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Videos show militants’ reach in northwest Pakistan

the title of the thread suggests that the militants are marching and capturing areas and pushing the state forces back. Hence it’s a bit misleading just like the TTP in Sawat when it burnt down the courts in Bunair, the west started shouting that Taliban were 60 miles away from Islamabad (note that it’s a flight distance and Imran Khan famously responded to this in one of his speeches saying yes ..Islamabad is as far as a crow flies”.. hope you get the joke)

In reality they can be anywhere, they disguise as locals and civilians and roam about and when they don’t see any drone or helicopter or security posts and conveys they come out wave their weapons, harass and shoot locals as punishment for siding with the army and then vanish.
They wait and stay undercover and then pop out when there is no one to stop them and resume.

There are other videos of their “soldiers” marching in uniform in one busy market of an federal agency, while the people are busy with their daily business. The whole scene is for 5 mins (mainly for propaganda and show) and then they vanish in the streets.

Militants know too well that security forces can’t be every where or come to an area fast enough every time while they are there. While army has to restore order, rebuild and deploy, militants have no such obligation, they can move on, leave their dead, find another hiding place to regroup and plan and strike where there is least or no resistance to stop them

^^but why pakistani army should do what we see in the video?
maybe to his logic, maybe to shoot in its own foot? maybe its bored that only Americans, Afghans and TTP are against it and not the peaceful people of tribal areas.

But on one hand Pakistan army and ISI is so smart and clever that its getting American aid and allegedly supporting the Taliban that are fighting NATO, on the other hand its killing its own people and copying the TTP
makes perfect sense yea.....?

ERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan: If US policy makers need proof of how little control Pakistan has over its strategic border region with Afghanistan, all they need to do is watch videos available on YouTube of militants believed to be terrorising the streets of North Waziristan.

Videos show militants’ reach in northwest Pakistan | | DAWN.COM

if US policy makers want a proof how little control NATO and ANA has over Afghanistan then they should see the footage of the attacks in Kabul, Kandahar, Lashker Gah and the abandoned bases and check posts of NATO now occupied by Taliban.

coming to the little control, this is proof enough that Pakistan army cant open yet another front in North Waziristan while the rest of the area is not secured.

hopefully US think tanks , advisor and media will be careful in selecting videos and stories that don’t strengthen the Pakistani argument for reasons not to expand the war on terror and open new fronts.

It will be comical if Kyani or Pasha play this video to visiting Americans and say, see ? we told you so.. we need to pacify these areas first before we launch new operations elsewhere.
This video is from summer..but is this summer of 2011/2010/2009 or past who knows? whats the credibility of its actual timeline...when it was captured?

All vehicles used by terrorists look same, most of them has no number plates, same tinted windows. Tinted are not even allowed in main cities...so either these vehicles are received by one contractor(i think i don't want to go in detail here)...or could be stolen then modified...must have a sophisticated radio system too...

The purpose of releasing this video is an attempt to pressurize PA's role in the area... creating a picture of poor law enforcement in NWA would be a hot topic & good source of income for media (esp western).
This is the actual video. Check it out. Militants blowing up a civilian with a bomb at his feet!

Bl00dy dastardly acts by these terrorists! :tdown: This area should be renamed as TTPstan since Pakistan has no control over it.
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it's in Pashto....if u want i could provide some translation

it's basically a jihady/propaganda type thing
This is the actual video. Check it out. Militants blowing up a civilian with a bomb at his feet!

Bl00dy dastardly acts by these terrorists! :tdown: This area should be renamed as TTPstan since Pakistan has no control over it.

as india have control over every inch of its own .... what we call that places in india what bout MOISTISTAN ????
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Dear Readers, Please stop and think for a moment before proceeding with your thoughts. We are dealing with a group of terrorists responsible for ruthlessly murdering thousands of innocent people. Now how can any nation look the other way after a blatant display of power by terrorists who would pick up anyone they wish and take them away? Actions speak louder than words and isn’t that what these videos display? Do not these videos justify our demand to dismantle the same terror network whose terrorists would pick up the innocent, the morally pure and kill them brutally while video taping their crime.

On both sides of the border we are dealing with the same group of terrorists. We have come a long way together in killing and capturing some of the biggest named terrorists and disrupting their networks. We cannot give them any leeway now and need to gear-up to give them a final blow.

There will be conspiracy theorists who attempt to muddle the discussion and accuse us of wrong doing. These videos trump their weak argument?

Maj TG Taylor
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
Dear Readers, Please stop and think for a moment before proceeding with your thoughts. We are dealing with a group of terrorists responsible for ruthlessly murdering thousands of innocent people. Now how can any nation look the other way after a blatant display of power by terrorists who would pick up anyone they wish and take them away? Actions speak louder than words and isn’t that what these videos display? Do not these videos justify our demand to dismantle the same terror network whose terrorists would pick up the innocent, the morally pure and kill them brutally while video taping their crime.

On both sides of the border we are dealing with the same group of terrorists. We have come a long way together in killing and capturing some of the biggest named terrorists and disrupting their networks. We cannot give them any leeway now and need to gear-up to give them a final blow.

There will be conspiracy theorists who attempt to muddle the discussion and accuse us of wrong doing. These videos trump their weak argument?

Maj TG Taylor
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

We support full action against haqqani network but USA should not be Hippocratic to assume there is good taliban or bad taliban. Every terrorist should be brought to justice along with their facilitators, supporters, trainers etc.
Dear Readers, Please stop and think for a moment before proceeding with your thoughts. We are dealing with a group of terrorists responsible for ruthlessly murdering thousands of innocent people. Now how can any nation look the other way after a blatant display of power by terrorists who would pick up anyone they wish and take them away? Actions speak louder than words and isn’t that what these videos display? Do not these videos justify our demand to dismantle the same terror network whose terrorists would pick up the innocent, the morally pure and kill them brutally while video taping their crime.

On both sides of the border we are dealing with the same group of terrorists. We have come a long way together in killing and capturing some of the biggest named terrorists and disrupting their networks. We cannot give them any leeway now and need to gear-up to give them a final blow.

There will be conspiracy theorists who attempt to muddle the discussion and accuse us of wrong doing. These videos trump their weak argument?

Maj TG Taylor
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

U are right these are terrorists and need to be sorted out. But i have one question whats difference between them and USA ? USA has/is doing same..... Stop your terror first before telling us what to do.

Now i am hope Pakistan find a way to sort out this huge problem...... but with help of locals not bombing
U are right these are terrorists and need to be sorted out. But i have one question whats difference between them and USA ? USA has/is doing same..... Stop your terror first before telling us what to do.

Now i am hope Pakistan find a way to sort out this huge problem...... but with help of locals not bombing

there is a lot of difference my dear,
if the terrorists had the same resources as the USA does then the whole region would have been the bloody chowk of Sawat or the Football stadium of Afghanistan (during taliban rule)
we might differ on the methods but our goals are the same
let there be no doubt about it

I fully understand that that there are people who would love to see an open conflict between America and Pakistan but rest assured it will never happen. they can open as many threads they want but their trolling and flamming wont become a reality.

its good thatUS & Pakistan are able to talk about our differences and those talks dont end with one participant loosing his head (like the case with the terrorists where thee is no room for disagreement).
this video and thousands other are a reminder that the war on terror actually has only "pricked the blister" and the terror puss has come out, now we all have to clean it together.

This is the video I think.

At 3:10 there is a beacon on top of their car :blink:

Also Taliban has access to auto tune :woot:

Miranshah ha been cleared... my fathers frnd is commanding FC there... he lot 74 soldiers including 3 officers to cros border raids by thee scumbags.
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