we learn the German way how to add more value to coffee beans.

The Germans don't grow a single coffee tree, but are one of the largest green and roasted coffee exporters in the world.

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An interesting news of the day. The US ambassador to Vietnam Ted Osius reveals at the occasion of starting a new USAID $10 millions program for Vietnam: the newfound friend Vietnam is a priority country under the US Presidential Executive Order of Barack Obama :-)

Let's see whether the status remains under the new US administration Donald Trump.
after a stop in Cuba, and more important on the trip, the plane of President Quang and his spouse touch down Lima military airport, Peru for APEC 2016 summit. both Vietnam and Peru are ones of the 12 members of TPP, if the pact becomes reality. well, actually it looks a dead end. Barack Obama attends the major event, too. it is expected he will try to explain the situation, if the pact has any chance. Anyway Vietnam will host APEC 2017 in Da Nang city. so we will greet Donald Trump next year in the city :D






Thank Viet, by why Vietnam Defence forum. It should be on VN Economy forum.
Thank Viet, by why Vietnam Defence forum. It should be on VN Economy forum.
Actually you are right. The theme fits more to economy but I am too lazy to update both military and economy threads. Although I think we can't hardly separate both as they are interacting in one or other way. Maybe we should ask mods here to merge both to "Vietnam forum". What do you think?
in the series of sea ports: a new $311 million sea port will be built in Quang Ninh. actually reclaiming land and build the entire infrastructure on it. the project will create approximately 110,000 jobs for locals. Pls don´t ask me where surface warships can dock :D
Meeting at the APEC summit (Peru). shaking hand and smiling with an incoming superpower :-)
Putting aside the typicial rhetorics, this one is interessting: China wants production capacity cooperation with Vietnam.

Also meeting with Putin. there are some topics to be discussed on economy, military on the table. besides, Quang met with Barack Obama. he probably sends him farewell wishes.
Japan, Vietnam reaffirm pledge to coordinate in South China Sea row with China
Online: Nov 21, 2016


LIMA – Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang have affirmed their commitment to peacefully resolving disputes in the South China Sea in line with international law, as Japan prepares to provide Hanoi with patrol ships to strengthen its maritime law enforcement capabilities.

Meeting on the sidelines of the Pacific Rim summit in Lima, Abe and Tran agreed to promote their domestic procedures to implement the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a 12-nation free trade agreement, according to Japan’s Foreign Ministry.

Preparations are underway to provide the patrols ships promised to Vietnam in September, Abe told Quang. Vietnam is among several countries embroiled in territorial disputes with Beijing in the South China Sea.

Abe promised Japan’s full support to Vietnam for its hosting of next year’s summit of the 21-member Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum. Quang meanwhile praised a planned visit to Vietnam next spring by Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko.

In separate talks, Abe and U.S. President Barack Obama agreed to continue close bilateral coordination in promoting the TPP and handling other international issues, the ministry said. Abe and Obama, who will leave office in January, hailed each other’s leadership in strengthening the Japan-U.S. alliance for the peace and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region.

In a meeting with James Soong, chairman of Taiwan’s People First Party, Abe said he hopes Beijing and Taipei will promote peaceful relations through dialogue, and that stable cross-strait ties will contribute to peace and prosperity in East Asia, according to the ministry.

Abe and Soong agreed to continue developing relations between Japan and Taiwan under the administration of President Tsai Ing-wen launched in May. Tsai’s Democratic Progressive Party has traditionally been skeptical of closer ties with China.

Abe held separate talks with Quang, Obama and Soong on the fringes of the two-day APEC summit that ended Sunday in the Peruvian capital. Soong attended the summit as Tsai’s proxy.
Putin is not going to reduce dependence on China because you say so? We'll see, but based on what appears that is going to happen and considering that the Russians don't fully trust China, I'd say that they will.

TPP is dead when is officially pronounced dead; as you said, Trump is softening his tone.

All the early signs indicate that as much as he wants to negotiate a grand bargain with China, he will not compromise on the security issues with China including SCS and unlike Obama that just talks, this guy is serious and he vowed to add a lot of military muscle. The chinese free ride with USA is about to be over.

Trump: US to quit TPP trade deal on first day in office

As for Russia, don't worry you will see whether we are right or wrong about Russia increasing even more cooperation or not.

Yup, keep betting on Trump playing the Asian Pivot game. Again we shall see :rofl:

Trump: US to quit TPP trade deal on first day in office

As for Russia, don't worry you will see whether we are right or wrong about Russia increasing even more cooperation or not.

Yup, keep betting on Trump playing the Asian Pivot game. Again we shall see :rofl:
You think the Vietnamese care so much and expect from TPP? http://e.vnexpress.net/news/business/vietnam-legislature-confirms-delay-on-tpp-decision-3479798.html We are desperate now :p:
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Well i think that somebody here tend to drawn out VN course of actions by himself and win imaginary arguments while completely clueless about how we actually care :v I think that after 100 years or so, many people of our northern neighbor still act the same as Ah Q by Lu Xun.

Truck mounted weapons of the VPA.




The runway will be long enough for Su-30 fighter aircraft to take off and land with brake parachute. Interesting, it is as if my post was read. If one remembers I once proposed lengthening the runway, stationing two Su-30 bombers on the island, protected by hardened shelters and hangars. Now thing is coming to reality. We will respond quicker to any provocation.
Why would we deploy Su-30 in the Spratly Islands then? In time of war, these islands will be obliterated in dozens of minutes, hours top, no matter they're under Chinese or Vietnamese control.

The extension of Spratly runway is likely to accommodate medium transport like C-295M, for a better logistic support. Currently we have only DHC-6, Mi-17 and Super Puma for light cargo and personnel, while heavier bulk cargos have to be transported by ships.
Why would we deploy Su-30 in the Spratly Islands then? In time of war, these islands will be obliterated in dozens of minutes, hours top, no matter they're under Chinese or Vietnamese control.

The extension of Spratly runway is likely to accommodate medium transport like C-295M, for a better logistic support. Currently we have only DHC-6, Mi-17 and Super Puma for light cargo and personnel, while heavier bulk cargos have to be transported by ships.

Yes, totally nonsense to deploy fighter jets there, particularly during war time.
During peace time, it might be ok to deploy MPA aircraft temporarily and its always good to have a good runway available in the area just in case of needing to have an emergency landing, etc. The main use of the runway and those large hangars is definitely for transport aircraft.
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