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Video: Indian muslims praying to Allah for Modi and BJP victory

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Muslims have many fractions. Some muslims who are in minority and often faces the violence and abuse and ban ofn celebration of their festivals from redical sunni leadership , they know very well that there is only one guy who has the guts to protect them irrespective of vote bank politics, he is modi. That is why they support modi more than even hardcore hinus do. He is extremely popular among Khoja, kadiyani and many other Muslim minorities.
That is sure thing. The way modi protect and care his own wife is prime example
because Muslim know today Allah does opposite to what they ask for
One of the main attractions for me in this forum is seeing you cry on your own forum.
You are crying continuously for two years yet still failed.


I made you kicked out b!tch. I made all your posts deleted. I made you make new IDs only to get them banned and your posts deleted.

And same would happen. You have survived till now just because I allowed you.

Not anymore. Not even for a day. Your time and days on this forum to get humiliated are over.

Now is the time to as$ kicked like a b!tch. Just like before.
Yes you are the biggest crybaby on this planet.
You end up humiliated in your forum
You are so weak.

Useless posts. All would get deleted. Even you know that. :lol:

Leave the handwork of writing all these posts and just wait till you are out of this forum.

@waz @Dubious @Arsalan @Oscar
Nothing is going to change.
You will be getting humiliated as long as you are on ghis forum by me.

Says the rat who is living his last few hours on this forum :lol:
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