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Vietnam acknowledged Chinese sovereignty over South China Sea in 1958

People forget that without people working for North Vietnam within the South Vietnam govt and military, it would not have been possible for North Vietnam to win.

Therefore, to say that North Vietnam alone is responsible for Vietnam is ridiculous.

Statements of North Vietnam is not the voice of United Vietnam!

If it were, then there would have been no demonstration against the Chinese aggressive actions and intent in the South China sea.

this note and statement not only North Vietnam's note and statement but also Coalition government's note and statement.

your can see Coalition government statement 1979,if the note and statment only Related North Vietnam and isn't Coalition government's note and statment ,then you government no need explain for the note and statment ,your government can simply to say "this is not my note ,this is not my statment".
why your government must explain ? and why your government have the right to explain the note and statment if this only is north Vietnam note and statment .
of course we can claim we want, the key is Whether Reasonable.and other countries whether agree our is reasonable and admit it.
for this claim every Governments can express their views.
if you think we are Reasonable than you can select admit our claim,
if you think we are unReasonable you can select object we clalim,
if you not clear whether we are Reasonable then you can select silence.

North Vietnam think we are Reasonable so chose to recognize our claim.

Otherwise,we think Vietnamese Government 1979 declared is unReasonable , so we oppose such a declared.
There lies your problem. That letter made no admissions regarding the islands. It does not say any names, like how Imperial Japan mentioned names in the surrender document.
There lies your problem. That letter made no admissions regarding the islands. It does not say any names, like how Imperial Japan mentioned names in the surrender document.

The Democratic Republic of Vietnam's Government agreed to terms of China's public statment in 9-4-1958 about China's sea territory claim.The Democratic Republic of Vietnam Government respect it, and will direct all Agencies to absolute respect the 12 nautical miles sea territory of China in all matters with the People's Republic of China in the East Sea.


Hanoi 14-9-1958.

note:agreed to terms of China's public statment in 9-4-1958 about China's sea territory claim.

and what is 9-4-1958 about China's sea territory claim
"Declaration of the Government of the People's Republic of China on China's Territorial Sea (September 4, 1958)" in English

Declaration of the Government of the People's Republic of China on China's Territorial Sea (September 4, 1958)

  The Government of the People's Republic of China declares:

  1. The breadth of the territorial sea of the People's Republic of China shall be twelve nautical miles. This provision applies to all territories of the People's Republic of China including the Chinese mainland and its coastal islands, as well as Taiwan and its surrounding islands, the Penghu Islands, the Dongsha Islands, the Xisha Islands, the Zhongsha Islands, the Nansha Islands and all other islands belonging to China which are separated from the mainland and its coastal islands by the high seas.
2. China's territorial sea along the mainland and its coastal islands takes as its baseline the line composed of the straight lines connecting bas-points on the mainland coast and on the outermost coastal islands; the water area extending twelve nautical miles outward from this baseline is China's territorial sea. The water areas inside the baseline, including Bohai Bayand the Chiung chow Straits, are Chinese inland waters. The islands inside the base line, including Tungyin Island, Kaoteng Island, the Matsu Islands, the Paichuan Islands, Wuchiu Island, the Grater And Lesser Quemoy Islands, Tatan Island, Erhtan Island and Tungting Island, are islands of the Chinese inland waters.

  3. No foreign aircraft and no foreign vessels for military use may enter China's territorial sea and the air space above it without the permission of the Government of the People's Republic of China.

  While navigation Chinese territorial sea, every foreign vessel must observe the relevant laws of the People's Republic of China and regulations of its government.

  4. The principles provided in paragraphs (2) and (3) apply also to Taiwan and its surrounding islands, the Penghu Islands, the Dongsha Islands, the Xisha Islands, the Zhongsha Islands, the Nansha islands, and all other islands belonging to China.

  The Taiwan and Penghu areas are still occupied by the United States armed force. This is anunlawful encroachment on the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the People's Republic of China. Taiwan, Penghu and such other areas are yet to be recovered, and the Government of the People's Republic of china has the right to recover these area by all suitable means at a suitable time. This is China's internal affair, in which no foreign interference is tolerated.

do you think only Full text copied down can be considered is effective?
and what is 9-4-1958 about China's sea territory claim
"Declaration of the Government of the People's Republic of China on China's Territorial Sea (September 4, 1958)" in English

do you think only Full text copied down can be considered is effective?
Third party don't have right to what not belong to, dear Sir.
North Vietnam don't have right to agree with China.
and what is 9-4-1958 about China's sea territory claim
"Declaration of the Government of the People's Republic of China on China's Territorial Sea (September 4, 1958)" in English

do you think only Full text copied down can be considered is effective?
This is why your argument is laughable: Because your logical thinking skill is laughable. Before China can make a declaration regarding sovereignty over a territory, said territory must be recognized by international consensus as belonging to China in the first place and said territory must not be in international dispute.
Third party don't have right to what not belong to, dear Sir.
North Vietnam don't have right to agree with China.

