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Trafficking of Chinese women on the rise
By Zhang Yan and He Dan (China Daily)
Updated: 2011-01-24 06:55

BEIJING - The number of Chinese women trafficked overseas and forced into prostitution has risen amid an increasing presence of international crime groups, a senior police officer said.

The women, mostly from poor rural areas, were trafficked mainly for forced marriage or forced prostitution, Chen Shiqu, director of the anti-human trafficking office under the Ministry of Public Security, said.

Forced marriages in poor areas of Southwest China's Yunnan and Guizhou provinces were behind most of the trafficking, he said.

"But there has been a growing trend for organized transnational human trafficking crime groups to target Chinese women for forced prostitution in foreign countries," Chen told China Daily.

A majority of the targeted women were from poor rural areas in China and were trafficked to Southeast Asia, Europe and Africa, Chen said but declined to provide specific figures.

But he cited statistics from Malaysian police as saying a total of 5,453 Chinese women suspected of engaging in prostitution were detained by the end of November.

Chinese police have cracked 9,165 trafficking cases and rescued 17,746 women since April 2009 when the Ministry of Public Security launched a special campaign, according to statistics from Chen's office.

Huge profits for organized crime groups allied to poor awareness among rural Chinese women about the dangers of human trafficking contributed to a growing number of international cases.

"Many of the trafficked women were cheated by criminal suspects under the guise of overseas study or high-paid jobs and then forced into prostitution," he said.

There is an increasing need for more international cooperation as trafficking in other countries can involve various organized crime groups, he said.

China has signed the Mekong River Sub-regional Cooperation Anti-trafficking Memo with Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia and set up an annual senior-official meeting mechanism to help curb international trafficking.

Beijing has also established eight border offices with neighboring countries, such as Vietnam, Myanmar and Laos, to combat trafficking, Chen said.

Chinese police have also cooperated with their Russian, British, Australian and Malaysian counterparts in intelligence exchange and investigation.

Police in China, with the help of foreign counterparts, have carried out a number of successful rescue operations, Chen said.

Last November, police rescued 15 women who had been trafficked from Sichuan province to Africa for prostitution. The operation began following a tip-off in May that the women had been trafficked to Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The ministry dispatched a special investigation team there and detained two Chinese suspects, surnamed Zhuang and Yao, on Nov 26, 2010.

Dai Peng, head of the investigation department of the Chinese People's Public Security University, said lack of financial and manpower resources are hindering police efforts to fight international trafficking.

He Yunxiao, a national project coordinator from the UN Inter-Agency Project on Human Trafficking, told China Daily that international cooperation is vital, as it leads to greater intelligence sharing and the extradition of suspects.

Cao Yin contributed to this story.

Trafficking of Chinese women on the rise
Trafficking of Chinese women on the rise
By Zhang Yan and He Dan (China Daily)
Updated: 2011-01-24 06:55

BEIJING - The number of Chinese women trafficked overseas and forced into prostitution has risen amid an increasing presence of international crime groups, a senior police officer said.

The women, mostly from poor rural areas, were trafficked mainly for forced marriage or forced prostitution, Chen Shiqu, director of the anti-human trafficking office under the Ministry of Public Security, said.

Forced marriages in poor areas of Southwest China's Yunnan and Guizhou provinces were behind most of the trafficking, he said.

"But there has been a growing trend for organized transnational human trafficking crime groups to target Chinese women for forced prostitution in foreign countries," Chen told China Daily.

A majority of the targeted women were from poor rural areas in China and were trafficked to Southeast Asia, Europe and Africa, Chen said but declined to provide specific figures.

But he cited statistics from Malaysian police as saying a total of 5,453 Chinese women suspected of engaging in prostitution were detained by the end of November.

Chinese police have cracked 9,165 trafficking cases and rescued 17,746 women since April 2009 when the Ministry of Public Security launched a special campaign, according to statistics from Chen's office.

Huge profits for organized crime groups allied to poor awareness among rural Chinese women about the dangers of human trafficking contributed to a growing number of international cases.

"Many of the trafficked women were cheated by criminal suspects under the guise of overseas study or high-paid jobs and then forced into prostitution," he said.

There is an increasing need for more international cooperation as trafficking in other countries can involve various organized crime groups, he said.

China has signed the Mekong River Sub-regional Cooperation Anti-trafficking Memo with Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia and set up an annual senior-official meeting mechanism to help curb international trafficking.

Beijing has also established eight border offices with neighboring countries, such as Vietnam, Myanmar and Laos, to combat trafficking, Chen said.

Chinese police have also cooperated with their Russian, British, Australian and Malaysian counterparts in intelligence exchange and investigation.

