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Vietnam acknowledged Chinese sovereignty over South China Sea in 1958

What a despicable and weak excuses
Why your Government dare not bring this letter to International Law of Sea (ITLOS) ? because they know that they can not claim under this letter, it is not value also for them to claim
Đảo Bạch Long Vỹ;1895254 said:
Prove that it belong to China! Of course you can't. You always avoid to prove it because you know it does not belong to China :rofl: :rofl:

You can't prove it belong to China but we already prove it belongs to Vietnam and you can't refute so that means it belongs Vietnam!

Here a lot of evidence of both sides, not need repeated.
Your tactics habits is deny our evidence .
With justice eyes, you will know these two islands belong to China. :chilli::taz:
I will not reply.
Here a lot of evidence of both sides, not need repeated.
Your tactics habits is deny our evidence .
With justice eyes, you will know these two islands belong to China. :chilli::taz:
I will not reply.

Where is your evidence? I've broken all of Chinese arguments I've met. Did I miss anything?
If I missed something, post here.
Deny other argument is your tactic, not mine.
You will not reply because you don't have any argument to reply :rofl:
There is perfect proverb for this incident.

"Laaton ke bhoot baaton se nahi maante" ( means that people who dont understand by reason then they understand by kicks on their )

First South Korea was bought in line by kicks when north Korea sunk its nay ship.then was the turn of Japan when it got the kick from china on disputed island issue. now its the turn of Vietnam also bought in line with kicks on south china issue.Soon India will be in line when it will be kicked like other 3 ,it will accept chinese sovereignty over South Tibet (AP) like it did accept chinese sovereignty over Tibet.Cina must help pakistan to force india accept Pakistani sovereignty over Jammu and kashmir and Rann of kutch.If india dont fall in line then kick it and kick it hard.
India must exert its sovereignty over whole Indian ocean coz its named after india like china exerts its sovereignty over whole south china sea coz its named after china.likewise Bangladesh must exert its sovereignty over Bay of bengal and saudi arab must exert its sovereignty over arabian sea.
Chinese are just being greedy. It is clear that Chinese are trying to muscle smaller states in to submission.

The map of Chinese claim in sea is just ridiculous. Such ambitions will bring the downfall of a to be superpower.

If US was fighting with Canada all the time, it would never be the power it is now.
Chinese are just being greedy. It is clear that Chinese are trying to muscle smaller states in to submission.

The map of Chinese claim in sea is just ridiculous. Such ambitions will bring the downfall of a to be superpower.

If US was fighting with Canada all the time, it would never be the power it is now.

Chinese will never come to the position of the US for the simple reason they are surrounded by hostile or states wary of their rise. SK,Japan,Vietnam, Indonesia,India to name a few.

All these states must mutually help each other along with interested allies (read US) to keep this new-bully-in-the-block in check.
Document of chinese king shows the Paracels islands belong to Viet Nam.


Map of chinese king shows the far south border of china without Paracel and Spratly.

Document of chinese king shows the Paracels islands belong to Viet Nam.


Map of chinese king shows the far south border of china without Paracel and Spratly.


1) tell us which king, on what year, he allegedly proclaimed something?

2) tell us per your document where did the king said Spratly is Vietnam's or is not China's?

3) if your government give you a map of Hanoi, does that mean only Hanoi is yours but nothing else?

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