Disputes between China and South Vietnam, you do not allow others to comment who is right or who is wrong? Not allow others support China?
But sorry, you can only unhappy, you can not prohibit, for other countries to respond to the statement, Whether they choise acknowledged or against , or silence. this is the right of each country

north Vietnam think the Chinese is reasonable, why they did not recognize China's a statement.
Even the North Vietnam do not support South Vietnam sovereignty over these island, so these two islands belong which country you should know it.
This is why your argument is laughable: Because your logical thinking skill is laughable. Before China can make a declaration regarding sovereignty over a territory, said territory must be recognized by international consensus as belonging to China in the first place and said territory must not be in international dispute.

the note and 1964 statement show China and Vietnam have reached the consensus that these two islands belong to China. So if these two island have sovereignty dispute, nor should be disputes between Vietnam. and china .Can only between China and other countries.

You is laughable
why you cant think simply , Vietnam Recognition these two islands belong to China ,and china recognize Hanoi belong to Vietnam.No different, you not need we give Hanoi ,we not need you give these island. you and us only is Recognition the fact .
dont talk sourth Vietnam ,even north Vietnam not supoort his claim. and south Vietnam is death.
the note and 1964 statement show China and Vietnam have reached the consensus that these two islands belong to China. So if these two island have sovereignty dispute, nor should be disputes between Vietnam. and china .Can only between China and other countries.
No...Neither of them are in agreement. China make a claim so in order to support that claim, at least from the Vietnamese side, the details of that claim must be spelled out. Why is that so difficult to understand? Where is it in Phạm Văn Đồng's 1958 letter that has the islands' names? China's claim has many names. If Viet Nam want to concede the islands, they must be singled out among the list provided by China. Only then can that letter be construed as some kind of treaty. Not a very bright bulb, are you?
Disputes between China and South Vietnam, you do not allow others to comment who is right or who is wrong? Not allow others support China?
But sorry, you can only unhappy, you can not prohibit, for other countries to respond to the statement, Whether they choise acknowledged or against , or silence. this is the right of each country

north Vietnam think the Chinese is reasonable, why they did not recognize China's a statement.
Even the North Vietnam do not support South Vietnam sovereignty over these island, so these two islands belong which country you should know it.

On 16-6-1956, the State Department of the Saigon government announced, again affirmed Vietnam's sovereignty to the Spratly Islands. Also in this year, the Saigon government was firmly opposed to the People's Republic of China occupied the islands east of the Paracel Islands from South Vietnam.
On 22-2-1959, the Saigon government arrested 82 times in a "fisherman" People's Republic of China landed on the island Huu Nhat, Duy Mong and Quang Hoa of the Paracel Islands.
On 20-4-1971, the Saigon administration once again confirmed the Spratly Islands territory of South Vietnam.
On 13-7-1971 Secretary of the Saigon administration once again affirmed Vietnam's sovereignty over the islands in a press conference on 10-7-1971.
On 01.19.1974, the military forces of the People's Republic of China occupied by the South West group of the Paracel Islands in the day and the Saigon government statement condemned the People's Republic of China violated South Vietnam's territorial integrity.
On 26-1-1974, the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam claimed three point stances on the resolution of territorial disputes; on 14-2-1974 statement said Islands Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelago is a part of the territory of South Vietnam.
Day 5 and 6-5-1975, the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam announced the liberation of the islands in the Spratly Islands by the Saigon government hold. On 28-6-1974, announced at the first session of the Conference 3 rd Law of the Sea in Caracas that the Paracel and Spratly islands are Vietnam's.
May 9-1975, delegation Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam at the Meteorological Conference in Colombo claimed that the Paracel Islands from Vietnam and request the World Meteorological Organization to continue the name meteorological stations in Vietnam's Hoang Sa meteorological list of the World Meteorological Organization (previously registered in the system of stations of the expression of OMM 48 860).
On 16-6-1956, the State Department of the Saigon government announced, again affirmed Vietnam's sovereignty to the Spratly Islands. Also in this year, the Saigon government was firmly opposed to the People's Republic of China occupied the islands east of the Paracel Islands from South Vietnam.
On 22-2-1959, the Saigon government arrested 82 times in a "fisherman" People's Republic of China landed on the island Huu Nhat, Duy Mong and Quang Hoa of the Paracel Islands.
On 20-4-1971, the Saigon administration once again confirmed the Spratly Islands territory of South Vietnam.
On 13-7-1971 Secretary of the Saigon administration once again affirmed Vietnam's sovereignty over the islands in a press conference on 10-7-1971.
On 01.19.1974, the military forces of the People's Republic of China occupied by the South West group of the Paracel Islands in the day and the Saigon government statement condemned the People's Republic of China violated South Vietnam's territorial integrity.
On 26-1-1974, the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam claimed three point stances on the resolution of territorial disputes; on 14-2-1974 statement said Islands Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelago is a part of the territory of South Vietnam.
Day 5 and 6-5-1975, the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam announced the liberation of the islands in the Spratly Islands by the Saigon government close hold. On 28-6-1974, announced at the first session of the Conference 3 rd Law of the Sea in Caracas that the Paracel and Spratly islands are Vietnam's.
May 9-1975, delegation Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam at the Meteorological Conference in Colombo claimed that the Paracel Islands from Vietnam and request the World Meteorological Organization to continue the name meteorological stations in Vietnam's Hoang Sa meteorological list of the World Meteorological Organization (previously registered in the system of stations of the expression of OMM 48 860).
All of this is useless. The man does not have a logical thinking bone in his body. He will dismiss this and assert that North Viet Nam is the more legitimate side without explaining how in the first place.
No...Neither of them are in agreement. China make a claim so in order to support that claim, at least from the Vietnamese side, the details of that claim must be spelled out. Why is that so difficult to understand? Where is it in Phạm Văn Đồng's 1958 letter that has the islands' names? China's claim has many names. If Viet Nam want to concede the islands, they must be singled out among the list provided by China. Only then can that letter be construed as some kind of treaty. Not a very bright bulb, are you?