Police in China, with the help of foreign counterparts, have carried out a number of successful rescue operations, Chen said.

Last November, police rescued 15 women who had been trafficked from Sichuan province to Africa for prostitution. The operation began following a tip-off in May that the women had been trafficked to Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The ministry dispatched a special investigation team there and detained two Chinese suspects, surnamed Zhuang and Yao, on Nov 26, 2010.

Dai Peng, head of the investigation department of the Chinese People's Public Security University, said lack of financial and manpower resources are hindering police efforts to fight international trafficking.

He Yunxiao, a national project coordinator from the UN Inter-Agency Project on Human Trafficking, told China Daily that international cooperation is vital, as it leads to greater intelligence sharing and the extradition of suspects.

Cao Yin contributed to this story.

Trafficking of Chinese women on the rise

Women trafficked for prostitution from southwestern provinces like Sichuan and Yunnan and Guizhou are ethnic minorities, idiot, those three places are home to the largest number of ethnic minorities in China and most are very poor. Those women are not Han Chinese.


Again, ethnic minority women from Yunnan, look up before trying to troll and failing.

Yunnan women flock to Thai sex industry | South China Morning Post

Aug 9, 2004 - Poverty drives members of ethnic minority groups to head across the ... in the region had a member who had worked as a prostitute in Thailand.


There are reports that many Thai hilltribe chil- dren have been trafficked to the nationís urban areas for prostitution. Thailand also draws children from ethnic minorities in Yunnan Province, China into its sex trade.


Thailand also draws children from ethnic minorities in Yunnan Province, China into its sex trade.

DAI MINORITY | Facts and Details

Dai Women Willingly Seeking Work as Prostitutes

An increasing number if young women in Yunnan Province are willingly going to Thailand and Malaysia to work as prostitutes or are being ordered by their families to work in brothels in these countries because the money is good. Girls from the Dai minority are particularly sought after in Thailand because they are regarded as beautiful and their language is similar to Thai.

One 20-year-old woman in the Mekong River village of Langle told the New York Times, “If you ca't go to Thailand and you are a young woman here, what can you do? You plant and you harvest. But in Thailand and Malaysia I heard it was pretty easy to earn money so I went....All the girls would like to go, but some have to take care of their parents.”

The girls work in bars and most of the money they take in tricks goes to their pimp or brothel owner. The money they earn comes from “tips” by customers. Many make their way across the border hidden in the baggage compartment of buses and hope to get lucky and meet and marry an overseas Chinese or at least bring enough money back for a better life for themselves and their families.

Many are unable to save much even after a couple of years. Some do quite well and this is often reflected by the nice homes—with satellite television, air conditioning, generators and tile designs—in the home of their parents. Some families with several daughters live in chateau-like homes with chandeliers, leather-covered sofas, golden Buddhist altars and fancy home entertainment centers. Dai boys often do't like the set up because the girls who return from Malaysia and Thailand come back snobby and do't want to have anything to do with them.

Public Health in Asia and the Pacific: Historical and Comparative Perspectives - Google Books

Public Health in Asia and the Pacific: Historical and Comparative Perspectives - Google Books

and women for thesex industry in Thailand,especially from highland minority groups in Burma and Yunnan ( China).


According to you, since they are minorities in Southern China and Baiyue, they are Vietnamese brothers. Why are you trolling your Baiyue "brothers" about prostitution?

And Vietnam sends prostitutes to Yunnan

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don't lie.

Chinese human traffickers don't care about ethnicity of their victims.

The Trafficking of Women and Girls for Prostitution and Brides in China

Wrong. Most "Chinese" girls trafficked for prostitution and brides are ethnic minorities in Yunnan, because most of them live in grinding poverty. Han people are richer, so traffickers target minorities. Traffickers don't care, but they target minorities because they are poorer and easier to exploit, many minority Dai girls willingly become prostitutes. Many Dai and Lahu girls got sold to traffickers to get married to wealthier Han Chinese on the coast, or trafficked as prostitutes to Thailand or Malaysia. I don't approve of this, its you who is trolling your own self proclaimed Baiyue "brothers" with these articles. Vietnamese traffickers are notorious for selling their own women in other countries.

