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Vietnam border official allegedly scribbles the word " F U " on Chinese woman's passport

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:coffee: This incidence shown us how LOW CALIBRE and UNDISCIPLINE this immigration officer from Vietnam was?

The Chinese tourist concerned should first of all report this incident to their Police or Security and Immigartion Department.

China Foreign Minisgtry should then lodge an official complaint with Communist Vietnam.

If Vietnam failed to response by NOT issuing an APOLOGY or FAILING to take disciplinary action against the culprit then China should retaliate by INTRODUCING a very hefty TARIFF or FEE on all travellers from China to Vietnam or Vice versa both ways to and fro.

This will deter MAINLAND CHINESE from visiting VIETNAM and let see who get hurt first.

Defacing a passport is a very serious offence. In some countries citizen may be JAILED.
The child-like behaviors and corruptions of many Vietnamese custom agents are well known throughout East Asia.

Chinese tourists enraged after Vietnam airport customs officers demand 10 yuan tips

A group of Chinese tourists caused an uproar inside Vietnam's Cam Ranh International Airport on Monday after customs officers demanded that they give them tips.

The tourists were on their way to a flight back to Sichuan from the coastal resort of Nha Trang in southern Vietnam when they ran into problems at customs. One of the tourists posted an account of the incident onWeibo, claiming that Vietnamese customs officers asked for a 10 yuan tip from each traveler, threatening to seize the passports of any who refused to pay up.


Some who did refuse were then asked for more and more money. One man was eventually forced to pay 100 yuan so that he, his wife and their child could get on the plane, the netizen alleges.

Predictably this situation led to a confrontation between about 100 Chinese tourists and a dozen Vietnamese officers. In a series of videos that have gone viral on Chinese social media, Chinese tourists can be seen protesting against this latest injustice by using the tried and true tactic of breaking out into the Chinese national anthem. Meanwhile, on the other side, Vietnamese customs officers readied their stun guns.


Overall, the incident did not result in much violence. One woman told reporters that officers had struck her husband on the back with a stun gun while he was trying to film the confrontation.

Netizens from across China have wrote in, claiming that they were also hassled for tips when returning from Vietnam and other Southeast Asian countries, and arguing that Chinese tourists should no longer visit Vietnam until these issues are resolved.

The Chinese consulate in Ho Chi Minh City has confirmed that the incident took place, issuing a statement to say that all Chinese citizens involved have already returned to the mainland and that they have requested an immediate response from the Vietnamese government. So far, nothing from Hanoi.

State media reports that already, in just the first four months of this year, 789,500 Chinese tourists have traveled to Vietnam, an increase of 47% from last year. Which all seems like pretty good money for Vietnamese customs officers, blackmailing Chinese tourists leaving the country with luxury items -- like lucky pears, brides andlychees, we presume.

While extorting travelers seems to have been a fairly common practice in the past for Vietnamese customs, in recent years, various anti-corruption crackdowns have managed to mend the ways of unscrupulous officers, though apparently it hasn't worked on everyone.


just a norm for them. My Chinese Viet co-worker was stupid enough to speak to customs in Vietnamese but he didn't know about this $20 bribe. Luckily the guard said to him "next time you come back, don't forget to bring a gift.."

LOL. I don't think he be going back unless for business

I think Chinese should avoid Vietnam if they have no business there.

:coffee: This incidence shown us how LOW CALIBRE and UNDISCIPLINE this immigration officer from Vietnam was?

The Chinese tourist concerned should first of all report this incident to their Police or Security and Immigartion Department.

China Foreign Minisgtry should then lodge an official complaint with Communist Vietnam.

If Vietnam failed to response by NOT issuing an APOLOGY or FAILING to take disciplinary action against the culprit then China should retaliate by INTRODUCING a very hefty TARIFF or FEE on all travellers from China to Vietnam or Vice versa both ways to and fro.

This will deter MAINLAND CHINESE from visiting VIETNAM and let see who get hurt first.

Defacing a passport is a very serious offence. In some countries citizen may be JAILED.

In cases like these, it's best to do that but also to use social media to shame them. Social media will get more attention and sometimes will be resolve faster.

Well that explains why mass of hungry Chinese desperately came to Vietnam asking for shelters and foods throughout centuries.


The only thing your post explain is your ignorant and stupidity.
Hopefully this act reflects the class of an individual only.

But, judging by the shameless celebration here, it might be worse than that.

But hey, if this is how you react to China's build-up and development, that's still makes you a petty criminal who are not even ready to talk to one in the face but scribble some dirty word on the passport of an unsuspecting lady.

Let's see what the Vietnamese officials will rush to scribe after they see Chinese and Russian warships drill right nearby.
Hopefully this act reflects the class of an individual only.

But, judging by the shameless celebration here, it might be worse than that.

But hey, if this is how you react to China's build-up and development, that's still makes you a petty criminal who are not even ready to talk to one in the face but scribble some dirty word on the passport of an unsuspecting lady.

Let's see what the Vietnamese officials will rush to scribe after they see Chinese and Russian warships drill right nearby.

Not all Viets are the same. I for one am certain that Viet gov will appropiate action. That officer might be a a paid trouble maker.

A distraction really.

There is some much to build and develop on SCS islands and sea.

We must focus at task in hand. Virtue demands this.

I give it two weeks before everything regarding CAP nonsense dies down.
you primitive Indian are really low on everything```

'against little vietnam'````` :lol: subconsciously, you look down on them as well```vietnam should be your friend, your big Vietnam friend, instead little as you just used```:D

viets+Indian=猴版咖喱···guys, now you know why its awful when they come together ````

and here comes a sixth world monkey```:D

Here comes a 6 years old child. :enjoy:
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