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Video shows 24 students being swept away by floods

bloody hell. U seem so dumb. We have faster rivers and riptides in the Thames for god sake. Come to UK and see it

It does not matter the human body needs 12 inches of water to float.
You have to be to Uttarakhand and Himachal to understand how furious and icy cold these rivers actually are
You can figure that out from the video.They waited for the water to rise.
Oh! Boy.........Maybe you haven't had the chance to wander around in these parts of the world.There's a reason why they are called Mighty Himalayan rivers.

The water flow changes in a few seconds and hits you like a train!
Oh yes we have the swiss alps.

They underestimated the power of river flow.

its because asians do not take a gap year off and get tough.
bloody hell. U seem so dumb. We have faster rivers and riptides in the Thames for god sake. Come to UK and see it

It does not matter the human body needs 12 inches of water to float.
How about you bring you mermaid @ss here and breaststroke through this stretch before passing judgement.
How about you bring you mermaid @ss here and breaststroke through this stretch before passing judgement.

as i said it was tragic but all those students are numb skulls who did not know how to swim

How about you bring you mermaid @ss here and breaststroke through this stretch before passing judgement.
Even a young english lass will beat you. Do you know our female swimmers have better records then your men swimmers in any competition?
as i said it was tragic but all those students are numb skulls who did not know how to swim

Best swimmers too have limitations. One of my friend who regularly crossed Tungabhadra almost died in a small hilly river in Northern Karnataka.
Now you are all over the place.

I was in uniform before your parents put you in liquid form. Remember I said the video was tragic but the lives were lost because they just did not know how to swim

Best swimmers too have limitations. One of my friend who regularly crossed Tungabhadra almost died in a small hilly river in Northern Karnataka.

Gossip at its best.
Why cant Indian's swim? most school children here can
Did you ever trying swimming in water gushing at 60 kmh? No? Try it. Then see how well your swimming expertise comes into play. You'll be carried away like a twig in a grade 4 rapid.
If I was in their place, I too would have underestimated. Not underestimate actually...but unexpected.

Under estimating is different from saving ones life. Sorry to say but if it was 19 UK kids all of them would have come out safely. Why not make swimming compulsory in schools?

Did you ever trying swimming in water gushing at 60 kmh? No? Try it. Then see how well your swimming expertise comes into play. You'll be carried away like a twig in a grade 4 rapid.
Idiot that is why your diving course in Kochi uses our training?
as i said it was tragic but all those students are numb skulls who did not know how to swim

Even a young english lass will beat you. Do you know our female swimmers have better records then your men swimmers in any competition?
I was talking about this tragic incident, yes those students were at fault, who probably don't even know how to swim let alone being good swimmers. These guys were on a college trip they might have been drinking or maybe not, but sudden increase in the flow of water froze them in fear and hence this unfortunate incident happened.
I agree with your second point but that's not being discussed here.
Under estimating is different from saving ones life. Sorry to say but if it was 19 UK kids all of them would have come out safely. Why not make swimming compulsory in schools?

Idiot that is why your diving course in Kochi uses our training?
Don't talk like an imbecile. When you haven't even felt the water with your toe, your comments don't carry any weight. Don't rationalise when you lose an argument. It makes you look silly..
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