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Video of Chinese forces capturing a hill top and Indian soldiers running away

Looks like PLA scared of gun shots.

video is just 10 sec for propaganda.
Then why did the Indians surrender so easily
This is fake pic. No news outlet, even glabaltimes also not published it.
This is fake pic. No news outlet, even glabaltimes also not published it.
Was published in the daily mail
Although this Indian claimed to have debunked it
Indian debunks China pic
Was published in the daily mail
Although this Indian claimed to have debunked it
Indian debunks China pic
This is the title Indian-troops-beating-captured-Chinese-soldier-amid-border-tension.

It is just random photo shop pic, that is why global times not published.
Brother this was filmed by a Chinese soldier who was part of the assault and posted on Chinese social media ... you guys defending this disaster just makes it all the funnier to watch :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: .

Face it, the credibility of the Chinese is near zero on the world stage. You are told what to say, speak, behave, act, and read from your cradle to the grave. To tell us this carefully edited propaganda video was a genuine sequence of what happened and a doing of some Chinese soldier in a silo is :no:
Face it, the credibility of the Chinese is near zero on the world stage. You are told what to say, speak, behave, act, and read from your cradle to the grave. To tell us this carefully edited propaganda video was a genuine sequence of what happened and a doing of some Chinese soldier in a silo is :no:
Lol... Yes, like millions of Indian infected with covid-19 and India is now disease riddle country is also faked.

The world are watching with awe of China Chang e 5 mission with even NASA begging a few gram of sample from China if sample reach earth. While all can Indian space do, is to provide a flop hard landing of their lunar rovers.

Many countries are now using Chinese covid-19 vaccine and recognise China power and the only one who claim Chinese at world stage has no credibility is a cockroach, does it matter? :enjoy:
Lol... Yes, like millions of Indian infected with covid-19 and India is now disease riddle country is also faked.

The world are watching with awe of China Chang e 5 mission with even NASA begging a few gram of sample from China if sample reach earth. While all can Indian space do, is to provide a flop hard landing of their lunar rovers.

Many countries are now using Chinese covid-19 vaccine and recognise China power and the only one who claim Chinese at world stage has no credibility is a cockroach, does it matter? :enjoy:

China has killed off million-plus citizens in COVID deaths - but like it's soldiers deaths, like its 30 Million that died in the great famine, it faked the numbers and hid its COVID figures (deaths, current counts).

BUT we don't expect you to know. They tell you what to say, act, behave, speak, watch from your cradle to the grave. How would you know if there is any credibility behind what China espouses- when it treats you as a citizen in servitude?

Also, a silly regional power -China, backward in its space program (lost the mars race to the US and India), should not have its citizens taunting and bragging about its backward space program compared to ours :no:
At this point, I’m surprised Indian members are even coming to PDF.

This is totally humiliating for India.

India’s reputation as a ‘regional power’ is being shattered in front of the whole world.
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