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Video showing USA cop gunning down black suspect

Yes, cops have died before. Hardly gives cops an excuse to shoot down other suspects.

If you shoot someone in the back, that means this guy is fleeing from you and you have no life jeopardy issue. That is unacceptable.

In the video, the black guy is clearly fleeing and then he fall down.

Why would US police want to shoot a fleeing black in the torso?


As a former security personnel, sorry, I can only come to such conclusion.
I just hold US cops in higher regard than Brazilian, Pakistani or Nigerian cops. I don't think there's wrong with shooting a suspect when endangered, but why are US cops shooting to kill? Take a look at German cops, who are taught to avoid using their firearms whenever possible.

The problem is, a soldier always know where the threat was and they know what to expect shen they entered a combat zone. While cop is a bit different, the main prospect is, as a cop, you dont really know if the next dude you talk to will pull a 9 mil and kill you, when that do happen, you got about 1 second to react, it simply asking too much for a cop to pull his gun, aim the assilient arms and fire, all in that tiny second. And for an untrained (cops went range 6 times a year) person, they will usually aim at the easiest part, the body.

Should they shoot to kill? Or shoot to wound? If its the latters then there are no reason for them to carry deadly arms, a taser would have already been enough

I was a conscript in Singapore military.

I was posted to a few branch. Receive basic training as infantry, and then serve in some sort of military police. The infantry doctrine will never ask you not to kill. In infantry, the more you kill the better.

Only the military police has certain engagement rules against intruders or during duty. I was thinking it is an intriguing idea that police has shoot to kill doctrine.

strange, as i work with MPs all the time, i do not recall they have a different set of firearm handling
Yes, cops have died before. Hardly gives cops an excuse to shoot down other suspects.

what are the stats of black suspects shot and killed by the police??? just curious.
and i wonder what the stats of black men killed by his fellow black man???
i would think it would dwarf the cops being killn us stat.

not saying cops are angels and not saying black people or people who don't like cops are all criminals, but come on there are bigger issues.

black men need to stop killing each other
they need to stop slinging and doing drugs
they need to be their for their children not dead or in jail
they need to respect themselves and the law
they need to help themselves out and their community instead of just raping about their problems and destroying their community

people not from the U.S don't just get the black person mentality here, and you can't talk about it without being called a racist and not saying white people don't do it too, and i think it's be coming more of a problem since it's like hell can't beat them might as well join them.
The problem is, a soldier always know where the threat was and they know what to expect shen they entered a combat zone. While cop is a bit different, the main prospect is, as a cop, you dont really know if the next dude you talk to will pull a 9 mil and kill you, when that do happen, you got about 1 second to react, it simply asking too much for a cop to pull his gun, aim the assilient arms and fire, all in that tiny second. And for an untrained (cops went range 6 times a year) person, they will usually aim at the easiest part, the body.

Should they shoot to kill? Or shoot to wound? If its the latters then there are no reason for them to carry deadly arms, a taser would have already been enough

strange, as i work with MPs all the time, i do not recall they have a different set of firearm handling

Given USA trigger hungry cop, you do not expect your MPs to be gentle, dont you? Or maybe they have engagement rules but they will not leak out to other unit.

Come back to the cop shooting.

I also understand that in USA, cop is a dangerous occupation. You saw your colleague dead meat. You know that people you deal with could be better arm. And USA police may not be so educated.

Naturally it would be -- fire.
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what are the stats of subjects shoot by police??? just curious.
and i wonder what the stats of black men killed by his fellow black man???
i would think it would dwarf the cops be shootin us cry.

not saying cops are angels and not saying black people or people who don't like cops are all criminals, but come on their are bigger issues.

black men need to stop killing eachother
they need to stop slinging and doing drugs
they need to be their for children not dead or in jail
they need to respect themselves and the law
they need to help themselves out and their community instead of just raping about their stuggles and destoring their community

people from the U.S don't just get that black person mentality here, and you can't talk about it without being called a racist and not saying white people don't do it too, and i think it's coming more of a problem since it's like hell can't beat them might as well join them.

You're comparing a racial group which has been plagued for decades with crime, drugs, murder etc with an institution which has the responsibility of protecting the populace. I will hold the US police to a greater standard than crack dealers and muggers in Chicago and Detroit.

