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Video shows Ahsan Iqbal heckled in restaurant by PTI supporters

I couldn't watch that. If you have children you fear ever having to think about the pain he is suffering right now. Astagfirullah.

May Allah swt grant him sabr.

Watching him cry shook me to my core.
I didn't click on it for that very reason.

What this liar and hypocrite was doing in McDonald, advising people to consume less tea

I see no hypocrisy here. Maybe he just had burgers, fries and for drinks he had coffee/colas and no tea.

That apart it is not an advisable course of action harassing netas at public places. One of these days they maybe accompanied by plain clothes Gullu Butts- there will hell to pay

They forget that PTI harboured the likes of aleem khan and JKT. Lolll
Wow! So you remember that PTi harboured (past tense) the likes of Aleem Khan and JKT but forgot how the same PTI also threw them out once allegations of corruption started coming to light, the first time any party did so.
You also conveniently forget where these two chaps are now and which party are they supporting these days? Agar sharam aii to Naam zaroor Lena us party ka.
Talk about being a hypocrite.
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  • Pro-PTI supporters exasperate planning minister by chanting slogans against him at restaurant.
  • Twitterati condemn incident, calls it "manifestation of growing intolerance in politics".
  • "Instead of holding a dialogue with me, they started chanting slogans,” Iqbal writes on Twitter.
Federal Minister for Planning and Development Ahsan Iqbal was heckled by a group of PTI supporters on Friday when he went to a restaurant, a viral video has shown.

The visuals of the incident, where the pro-PTI supporters could be seen hurling abuses at the minister, took social media by storm as people started sharing the video on Twitter.

Many Twitterati condemned the incident and called it a manifestation of growing intolerance in politics.

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The incident took place at a popular fast-food outlet where the lawmaker had visited to have dinner. Later on, taking to Twitter, Iqbal wrote: “Today, a family — who apparently considered themselves elites and supported PTI — clashed with me.”

“Instead of holding a dialogue with me they started chanting slogans,” he wrote, adding that as a counter-attack, other people present at the restaurant also started chanting slogans against the PTI.

Criticising the PTI Chairman Imran Khan for instilling hatred among people, Iqbal wrote: “Just like their ignorant and lunatic leader, his supporters are following suit.”

Retweeting a condemnation tweet, the planning minister further said: “These people, who claim to be literates, are actually ignorant and fascist just like the followers of Hitler."

“We are neither going to get intimidated by them nor we would surrender because of them,” he wrote, adding that such people are the moving proof of PTI's “mental bankruptcy”.

“Imran [Khan] is polarising the society at the behest of illicit funders,” he added.

“Today, a family — who apparently considered themselves elites and supported PTI — clashed with me.”

How does he know they were "considering themselves elites and supporters of PTI"? Does this charlatan have a crystal ball? This is not 1999, this is 2022 and the age of social media, like it or lump it, you can't lie and hide the facts from the masses using selected press releases and curated news articles anymore.


Thus Allah made them taste humiliation in the life of the world, and verily the doom of the Hereafter will be greater if they did but know. - 26th verse of chapter 39 Surat l-Zumar.


What this liar and hypocrite was doing in McDonald, advising people to consume less tea

I see no hypocrisy here. Maybe he just had burgers, fries and for drinks he had coffee/colas and no tea.

That apart it is not an advisable course of action harassing netas at public places. One of these days they maybe accompanied by plain clothes Gullu Butts- there will hell to pay

Lol... Indian spokesperson for PMLN has come online on PDF to defend charlatans.
People aren't waking up yet. This was just one family. There was spineless slaves who just stood and watched with their hands folded due to fear. These women have showed great courage to standup to this dacoit.
People are afraid
its easy to say
both pakistanis are pretty docile
the very reason why they were ruled by sikh and british for so long

as compares to chinese and russians..firecely patriotic
People are seeing the true colours of these creatures and realising the their actions, they have caused mega losses to Pakistan and it’s people we don’t have value anymore in world.
So calling a chor a CHOR is not correct?
I am waiting to see what happens to bagwa once he retires and faces the public.
Straight to Belgium after retirement. Bawla won't come into public.
He was actually buying imported and expensive coffee from McDonald's not a meal while lecturing the public to not drink tea. Epic :lol:

Arastu sahab ko agar chor sai masla hai phir munafiq keh lain?

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Criminal munafiq slave of criminal mafroor.
Well Ahsan Iqbal himself said corruption hoti rehti hai and should be tolerated.

He should take the chants as a compliment.
He did take it as a compliment. He only had a problem because aam awam were calling him out on it.

Speaks of the popularity of Imran Khan that aam awam are being called PTI workers.

Was hoping for a Shinzo Abe moment there. Khair...
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