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Vietnam benefits from manufacturing exodus from China


Jun 18, 2012
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Viet Nam
Apple, Samsung and Xiaomi have moved their assembly lines out of China to Vietnam, as they seek to reduce dependence on the country.


Samsung's plant in the northern province of Bac Ninh. Photo courtesy of Samsung Vietnam

The country offers manufacturers access to the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) free trade bloc and preferential trade pacts with countries throughout Asia and the EU as well as the U.S., according to Nikkei Asia.

Apple Inc. has 11 factories run by its Taiwanese partners in Vietnam.
Four of them, Foxconn, Luxshare, Pegatron, and Wistron, are expanding.
Apple would consider using more Vietnamese suppliers, CEO Tim Cook said during a meeting with visiting PM Pham Minh Chinh on May 17.

A few weeks later Apple moved its iPad production out of China and to Vietnam, marking the first time the iconic tablet was assembled in Vietnam.

Its AirPods Pro 2 wireless earbuds may also be produced in Vietnam by mid-2022, analyst Ming-Chi Kuo told Apple Insider.
Apple is not the only smart device manufacturer expanding operations in Vietnam following China’s Covid-19 lockdowns.

South Korea’s Samsung has just completed construction of a US$220-million research and development center in Hanoi, its largest in Southeast Asia.

Its flagship phones Galaxy Z Fold and Z Flip are produced in the country.
Last year Samsung reported $74.2 billion sales for its Vietnam branch, up 14 percent from 2020. They included exports of $65.5 billion, up 16 percent.

China's Xiaomi also moved part of its production to Vietnam, with the first batch of its ‘made-in-Vietnam’ devices debuting Tuesday.

Delivery and logistics costs, driven up by the pandemic, were hindering Xiaomi's Southeast Asia production, a spokesperson told Chinese newspaper Global TimesTuesday.

Comparatively cheap labor is one of Vietnam’s most prominent advantages, Nikkei Asia said in its report, pointing out that Chinese workers earn CNY7,000 ($1,044) a month, twice as much as Vietnamese.

But Vietnam’s land cost advantage is diminishing, while factories are relying on parts and raw materials from China.

Industrial land rent in HCMC surged to a record high of $198 per square meter followed by Hanoi at $140 and Da Nang City at $80, according to a report by real estate consultancy Cushman Wakefield.

Average land rentals in southern industrial parks in the first quarter was $120 per square meter, a 9 percent increase from a year earlier, commercial real estate services company Jones Lang Lasalle reported in May.

Earlier this year Vietnam’s production was by supply chain delays due to China’s pandemic lockdowns.

Yang Zhongwei, production manager at a Chinese router parts maker's subsidiary in Vietnam, told Nikkei that clients had threatened to cancel orders as shipments from China were delayed.

Vietnam’s weak industrial base and higher costs are other hurdles, and so while his company is considering switching to local suppliers it has yet to manage to do so, he said.

Carbon taps for printers cost 21 yuan per roll in Vietnam, three times the price on Alibaba's Taobao in China, he pointed out.

This is good for the North and Dang Cong San, and of course whole of Vietnam. For too long, the power is in the South, because those compradors claims they better in managing economy, and Saigon is far richer than Hanoi (reason many Vietnamese diaspora and cook up property and ushered the west to invest near HCMC),

The rise of the North in economy basically allows the Northern Cadre to take back power recently. The main reason is North is near China supply chain and this leads to rise of Industrial North.

Now there is no one talking about South smarter than north anymore.

Today North is industrial powerhouse, while South is the FIRE economy guy,
Because of labor shortages and rising labor costs. The transfer of labor-intensive enterprises such as clothing and mobile phones from China has been China's economic policy in recent years. The transfer target is ASEAN countries, especially Mekong countries.

BTW: Xiaomi's production line was originally intended to be transferred to India, and later changed to Vietnam.
I do the need for China to transfer mobile phone production to Vietnam due to US and western sanction -- and not due to labor or other issue.

I suspect right now IC lead time and price level within China and outside China is different.
I do the need for China to transfer mobile phone production to Vietnam due to US and western sanction -- and not due to labor or other issue.

I suspect right now IC lead time and price level within China and outside China is different.
Plus: lockdown in China
Try to order some important electronics
They will tell you, delivery maybe in 6 months, maybe 12 months, we don’t know.
Plus: lockdown in China
Try to order some important electronics
They will tell you, delivery maybe in 6 months, maybe 12 months, we don’t know.

You are optimistic. For radar and DSP parts, you be lucky if western supplier told Chinese manufacturer 52 weeks lead time. Most likely it could be 90 weeks. Rest of world it is 52 weeks. I think US could be 20 weeks (Not too sure about US situation).

I do not see the reason why IC become so tight this 2 years. It is as if 80% of IC plant caught fire and burn up.

This is how western countries forces supply chain move out into China and into US nowadays.
You are optimistic. For radar and DSP parts, you be lucky if western supplier told Chinese manufacturer 52 weeks lead time. Most likely it could be 90 weeks. Rest of world it is 52 weeks. I think US could be 20 weeks (Not too sure about US situation).

I do not see the reason why IC become so tight this 2 years. It is as if 80% of IC plant caught fire and burn up.

This is how western countries forces supply chain move out into China and into US nowadays.
Delivery time will only get worse. Now the war in Ukraine, Putin running amok, gas and fuel running low, here people rush to buy electric cars, panicking to buy heating pumps.
I wonder where the factories will get all the components.
Well the China + 1 strategy is being used by most international companies. The +1 could be Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, Bangladesh, Thailand or Laos.

+1 is the variable, China is the constant.
Everyone thinks too well about white man and their so call rule base free market competition. Now China is the winning side of economics war and white man are losing. White man play dirty.

I believe very soon white man will resort of war, or assassination, robbery, piracy, confiscation, murder, bio warfare, subversion, at a ever larger scale than before, to maintain their hegemony.
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Because of labor shortages and rising labor costs. The transfer of labor-intensive enterprises such as clothing and mobile phones from China has been China's economic policy in recent years. The transfer target is ASEAN countries, especially Mekong countries.

BTW: Xiaomi's production line was originally intended to be transferred to India, and later changed to Vietnam.

Whats the weird fetish about white men?
Remember white men helped China against your fellow yellows win WW2 and then letting you in WTO to live decently.
That btw also includes other easterns PH, VN, JP,S Korea, pretty much all your region.
The only hegemony in your part of world is Putin and Jinping. Question them if you can.

I should narrow down white man to Anglo Jews.
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