I'm not saying that blacks have loads of issues regarding their community. I as much as anyone want good and honest black folk to start working to improve their black community and stop the looters and muggers. Hearing about the protesting in Ferguson and all the lootings and stores set on fire made me angry. Does any of this make Tamir Rice or Darren Wilson right? Of course not. Regardless of what blacks are doing, the cops had no right to shoot the suspects in the way they did.

While cop is a bit different, the main prospect is, as a cop, you dont really know if the next dude you talk to will pull a 9 mil and kill you, when that do happen, you got about 1 second to react, it simply asking too much for a cop to pull his gun, aim the assilient arms and fire, all in that tiny second. And for an untrained (cops went range 6 times a year) person, they will usually aim at the easiest part, the body.

Should they shoot to kill? Or shoot to wound? If its the latters then there are no reason for them to carry deadly arms, a taser would have already been enough

Well, like you said, cops don't know who they might be encountering so not carrying arms is going to end up being problematic, especially in dangerous cities.
You're comparing a racial group which has been plagued for decades with crime, drugs, murder etc with an institution which has the responsibility of protecting the populace. I will hold the US police to a greater standard than crack dealers and muggers in Chicago and Detroit.

I'm not saying that blacks have loads of issues regarding their community. I as much as anyone want good and honest black folk to start working to improve their black community and stop the looters and muggers. Hearing about the protesting in Ferguson and all the lootings and stores set on fire made me angry. Does any of this make Tamir Rice or Darren Wilson right? Of course not. Regardless of what blacks are doing, the cops had no right to shoot the suspects in the way they did.

Well, like you said, cops don't know who they might be encountering so not carrying arms is going to end up being problematic, especially in dangerous cities.

blacks and liberals use that as a cop out.
any race can come to the U.S and within 2 generation be successful, especially Asians and Jews.

I feel that's just a cop out. if you wanna make it here you can. immigrants and even illegals come here by the thousands and within 2 generations they are pretty damn wealthy, but blacks??? nah, it's too easy just to blame the man and white people for all your problems.

if it's so bad why not just immigrate??? it's a hard knock life living pretty damn well in a 1st world country and getting free stuff and can pretty much say and do anything just because of your skin color and throw up the race card to shut people up, lol
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Given USA trigger hungry cop, you do not expect your MPs to be gentle, dont you? Or maybe they have engagement rules but they will not leak out to other unit.

Come back to the cop shooting.

I also understand that in USA, cop is a dangerous occupation. You saw your colleague dead meat. You know that people you deal with could be better arm. And USA police may not be so educated.

Naturally it would be -- fire.

No, if anything MP whould be more focus on Shoot to Kill policy as now you dont assume your suspect is armed and dangerous. but you know they are

Problem is, you dont know what was I saying, why a cop need to pull the sidearm out in the first place, they dont do it when they are ordering in local macdonald, or ordering coffee in a local star bucks, if he pull his side, that means he feel that his life is at risk.

What happened after the fact does not denied or justified the account of the cop pulling the sidearm, its always what s in the moment that counted.

Yeah, you know in the end when everything dusted and settle that the "firearms" is a toy, but would you have that information when the cop pull the side on the suspect?

You're comparing a racial group which has been plagued for decades with crime, drugs, murder etc with an institution which has the responsibility of protecting the populace. I will hold the US police to a greater standard than crack dealers and muggers in Chicago and Detroit.

I'm not saying that blacks have loads of issues regarding their community. I as much as anyone want good and honest black folk to start working to improve their black community and stop the looters and muggers. Hearing about the protesting in Ferguson and all the lootings and stores set on fire made me angry. Does any of this make Tamir Rice or Darren Wilson right? Of course not. Regardless of what blacks are doing, the cops had no right to shoot the suspects in the way they did.

Well, like you said, cops don't know who they might be encountering so not carrying arms is going to end up being problematic, especially in dangerous cities.

You kind of answered your own question.

If a sidearms is warrant, then this acts alone would negate the shoot to wound policy you have been avocating.
No, if anything MP whould be more focus on Shoot to Kill policy as now you dont assume your suspect is armed and dangerous. but you know they are

Problem is, you dont know what was I saying, why a cop need to pull the sidearm out in the first place, they dont do it when they are ordering in local macdonald, or ordering coffee in a local star bucks, if he pull his side, that means he feel that his life is at risk.

What happened after the fact does not denied or justified the account of the cop pulling the sidearm, its always what s in the moment that counted.

