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Video on underage prostitution in India goes viral on YouTube


Aug 15, 2009
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MUMBAI – A video showing a plight of minor girl being forced into prostitution in India has goes viral on Youtube and other social media sites.
According to the report of local women and child rights group, ‘Bachpan Bachao Andolan’ “everyday 40 girls under the age of 15 are forced into prostitution.”

Even as the world marks November 25 as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, a new video showing the plight of minor girls being forced into prostitution in India has gone viral on YouTube’ IndiaToday reported.

“Of the estimated 3 million sex workers in India, nearly 1.2 million are below the age of 18. Over the past decade, underage prostitution has risen in India by about 8 per cent annually” report stated.

The new video, originally hosted by Bachpan Bachao Andolan, shows a young girl, wearing a floral dress and heeled sandals trying to cross a road. Amid her attempts to cross the road, a close up of her face shows fear, as if she’s trying to run away from something.

But she’s not getting away from someone or something, instead, after crossing the road, she walks up to a car parked on the roadside. Inside the car, there’s a man who opens the door for her and lets her in.

But before that, she turns to look at an old man who appears to tell her to go on.

As she climbs into the car, the lecherous look of the man inside gives away his intentions. He offers her a chocolate, which she pushes away. As the car drives away, his hand is seen on her thigh.

A strong video, the comments it has gathered, call for punitive action against every such “guy in the car”.

Video on underage prostitution in India goes viral on YouTube | Pakistan Tribe
They should make a similar video for Child abuse in Pakistan, especially young boys.
This is really sad.
I am not gonna bother watching the video.
Poverty must be alleviated.
Civil society is really making a stand against injustice against poor people in India
Good thing
That's a ad video made for awareness. Those are actors, not a child prostitute !:o:

Mr.420 must have thought that is real :rofl:
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