The Lahu Minority in Southwest China: A Response to Ethnic Marginalization ... - Jianxiong Ma - Google Books

The Lahu Minority in Southwest China: A Response to Ethnic Marginalization ... - Jianxiong Ma - Google Books

Smuggling and Trafficking in Human Beings: All Roads Lead to America - Sheldon Zhang - Google Books
Wrong. Most "Chinese" girls trafficked for prostitution and brides are ethnic minorities in Yunnan, because most of them live in grinding poverty. Han people are richer, so traffickers target minorities. Traffickers don't care, but they target minorities because they are poorer and easier to exploit, many minority Dai girls willingly become prostitutes. Many Dai and Lahu girls got sold to traffickers to get married to wealthier Han Chinese on the coast, or trafficked as prostitutes to Thailand or Malaysia. I don't approve of this, its you who is trolling your own self proclaimed Baiyue "brothers" with these articles. Vietnamese traffickers are notorious for selling their own women in other countries.

The Lahu Minority in Southwest China: A Response to Ethnic Marginalization ... - Jianxiong Ma - Google Books

The Lahu Minority in Southwest China: A Response to Ethnic Marginalization ... - Jianxiong Ma - Google Books

Smuggling and Trafficking in Human Beings: All Roads Lead to America - Sheldon Zhang - Google Books

This is Han Chinese from Shanghai, she claimed that she is Deng Xiaoping grand daughter.


Spy and Sex Scandal Implicates Chinese Woman and S. Korean Diplomats | All | Society | China | Epoch Times
Can a mod clean this up, why does every thread turn into these crap. This is a military confrontation and yet somehow even this got turn into this......

Back on topic, I understand don't fire unless necessary, but if the ship has resorted to ramming, that means the offensive has been taken, does these ships not do anything else?

I guess that was more than a half a decade ago, we got better and bigger ships now, but what are they armed with is the question...
This is Han Chinese from Shanghai, she claimed that she is Deng Xiaoping grand daughter.


Spy and Sex Scandal Implicates Chinese Woman and S. Korean Diplomats | All | Society | China | Epoch Times

So what Ho Chi Minh is my grand uncle...i claim.

Can a mod clean this up, why does every thread turn into these crap. This is a military confrontation and yet somehow even this got turn into this......

Back on topic, I understand don't fire unless necessary, but if the ship has resorted to ramming, that means the offensive has been taken, does these ships not do anything else?

I guess that was more than a half a decade ago, we got better and bigger ships now, but what are they armed with is the question...
Why don't Chinese military shoot them like 1987?
Why is Vietnam even contemplating on messing with China in China's territories? US will not fight China n behalf of Vietnam.

In 1974, Vietnam soldiers still position in what you call "China's territory" ...
So don't pretend that's undeniable thing.
Let Japanese shoot you like in WW II ?

All I know is Japan is currently one of the few nations that can't declare war and is in fact under the direct influence of the US, China mean while is a UN security council member and a victory nation in WW2.

At best Vietnam can claim to have tied with us in 79, when we were at our weakest. In order to win either territory or something must be more favorable to you. You didn't get international prestige or money or even not having your land burnt on our way back, so....

Not quite the same deal is it.
China should reveal the Gaven reef incident ,too. Lie cant help PLA look stronger.

My name is Zhou Kai, a missing soldier brother, looking for their loved ones have 18 set. Missing soldier named Zhou Zhiheng, formerly the South China Sea Fleet 38,901 troops (now renamed as 92,057 troops) guard company medic, served two camps five with instruments. November 7, 1990, in the Spratly Islands in the South smoked Reef garrison perform tasks were enemy agents attack the entire garrison personnel 11 people martyred sacrifice, verified after several days, six people have found the bodies of five people were found.

1990 South Reef's first seventh takeover smoked 12 people dead six people, five people missing, Anhui 徐会平 burn forever because the Department of the reef treatment survived. Six corpses in two Hunan Lixian gates and Dai Chu said township officials embankment Xuebing. 5 missing persons have my brother Zhou Zhiheng, there reef Chang allegiance.

Zhang allegiance by 300 degrees of myopia glasses found at the top of the sea is a martyr. My brother can not qualitative but disappeared 19 years. In accordance with relevant laws and regulations of the state in the implementation of the border and the disappearance of combat missions in three years as a martyr. But now the State Central Military Commission are still shirk. They have to appeal several times, brother Zhanjiang troops also been countless times, each time without success. Is motherland so treat it heroes and heroines do? People want to know the good news can help me or give me point out one last wish to help my brother to complete the road. Old mother on behalf of nearly 70 years, I first say thanks to all the well-wishers.

The relevant department issued a certificate of revolutionary soldiers sacrificed because of the public to upload up to avoid all suspicion. Is this a caring society does not help me! I am sure there!

Who killed 11 Chinese troops in Gaven Reefs in 1990 ?
Chinese clown here think they are real smart. If Chinese men have to wait till 40 looking for women in China and then cannot find one there and has to eventually buy a wife, who do you think it reflects badly on? Are you guys so blinded by nationalism that you proclaim a serious gender imbalance as a success story?

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