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Video released declaring hard revenge for Solemani Assassination

Their reaction told us everything. At first I was a bit hesitant with all their talk(that they might do something big, blood for blood) but their reply showed us they were all talk and no walk. They might target some poor US civilians and call it even but don't think they have the balls to go after the establishment or the US elite. They know their place in this world.
Their reaction told us everything. At first I was a bit hesitant with all their talk(that they might do something big, blood for blood) but their reply showed us they were all talk and no walk. They might target some poor US civilians and call it even but don't think they have the balls to go after the establishment or the US elite. They know their place in this world.
It has been said somewhere:
“A blood of a Jew is worth the lives of 100,000,000 goyims!!!
onus is on you, you made the claim. btw you are wearing the wrong flags
It is a saying of the Yehüdilar!! Why must I have onus for providing sources??

Also, what makes you think my Perchamlar is Na-dürst?? How dare you make an Ïlzam???
Looks like Trump will be assassinated.

Source: illuminati playing card

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The OP some time ago created a thread using a title in which he repeated misleading terms contained in a "Tweet" from an anti-Iran analyst with regards to the supposed inauguration of a "statue" of Soleimani on the border between Lebanon and Occupied Palestine - which in fact was not a statue at all, but merely some two dimensional wooden or cardboard panel. But as a consequence of the incorrect terms used, several Muslim users started blaming Iran for supposedly committing an "un-Islamic" act by having someone's statue erected.

Now the OP again is letting incorrect terms slip into his choice of a thread title: "Iran", as in the Iranian government, state or armed forces, did NOT "release" this video at all; a low profile private foundation seeking to preserve Qasem Soleimani's speeches and heritage did.

Thus the title incorrectly attributes statements of intention to Iranian authorities. This amounts to misinformation and was therefore reported.

The mistake was already contained in the original Tweet by some US-based anti-IR analyst whose propagandistic semantics the OP has borrowed here.

However as past experience has shown, the net effect of such a title will be to bait members into a massive Iran-bashing fest where they'd indulge into ridiculing Iran for her supposed verbal vs real-world prowess (as the first replies already confirm), which is bound to draw the ire of Iranian members in return...

Dear mods, please correct the erroneous title, which will likely lead to baseless arguments between Iranians and others (mainly Pakistanis).
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