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Video Of Taliban Terror In Pakistan

In my opinion it would be foolish to deny the existence of what is going on in Swat. I don't know if you guys have seen the unedited version of this video but I have and let me just say that it was far from staged. A policeman was beheaded for no reason at all. A petty crook was executed point blank with multiple shots to the head in the middle of a crowded street. Is this what we want our PAKistan to become ?

We have a real problem and denying it is also pandering to the extremists. Only the government has the responsibility to carry out Sharia law if this is what people want, not fringe groups beating people with hammers. Pretty soon there will be dungeons all over Pakistan torturing people with regional warlords replacing politicians and vast blood thirsty militias replacing the FC and police.

I don't know how the government can sleep at night.
In my opinion it would be foolish to deny the existence of what is going on in Swat
No denial on that.

I don't know if you guys have seen the unedited version of this video but I have and let me just say that it was far from staged. A policeman was beheaded for no reason at all
How do you know that just by watching the clip?

A petty crook was executed point blank with multiple shots to the head in the middle of a crowded street
You said it 'crook'. He would have done something to be killed publically. If his crime was so petty, he would have been tried to save by his tribe's member. I lived for 25 years among the tribesmen, and I know how one gets protection from the members of his tribe.

Is this what we want our PAKistan to become ?
No, but than GoP should come forward and tried to give people what they are given by the so called Taliban.

We have a real problem and denying it is also pandering to the extremists. Only the government has the responsibility to carry out Sharia law if this is what people want, not fringe groups beating people with hammers. Pretty soon there will be dungeons all over Pakistan torturing people with regional warlords replacing politicians and vast blood thirsty militias replacing the FC and police.
Problem is not denying. Nobody is denying, problem is how to address this problem. If this is our problem, than we have to address it our way. And our way should not be to kill every one with beard, who says prayers, and talk about Islam.

I don't know how the government can sleep at night.
Which Government?
Gulf of Tonkin Legit attack? This is how legit it was The Gulf of Tonkin Incident, 40 Years Later but than again, they were 'comies', lesser people. Same can be said for the Muslims, lesser people, who cares legit or not, they are Muslims.

Who cares about Iraq? millions died for the febricated WMD allegations, yet who cares. Another few more millions will die in Pakistan in the name of so called war on terror, who cares.
these people are merciless, will ruin us n our country one day. i do not know What ISI doing or are they the guilty party here?:undecided:

hopefuly the later one is untrue, but this is also reality that we can not deal with them with :guns:, that would probable be more insane as it had been in the past, n i guess we r on the right track by talking to them, stop propoganda against pakistam even though this video is likely to be true. help us fight when we make credible decisions

last week in London, IRA killed two English soliders, none of the media/people called them terrirorst and most of them resorted to talking to them, why???but when it comes to pakistan every body jumps on killing the opposing parties :undecided:

unrealted to topic but Long live USA as today Prseident obama did pledge some help with the understading of people of pakistan on equal level rather being a master (though i m agianst of financial aid, it kills our own identity, morality, dignity.) if they want to help us build our economy which will on its own root out the extremism)

:partay:smart answer S2 :usflag:
Are you serious? Then you are in denial my friend.

I see all this negative news about India around here, some of it obvious propaganda, which is immediately accepted as fact, but when it comes to Pakistan than everything is just fine? It is good to question sources, but if you see and hear nothing of importance or concern in this video than your bias has clouded your judgment.

This shows the complete failure of the state of Pakistan, more precisely the government and army to uphold their sovereignty in the north (which has been an issue in many areas for quit some time if I'm not mistaken) and protect their citizens from the brutal terror of the Taliban.

As i said clearly i am not denying whats happening in swat is not real but obviously you didnt pay attention to that part.
Everything should be back to last centuries Swat when the War in Afghanistan finishes. A little re-education from there, and Swat will be just fine. As for now, it's an ideology that needs defeating. It's not easy given the current circumstances.
I remember reading in a news paper about the attack in the Tonkin Bay. The article was written or at least narated by one of the Navy pilots who was dispached to protect the ship which claimed to be under attack. When he arrived at the scene, there were not boats in the area or evidence to prove the event ever happend.

The next day we started the airwar against North Vietnam.
"Gulf of Tonkin Legit attack? This is how legit it was The Gulf of Tonkin Incident, 40 Years Later but than again, they were 'comies', lesser people."

Indeed they are. They attacked our ship on Aug. 2, 1964. Unbelievers. "Godless commies" we call them still. You?

Same can be said for the Muslims, lesser people, who cares legit or not, they are Muslims.

Not so. All of the same tree. We LOVE the Kurds. They're very cool and drink bucketfuls of scotch. Turkish people are really neat too and we've trained with and respect their army a lot. So too, Iranians. Very smart. Very dangerous.

Personally, I've a lifetime fascination with Afghanistan that reaches back to late 1973 and a close friend who spent weeks with the mujahideen back in the day (late 1984). I've another that's enlisted at 32 with a specific request for the Korengal because he so loves the culture.

