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Video Of Taliban Terror In Pakistan

Hudood means limitations, the Limitations set by God upon men.

I'm not sure if you remember that the whole country was caught up in the Tehreeke Nizame Mustafa movement, whcih was not started by Zia ul Haqq himself.

Of course, the Huddood ordinance were not drafted correctly, and have been altered accordingly.

It was a badly drafted law, and badly implemented.

Yet the sentiments behind it, seem noble and the intentions good.

You know my position on this. Sharia is interprable. I don't mind if Hudood Laws go into any society, if the society wants it. Even though the laws were passed in a dictatorial manner, they got a bad rep, which they shouldn't have. This is with reference to the rape law. It was misrepresented in the media, and was actually more logical than the media portrayed it to be. I shouldn't really have included it, because it wasn't the main focus of my post, though I didn't like some of the laws like flogging that were included. It's a matter of opinion whether these things ought to be included.

What the main part of my post was, was regarding the madrassahs. That is the main reason why I feel Zia ul Haq sold out Pakistan, and put Pakistan on its present road. Had Zia ul Haq stayed neutral in the Afghan-Soviet war, Pakistan would be a much better nation today is my feeling, as would Afghanistan. I say this because the Soviets were already financially ruined. It would have been better to have waited till the inevitable happened. It wasn't Pakistan's war, it was part of the Great Game. The US and the Soviets should play their Games elsewhere imo.
Taking Afghanistan wasn't the Russian objective. Taking Pakistan was. Warmwater port and a buffer state in India that was friendly to it's immediate east and a ripe target to pluck in Iran with all that oil and a new bunch of shia mullahs to the west.

We saved your azz and Iran's by going in. Zia was a massive mistake for your nation in my humble opinion but he saw the threat correctly enough here and played these cards admirably.

Nobody played the end game well except the Russians and, needless to say, their role of losers wasn't envious. We had the safest exit strategy, or so we thought.

Now we're back.

Go figure that it would have paid for GHB or Clinton to have some heretofore latent neo-colonial American ambitions for Afghanistan.

Our "sphere of influence" as it were.:D

But just maybe we should have stayed and conquered Afghanistan then....:police::usflag:

Now we'd have Kabullywood.:cool:
You know my position on this. Sharia is interprable. I don't mind if Hudood Laws go into any society, if the society wants it. Even though the laws were passed in a dictatorial manner, they got a bad rep, which they shouldn't have. This is with reference to the rape law. It was misrepresented in the media, and was actually more logical than the media portrayed it to be. I shouldn't really have included it, because it wasn't the main focus of my post, though I didn't like some of the laws like flogging that were included. It's a matter of opinion whether these things ought to be included.

What the main part of my post was, was regarding the madrassahs. That is the main reason why I feel Zia ul Haq sold out Pakistan, and put Pakistan on its present road. Had Zia ul Haq stayed neutral in the Afghan-Soviet war, Pakistan would be a much better nation today is my feeling, as would Afghanistan. I say this because the Soviets were already financially ruined. It would have been better to have waited till the inevitable happened. It wasn't Pakistan's war, it was part of the Great Game. The US and the Soviets should play their Games elsewhere imo.

What was so enticing about Afghanistan, that the Soviets were so keen on invading?

Afghan wine, women, or just the general climate? Were they gonna build theme parks there?

As s-2 rightly pointed out, it was a war of survival for Pakistan. Soviets wanted a warm water port, and that could only be had by occupying Pakistan.

The Jamate Islami and other groups were supported by America (including indirect funding in the form of buying thousands of books from jamat publishers) beginning in the 1950s, up until the 80's, as these groups were seen as a bulwark against communist expansion, both military and cultural.

If Pakistan had remained neutral, then soon the war would have engulfed Pakistan itself.

We did America no favour by joining them in beating the soviets, we just saved our own skins. And of course the noble deed of helping our hapless Afghan brothers is an added bonus.
If i can summarize.

Both your points revolve around the warm water port theory. I tend to agree the Soviets would like to have one. However, it's just a theory, not fact.

My point was the Soviets were a spent force. Afghanistan did tip the Soviets over, but even if the Soviets went to grab Balochistan afterwards, they were in financial trouble, so it did not matter.

It's a question of what you would have wanted. Personally, I think it would have been better for Pakistan and Afghanistan that none of these madrassahs were created. Zia ul Haq should have said no to the Americans and the Saudis and refused to have built any madrassas on its territory.

The Soviets would have taken Afghanistan, and then probably raided Balochistan. But their country was in a state of collapse. A waiting game would have seen Balochistan return to Pakistan. That would have been the best solution. The creation of the Mujahideen was unnecessary.

If I may give a personal opinion. I would have preferred to live under Communism than to have experienced the situation that occurred afterwards in reality.
This "warm-water" theory was no tired czarist legacy ambition. It was a Soviet navy who's strength lay in a massive and immensely capable submarine fleet.

Like it's potential to endanger Atlantic reinforcement convoys for NATO, this fleet from Pakistan could range as far as Malacca and the Straits of Hormuz on a sustainable basis- the two most strategic water choke-points on the map- and hold both hostage.

Their ambitions were very real and very much entailed Pakistan.
"These three individuals that you named have done more for Pakistan than you and your entire family combined."

The air that man expels has more brains in it than you've displayed to date.

You are beyond salvation.

May you live in interesting times at this board.


You have stooped to a new low level, S-2. Slightly disappointed since I havn't seen you use condescending language. Why bother replying when you have run out of actual substance...?
"You have stooped to a new low level, S-2."

No. I've had some unbelievable lows, man.

Trust me.

Nothing here fazes. Least you.

"Slightly disappointed since I havn't seen you use condescending language."

I DRIIIIIP with condescension and sarcasm. How dare you?

You still bore me.

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