The Democratic Republic of Vietnam's Government agreed to terms of China's public statment in 9-4-1958 about China's sea territory claim.The Democratic Republic of Vietnam Governmentrespect it, and will direct all Agencies to absolute respect the 12 nautical miles sea territory of China in all matters with the People's Republic of China in the East Sea.


Hanoi 14-9-1958.

why you cant see the black word .

you also agree North Vietnam not Sovereignty over these islands,why you think North Vietnam provided islands to China?

in fact there is no difference when North Vietnamese government see These two islands or other china territories, , do not say South Vietnam, because Vietnamese government do not recognize his claim.so why your premier need Single out the island name ,if your want know name ,he also tell you where can get it . that is "terms of China's public statment in 9-4-1958"
On 16-6-1956, the State Department of the Saigon government announced, again affirmed Vietnam's sovereignty to the Spratly Islands. Also in this year, the Saigon government was firmly opposed to the People's Republic of China occupied the islands east of the Paracel Islands from South Vietnam.
On 22-2-1959, the Saigon government arrested 82 times in a "fisherman" People's Republic of China landed on the island Huu Nhat, Duy Mong and Quang Hoa of the Paracel Islands.
On 20-4-1971, the Saigon administration once again confirmed the Spratly Islands territory of South Vietnam.
On 13-7-1971 Secretary of the Saigon administration once again affirmed Vietnam's sovereignty over the islands in a press conference on 10-7-1971.
On 01.19.1974, the military forces of the People's Republic of China occupied by the South West group of the Paracel Islands in the day and the Saigon government statement condemned the People's Republic of China violated South Vietnam's territorial integrity.
On 26-1-1974, the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam claimed three point stances on the resolution of territorial disputes; on 14-2-1974 statement said Islands Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelago is a part of the territory of South Vietnam.
Day 5 and 6-5-1975, the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam announced the liberation of the islands in the Spratly Islands by the Saigon government hold. On 28-6-1974, announced at the first session of the Conference 3 rd Law of the Sea in Caracas that the Paracel and Spratly islands are Vietnam's.
May 9-1975, delegation Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam at the Meteorological Conference in Colombo claimed that the Paracel Islands from Vietnam and request the World Meteorological Organization to continue the name meteorological stations in Vietnam's Hoang Sa meteorological list of the World Meteorological Organization (previously registered in the system of stations of the expression of OMM 48 860).

please Providing the source.
All of this is useless. The man does not have a logical thinking bone in his body. He will dismiss this and assert that North Viet Nam is the more legitimate side without explaining how in the first place.

By the Geneva Agreement 1954 signed bay North Vietnam and China also, North Vietnam are divided from 17 Altitude up to northward. North Vietnam and South Vietnam are same legitimate under international legalities.
By the wording of diplomat letter of PVD, he has been taken to knowledge, by the North Vietnam's right under international law, to the respective for the 12 miles to the coastal sea related to mainland of China only, doesn't mentioned about Islands. In other hand, all the International commitment have to get approvals from Vietnam's National Assembly.
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