Yeah, you know in the end when everything dusted and settle that the "firearms" is a toy, but would you have that information when the cop pull the side on the suspect?

You must understand Singapore context. We have disarmed our citizen and we do not throw in divisions to fight somewhere else.

Until more defcon, the MP engagement rules may remain it is.

There are police force who shoot and kill robbers when robber try attacking them will knife. One need to react to actual situation.

But in textbook, we are taught shoot to injured.

A MP killing an unarm intruder of army camp will definitely be a big scandal here, and will harm the military and government credibility.
blacks and liberals use that as a cop out.
any race can come to the U.S and within 2 generation be successful, especially Asians and Jews.

I feel that's just a cop out. if you wanna make here you can. immigrants and eve illegals come here by the thousands and within 2 generations they are pretty damn wealthy, but blacks??? nah, it's too easy just to plan the man and white people for all their problems.

if it's so bad why not just immigrant??? it's a hard knock life living pretty damn well in a 1st world country and get free stuff and can pretty much say and do anything just cause of you skin color and throw up the race card to shut people up, lol

Yes, I've heard this diatribe against blacks a million times. I partially agree with it, but doesn't bend the morality of the decision of cops.
Yes, I've heard this diatribe against blacks a million times. I partially agree with it, but doesn't bend the morality of the decision of cops.

I think this cop is wrong but I can fully understand why he did this.

Imagine a not so educated man (assuming he is not educated), facing a bunch of possibly highly armed blacks for 365 days.
Yes, I've heard this diatribe against blacks a million times. I partially agree with it, but doesn't bend the morality of the decision of cops.

how many cops do you think there are in the U.S???
over 500,000 of course something like this is going to happen every once in awhile.

but why is it only a big deal when the suspect is black and the cop is white???

i just wish there was no cops and just let street justice happen. then we can just watch people lynch each other like they do in South America.
I think this cop is wrong but I can fully understand why he did this.

Imagine a not so educated man (assuming he is not educated), facing a bunch of possibly highly armed blacks for 365 days.

I can sympathize with him too. Like I said though, doesn't make him right. Should I start allowing Pakistani police to shoot suspicious Afghan individuals due to many Afghans being involved in extortion, drug-smuggling and petty crime? Of course not.

how many cops do you think there are in the U.S???
over 500,000 of course something like this is going to happen every once in awhile.

Point? When an incident like this does take place, people should be trying to punish those who were responsible.
but why is it only a big deal when the suspect is black and the cop is white???

You're arguing more about the response than what happened. I've seen cases of police assaulting Whites too and condemned it just as I condemn what happened to Mike Brown. Who gives a damn about what the left says? People are too caught up trying to oppose the left than to get to the bottom of the situation. This whole left-right thing is pretty silly, in my opinion.
I can sympathize with him too. Like I said though, doesn't make him right. Should I start allowing Pakistani police to shoot suspicious Afghan individuals due to many Afghans being involved in extortion, drug-smuggling and petty crime? Of course not.

Also when a man is fleeing, you may just want to catch up and hit him with a few stroke of baton to control him. You have plenty of chance to take aim at his legs.

When you aim his torso and pull trigger 5 times, hitting target 3 times, meaning you want him dead.

As I have said, US cop may not have a lot of education. You cannot apply the standards of you and me to them.
I think this cop is wrong but I can fully understand why he did this.

Imagine a not so educated man (assuming he is not educated), facing a bunch of possibly highly armed blacks for 365 days.

Education is part of the problem. Palm Beach county Sheriff Numann in 1999 required all new hired Deputies need to have a minimum of 2 years college degree. The entire police force was up in arms against him, needless to say he was not reelected. If you have an IQ of more than 100 or someone with a college degree chances are you will no be hired. They think someone with a college degree might just get bored with this job, as this job has very little depth but more repetitive in nature.

Policing is seen as a Law Enforcement issue, matter of fact cops are called Law Enforcement Officer. If you are ever stopped in USA by cops, just do what the cops tell you to do.
Make te job easier for the cop---make your self move visible to him---by your posture let the cop know that he is in control and then pray---for you catholics---do 10 hail marys---for you muslims---10 Ya Allah Ya Rahim Ya Karim---for you hindus---10 Ram rams---hopefully it will be n uneventful stop.
ohhhh now i get it... the land of the free and the home of the brave....

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