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Vietnam Beats Rivals as Economy Braves China Storm


Jun 18, 2012
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Viet Nam
Bloomberg News
By Tanya Angerer June 26, 2014


Nguyen Tan Dung, Vietnam's prime minister. Dung is targeting annual economic growth of about 6.5 percent in the 2016 to 2020 period, up from 5.4 percent last year, as the government takes steps to spur exports and attract foreign investment. Photographer: Brent Lewin/Bloomberg

Vietnam’s dollar bonds are the best performing in Asia this quarter as global investors bet the economy’s recovery can ride out a maritime spat with China.

The 4.2 percent return on U.S. currency debt in the nation beat 14 other Asian countries tracked by Bank of America Merrill Lynch indexes. The yield on Vingroup JSC’s 11.625 percent notes due 2018 sank 81 basis points this quarter to 8.213 percent, while that on Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry & Trade’s 8 percent 2017 paper slumped 63 to 5.315 percent. Bank for Investment & Development of Vietnam said falling costs will support its bond sale plans.

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung is targeting annual economic growth of about 6.5 percent in the 2016 to 2020 period, up from 5.4 percent last year, as the government takes steps to spur exports and attract foreign investment. Money managers say tension over a Chinese oil rig in disputed waters will be short lived and scarcity of the notes will drive demand.

“Problems with the country’s relationship with China aren’t a key criteria in investment decision making,” said Sergey Dergachev, a senior portfolio manager who helps oversee about $10 billion in emerging-market debt at Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH in Frankfurt. “In Asia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Vietnam offer good yields at the moment, and that’s been exploited by investors this quarter.”

High Returns

Vietnam dollar bonds have returned 15.49 percent over the past 12 months, the most of any country in Asia, HSBC Holdings Plc indexes show. Notes in Sri Lanka gained 15.45 percent, Singapore U.S.-currency securities 7.46 percent, Indonesia 14.27 percent, Thailand 8.90 percent and those in the Philippines 11.80 percent.

Bank for Investment & Development, or BIDV, Vietnam’s second-largest by assets, hasn’t borrowed outside of local-currency debt markets before, data compiled by Bloomberg show. It has the equivalent of about $645 million of bonds and loans outstanding, and an average weighted fixed coupon of 10.45 percent.

Although Vietnam’s central bank trimmed its key policy rates in March, reducing the discount rate to 4.5 percent from 5 percent and the refinancing rate to 6.5 percent from 7 percent, borrowing costs near zero in Europe, the U.S. and Japan make financing internationally that much more attractive.

“The downside trend of dollar bond yields is a positive factor, supporting BIDV’s international bond issuing plan,” said Do Ngoc Quynh, the bank’s Hanoi-based treasury head. He said he sees potential for seeking “long-term dollar funds.”

Dong Devalued

Vietnam’s central bank devalued the dong for the first time in a year this month to help spur exports and authorities may weaken it another 1 percent by Dec. 31, according to a June 19 research note by Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd.

While inflation, which surpassed 20 percent in 2011, has held below 5 percent for the last four months, it accelerated to 4.98 percent year-on-year in June. That may boost sales at Vietnamese retailers including Intimex Group JSC, Bloomberg Industries analyst Thomas Jastrzab said June 24.

As the country’s economic prospects improve, the cost to insure its debt against non-payment is dropping. Credit-default swaps protecting government bonds fell to 189.5 basis points on June 11, the least since May 2013. Vietnam is rated B2 by Moody’s Investors Service, the fifth-highest non-investment grade. Standard & Poor’s rates it two grades higher at BB- and Fitch Ratings Ltd. one level up at B+.

Emerging Inflows

“We’ve seen a strong performance in all Asian frontier markets,” Rajeev de Mello, who manages $10 billion as the head of Asian fixed income in Singapore at Schroder Investment Management Ltd. said “Riskier lower-rated countries do benefit tremendously from more stable global macro conditions.”

Emerging-market bond inflows reached a record in excess of $2 billion in the first week of June as investors look overseas for higher returns, ANZ said, citing EPFR Global data.

Vietnam dollar bond yields average 3.64 percent, JPMorgan Chase & Co. indexes show, compared with 4.53 percent and 4.32 percent in the Philippines and Thailand respectively. Investment-grade U.S. dollar-denominated corporate bonds globally yield 2.97 percent and touched 2.92 percent May 28, the least in a year, Bank of America Merrill Lynch indexes show.

