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Video: Inside Tel Aviv’s “Death To The Arabs” Rally

Yeah demolish homes of those who stabbed and shot Israelies , but well , telling one side of the story always nice.
Anyway, u can keep ur hating comments since Im out of this threat, have fun
Lol what logic. The reason they're stabbing is because u demolished their homes. The road networks in the West Bank are ludicrous. First of all there are sterile roads which only Jews can use and second the Israeli government has designed it so Palestinians communities are isolated and surrounded by settlers which are often attacked. Hate comments? No these are facts.

tyranny of Christians :rofl: you gotta ask yourself why have Jews been terrorized for thousands upon thousands of years?? kicked out and banned from entering entire countries??

can you name a group of people so vilified in human history?
I know why they've been vilified. But not all are like the that. It was wrong to put them into these kinds of places in Europe.
Lol what logic. The reason they're stabbing is because u demolished their homes. The road networks in the West Bank are ludicrous. First of all there are sterile roads which only Jews can use and second the Israeli government has designed it so Palestinians communities are isolated and surrounded by settlers which are often attacked. Hate comments? No these are facts.

I know why they've been vilified. But not all are like the that. It was wrong to put them into these kinds of places in Europe.
they're stabbing because they was taught this way,for example when u see micky mouse in the palestinian tv telling kids to kill jews cause they ain't humans.
And no, the response for terrorism is destroying homes, we don't just destroy them for fun, there laws.
same for what is legal and not legal.
they're stabbing because they was taught this way,for example when u see micky mouse in the palestinian tv telling kids to kill jews cause they ain't humans.
And no, the response for terrorism is destroying homes, we don't just destroy them for fun, there laws.
same for what is legal and not legal.
Lol again they've been taught things like this for a reason. Push a people to their limits and this is bound to happen.
Yeah sure do, go live in a cave.
Every google search u do, every computer u use, every call u make in ur cellphone has Israeli software/hardware.
talking about cancer, with population 10 times bigger than Israel u can't match this small country.
and btw, Israel is one of the leading experts in cancer treatments.
Oh, and even ur nukes were first created by jews, and Israel had nukes 30 years before u did :-)
The phone you use,the printer,the computer you use the algorithm it uses, was made by a guy called Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi,you can read more about him here.Deny that, although it might look irrelevant to you but all of "your" stuff is actually based on his work.The algebra and all the useful mathematical stuff.
Israel was like a daughter to USA and somewhat to UK,the school you might have been in or the hospital in might have been born was made by US taxpayers don't believe me? Just alone in 1949-1996 around 68,030 million $ "documented" aid was given to Israel that is a huge amount(at that time) for such a small country,Avg's around 1.45Billion$/year.The huge FDI and FI lead to what Israel is Today.
Alas if only you could treat your own minds,no wonder why jews were kicked out of by every society from the Start of their era.
30 years before us?Why didn't Israel declared it had?Why didn't it used Nukes against 6 days war?Balls issue?:-)
Talking about matching try to attack Pak you will get to know what match.Oh if i remember correctly IAF and IDF planned an attack against Pak nukes?When both were getting ready,they got to know it needs a pair of steel, which they didn't had.

You are wasting your time here bro.

These people will never be satisfied till Israel is destroyed...and while it is impossible, they like to clutch at straws in painting Israel and Israelis as genocidal monsters....because what else can they do?...especially when the entire world is waking up to the realities of their societies and base ideologies.

Hence the false thread titles, distortions and outright lies....that they genuinely believe is the truth. Israel is just the most convenient target for them given that such a small country has routinely humiliated them for so long.....so they project their insecurities and failures on you rather than introspect their own (because it always leads to something they are scared to confront given the time and expense they have spent propping up the charade).
These people will never be satisfied till Israel is destroyed...and while it is impossible, they like to clutch at straws in painting Israel and Israelis as genocidal monsters....because what else can they do?...especially when the entire world is waking up to the realities of their societies and base ideologies.

Hence the false thread titles, distortions and outright lies....that they genuinely believe is the truth. Israel is just the most convenient target for them given that such a small country has routinely humiliated them for so long.....so they project their insecurities and failures on you rather than introspect their own (because it always leads to something they are scared to confront given the time and expense they have spent propping up the charade).
Was Nilgiri banned because doing so is a salve on the humiliation he describes?
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