You are very, very wrong, sir.:)

"Who cares about Iraq?"

We do. Certainly very few muslim countries have lifted a finger to help lest they "taint" themselves.

"...millions died for the febricated WMD allegations",

Liar and you need to prove that, Mr. "think tank". I don't believe your meager research skills give you a snowflake's chance in hell but that's just me. Not even LANCET has claimed such ridiculous numbers. You are embarassingly poorly informed and I'll await some real proof.

As to the WMD, we know that he had them, used them, intended to make them again, and would likely use them again having a past propensity to such. That's no longer the case...irrefutably and for the unforeseeable future. A certainty has been added to our daily lives for which we can be thankful to America, wouldn't you agree?

After all, no Saddam, no b'aath neo-fascist party, no liklihood of WMD for the foreseeable future, no irredentist ambitions within the geo-critical gulf, a liberated Kurdish people and a rightfully dominant shia-majority government duly elected by their citizens with all indicators up to or past 2003 standards to include violence and $66B in the treasury despite oil bottoming out.

Screw you.

"yet who cares. Another few more millions will die in Pakistan in the name of so called war on terror, who cares."

Those who do so will be upon your hands.

Time to fight for your nation's freedom. I recommend that you don't start with us given Obama's declarations today. Besides your enemies have the same mailing address as you.
It is interesting to see how easily some members get provoked and start communicating in third class WASP ghetto language. Their own posts are full of contradictions.

Gulf of Tonkin took place---->Besides...they're commies so we should have nuked them.

We care about Iraqis, really? Despite the clear statements made by the UN inspectors here's what our able friend says "As to the WMD, we know that he had them, used them, intended to make them again, and would likely use them again having a past propensity to such". 'WE' because we are God.

Here are some more pearls of wisdom "After all, no Saddam, no b'aath neo-fascist party, no liklihood of WMD for the foreseeable future, no irredentist ambitions within the geo-critical gulf, a liberated Kurdish people and a rightfully dominant shia-majority government" Saddam, who came into power with the support of US in the first place. He and his party was fully supported by the US throughout 70s, and 80s and was used to fight a proxy war with Iran. More than half the members of current 'rightful' Iraqi setup are Iraqis with 'dual nationality'. How come people can be elected from a population of which they were not even the part for more than 20-30 years? Only under occupation these 'free and fair' miracles can take place.

The rant continues "Those who do so will be upon your hands", wow, so we kill, but you are responsible. Some one remembers the story of young lamb and the wolf?

Yet certain members believe in using abusive and intimidating language anticipating that this would change the facts or their dark history.
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You are beyond hope thus you must live with the darkness...

You seem perfectly eager.

Oh, Saddam? He was a bulwark against shia expansionism but simply a temporary expedient until more permanent arrangements could be made. We did so in the gulf states and the KSA. Then we discarded him because that was then and this is now.:agree::usflag:

He had to go as he was in our way and now everybody is better for it.

I hope you understand and appreciate the immense sacrifice that we've made on behalf of world peace. It hasn't been easy. We sure missed the arabs and other muslims giving a helping hand. Instead most cheered for failure and Iraqi misery to make some perverse point to America.

You lose. We win.

And we'll win in Afghanistan. No "strategic depth" thingy for you. No. No. No.

It mustn't be.

Oh, Saddam? He was a bulwark against shia expansionism but simply a temporary expedient until more permanent arrangements could be made. We did so in the gulf states and the KSA. Then we discarded him because that was then and this is now.

He had to go as he was in our way and now everybody is better for it.


So gentlemen, the dirty laundry finally goes public. Thank YOU S-2.
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"So gentlemen, the dirty laundry finally goes public. Thanks [sic] YOU S-2."


I feel so much better...:lol:
You are beyond hope thus you must live with the darkness...

You seem perfectly eager.

Oh, Saddam? He was a bulwark against shia expansionism but simply a temporary expedient until more permanent arrangements could be made. We did so in the gulf states and the KSA. Then we discarded him because that was then and this is now.:agree::usflag:

He had to go as he was in our way and now everybody is better for it.

I hope you understand and appreciate the immense sacrifice that we've made on behalf of world peace. It hasn't been easy. We sure missed the arabs and other muslims giving a helping hand. Instead most cheered for failure and Iraqi misery to make some perverse point to America.

You lose. We win.

And we'll win in Afghanistan. No "strategic depth" thingy for you. No. No. No.

It mustn't be.


Hey every body can dream s2 so can you :enjoy:
...and I was literally in the process of giving Cheetah786 a "thank you" and it was like, "What's up? My 'thank you' won't go through"!

Dude, toss Cheetah786 a thanks on me for the comment.

I dug it.:cool:

(Not to be construed as open criticism of a mod's decision, mind you!:))
which part of my post was low quality i simply said ''Every body can dream s2 so can you'' i forget to see which part of that is low quality i would love an explanation

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