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Vietnam Beats Rivals as Economy Braves China Storm

Well, considering the Vietnam Dong has been consistently depreciating against RMB in the past decade, I would say Vietnam's economic performance is nothing to write home about, especially comparing to China.

XE.com - CNY/VND Chart

Vietnam's economic problem isn't about any treaty or trade pact. It is mainly because it is a small nation.
Well, considering the Vietnam Dong has been consistently depreciating against RMB in the past decade, I would say Vietnam's economic performance is nothing to write home about, especially comparing to China.

XE.com - CNY/VND Chart

Vietnam's economic problem isn't about any treaty or trade pact. It is mainly because it is a small nation.

I don't compare VN with CN, it's not about China's stronger or bigger, I think VN should be compared with its similar size rival, like the South Korea, it is also a small nation, not to mention those small European countries. :D South Korea never rely on those organization like TPP, more ironically, even until now, Korea is not enthusiastic about TPP at all, although US want them in. So on this matter, I respect them.

It's about VN people's mentality - lazy and insecure, they need external influence to help them up, this is their only hope.
The jungle should hurry up and join TPP at the same time we should put more rigs in SCS just to ignite the barbarism hidden inside these macacas. Burn down more factories :flame::flame::flame::flame: Vietcongs don't need Chinese factories to keep their jungle economy alive. USA and Japan shall come to their aid :cheers:
My small city alone (HK) with only 7 million people, has almost double the GDP of Vietnam, despite Vietnam having almost 100 million people.

Hell, even China's "currency reserves" alone are over $4 trillion.

Do you know how many times larger our currency reserves are than your total GDP?

There is simply no way you are going to compete with us in economic terms, even if you reached 20% growth per annum.

Could you make a favor to compare China economy with 1.4 billion and Japan with under one-tenth population ?

China has ever been poor, just simply to think about similarity when Vietnam starting from poor to better ... like China before.
jungle chinese are crazy, a nation with 1,4 billion men and still just a kid in comparison with japan in 100 year in economic field.
P/s: HKer never consider them as chinese, if some member in this forum told that they were hker, it mean that they were a home helper in hk
jungle chinese are crazy, a nation with 1,4 billion men and still just a kid in comparison with japan in 100 year in economic field.
P/s: HKer never consider them as chinese, if some member in this forum told that they were hker, it mean that they were a home helper in hk
Hehe, seems you know Hongkong people like theirself, don't talk shit man, don't talk sh!t.
jungle chinese are crazy, a nation with 1,4 billion men and still just a kid in comparison with japan in 100 year in economic field.
P/s: HKer never consider them as chinese, if some member in this forum told that they were hker, it mean that they were a home helper in hk

At least China's GDP in total doubles Japans. But VN, you have 90 million people, South Korea only has 50 million, your GDP is till 1/10 of them. You do the math, you need to work harder, amigo.
LOL, Vietnam coming back! Congrats!

However, your rival would be Korea. Similar population and size. Even Korea rely on China, they play balance game between China and US, how could you VN be excluded?
It is a historic moment right now as Vietnam faces a historic desicion. Majority of Vietnamese think our future lies in the South, West and East, not North.

As for Korea, we like them. Korean companies are on track to surpass Japanese as the #1 investor in Vietnam. If you don´t know I can tell you that Chinese investment in contrast is lower than 1% in total of FDI, so virtually non-existent.

Sounds like you're trying to apply Jungle Economics to non-jungle economies. Maybe you will finish negotiations for TPP, but EU and EEU are nowhere near completion. And TPP cements your status as a slave - that's the only reason it's proceeding so fast. So far, vociferous anti-TPP protests have been held in almost every participant country - everyone except those with jungle vision can see it renders their country a slave of US corporations.

It seems you don't understand the structure of your jungle economy either. Apart your your raw resource exports (bananas, coconuts), all your "manufactured" items use textile materials and machinery from China. You're simply the lowest link on our supply chain. There's a reason your trade surplus with the USA almost perfectly matches your deficit with China. When you try to shut China out, you are only slapping your own face. Cambodia and Laos and Bangladesh can do your textile jobs just as well. Maybe they don't have as good a coastline as yours, but that won't matter if you can't behave yourself, and you spook foreign investors with your spontaneous violence and rioting.

BTW, you should have posted this in the "Vietnam economy" thread. There's no good reason the China and Far East section should be spammed with minor "news" about an economy smaller than Kuwait's.
...coming from a pathetic country China
I see you love rant using words such as jungle, banana or slave to describe Vietnam. If you bother to look at your history of China, your country had been seen as such. No need to mention the millions of Chinese deaths by famine, civil war, revolution, genocide, poverty, etc..
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It is a historic moment right now as Vietnam faces a historic desicion. Majority of Vietnamese think our future lies in the South, West and East, not North.

As for Korea, we like them. Korean companies are on track to surpass Japanese as the #1 investor in Vietnam. If you don´t know I can tell you that Chinese investment in contrast is lower than 1% in total of FDI, so virtually non-existent.

I wish VN best luck. You have more hope than PH.
I don't compare VN with CN, it's not about China's stronger or bigger, I think VN should be compared with its similar size rival, like the South Korea, it is also a small nation, not to mention those small European countries. :D South Korea never rely on those organization like TPP, more ironically, even until now, Korea is not enthusiastic about TPP at all, although US want them in. So on this matter, I respect them.

It's about VN people's mentality - lazy and insecure, they need external influence to help them up, this is their only hope.

You said on PDF that your salary is not paid in time, I think your lazy too.
At least China's GDP in total doubles Japans. But VN, you have 90 million people, South Korea only has 50 million, your GDP is till 1/10 of them. You do the math, you need to work harder, amigo.
Yes, I can conclude: in your eyes VN is poor, weak and small.
So I wonder why don´t you pack your stuffs and piss off?

We don´t need anything from a pathetic country.
...coming from a pathetic country China
I see you love rant using words such as jungle, banana or slave to describe Vietnam. If you bother to look at your history of China, your country had been seen as such. No need to mention the millions of Chinese deaths by famine, civil war, revolution, genocide, poverty, etc..

I know the truth hurts, but but don't focus on my lexical choices, focus on the argument.

How to do you expect FTA with EU and EEU to be completed by the end of the year?
How do you intend to avoid being enslaved under TPP when every other participant is holding massive protests in fear of this? Are they all misguided in their fear, except for Vietnam?
How do you intend to separate Vietnam's economy from China's when your pitiful manufacturing industry is just a link in our supply chain?

The rules of jungle-style debating cannot suffice here. You need to attack the argument, not your opponent or his word choices.
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