Vietnam Beats Rivals as Economy Braves China Storm: Asean Credit - Businessweek
China sucks.

With the negotiations expected to be completed with 3 major economic blocs FTAs at the end of this year: the US-led TPP, Russia-led Customs Union and Germany-led European Union, we can further reduce the dependence on the chinese economy.
China sucks.

With the negotiations expected to be completed with 3 major economic blocs FTAs at the end of this year: the US-led TPP, Russia-led Customs Union and Germany-led European Union, we can further reduce the dependence on the chinese economy.
At the end of 2014, let's review Vietnam GDP growth.
In today's world, nobody could circumvent China to do business, no matter how many treaties you sign. We will let you viets suffer many many pain in the future. our objective is to become you the poorest country in the southeast asia, if you are lucky to maintain one nation then.
At the end of 2014, let's review Vietnam GDP growth.
5.18 per cent was seen for the fist half. the government hopes GDP growth of 5.8 per cent this year, followed by 6.0 per cent in 2015 and 6.5 per cent a year for the following 4 years.

but there are many uncertainties in this projection.
5.18 per cent was seen for the fist half. the government hopes GDP growth of 5.8 per cent this year, followed by 6.0 per cent in 2015 and 6.5 per cent a year for the following 4 years.

but there are many uncertainties in this projection.

Vietnam has abundant energy resources. It should be growing double-digit year
on year.
In today's world, nobody could circumvent China to do business, no matter how many treaties you sign. We will let you viets suffer many many pain in the future. our objective is to become you the poorest country in the southeast asia, if you are lucky to maintain one nation then.
Nah...your ill wish does not fit to a picture of a wannabe superpower.
China sucks.

With the negotiations expected to be completed with 3 major economic blocs FTAs at the end of this year: the US-led TPP, Russia-led Customs Union and Germany-led European Union, we can further reduce the dependence on the chinese economy.

My small city alone (HK) with only 7 million people, has almost double the GDP of Vietnam, despite Vietnam having almost 100 million people.

Hell, even China's "currency reserves" alone are over $4 trillion.

Do you know how many times larger our currency reserves are than your total GDP?

There is simply no way you are going to compete with us in economic terms, even if you reached 20% growth per annum.
China sucks.

With the negotiations expected to be completed with 3 major economic blocs FTAs at the end of this year: the US-led TPP, Russia-led Customs Union and Germany-led European Union, we can further reduce the dependence on the chinese economy.

LOL, Vietnam coming back! Congrats!

However, your rival would be Korea. Similar population and size. Even Korea rely on China, they play balance game between China and US, how could you VN be excluded?
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China sucks.

With the negotiations expected to be completed with 3 major economic blocs FTAs at the end of this year: the US-led TPP, Russia-led Customs Union and Germany-led European Union, we can further reduce the dependence on the chinese economy.

Sounds like you're trying to apply Jungle Economics to non-jungle economies. Maybe you will finish negotiations for TPP, but EU and EEU are nowhere near completion. And TPP cements your status as a slave - that's the only reason it's proceeding so fast. So far, vociferous anti-TPP protests have been held in almost every participant country - everyone except those with jungle vision can see it renders their country a slave of US corporations.

It seems you don't understand the structure of your jungle economy either. Apart your your raw resource exports (bananas, coconuts), all your "manufactured" items use textile materials and machinery from China. You're simply the lowest link on our supply chain. There's a reason your trade surplus with the USA almost perfectly matches your deficit with China. When you try to shut China out, you are only slapping your own face. Cambodia and Laos and Bangladesh can do your textile jobs just as well. Maybe they don't have as good a coastline as yours, but that won't matter if you can't behave yourself, and you spook foreign investors with your spontaneous violence and rioting.

BTW, you should have posted this in the "Vietnam economy" thread. There's no good reason the China and Far East section should be spammed with minor "news" about an economy smaller than Kuwait's.
No, we will treat you like what US treat Cuba, only that can demonstrate the power of China, set an example to the world.

I agree. I don't understand why the Chinese government and Chinese companies are so materialistic. They would make enemy stronger if they can make some pennies off them. Gee. We need long term visions!
I agree. I don't understand why the Chinese government and Chinese companies are so materialistic. They would make enemy stronger if they can make some pennies off them. Gee. We need long term visions!
don't worry, we will be tough one way or another. most people in the world now underestimate china's while overestimeate america's power. In the next 3 years, there will be a shock in world politics and vietnam will be the first victim
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