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Video: Indian army and Chinese PLA having friendly conversation

mitrrrunnnn pheeraindly hogaye hain ! victory gushna kardo social media peh!
Hahhahahahha playing the victim. TheSe **** aRe TrOlLs aNd wE aRE sO good.


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I would like to request all Indian members not to abuse Chinese as they are sensible people and all those Chinese here are but pakistani trolls under false Chinese flags who do this only to deflect the counter abuses from Indian members after they talk crap and troll on Indian matters.

It's unfortunate that Chinese belligerence has caused instability in the region and we shall deal with them accordingly but it's not good to abuse them here for its not them actually who troll and hurl abuse in every India affairs threads.
Just look at your self , you creatures are given a voice on a Pakistani forum and end up splashing your pea brain.
Your desperation is obvious by posting an 18 month old video....long before CLUBS were introduced on LAC.

Jul 31, 2019
We are not troll like Indian here on PDF but only trolls on Indian hyperpower ego over Pakistan and China
Lol looks like you don't come here often.
Just look at your self , you creatures are given a voice on a Pakistani forum and end up splashing your pea brain.
Your desperation is obvious by posting an 18 month old video....long before CLUBS were introduced on LAC.

Jul 31, 2019
Spoken like a true pakistani, your narrow mindset fails to understand that two countries can be enemies yet be respectful to each other just like British and Germans.
Spoken like a true pakistani, your narrow mindset fails to understand that two countries can be enemies yet be respectful to each other just like British and Germans.
Then again being an Indian one doesn't expect you to have any grey matter.
Let me beat you with your own stick, unlike with China, India has fought three major wars with Pakistan, every day there are CFV on LOC resulting deaths on both sides.....still on certain occasions, both armies exchange sweets on the border so what's the big deal in the old video that you posted.
Chinese and Americans soliders in Korea a moment after the peace treaty of Panmunjeom were signed.



You bloody pussies. Of course you want to be friends with China - you're piss scared of anyone of close to equivalent size and manpower. You can't go 7:1 against the Chinese, hence the yessir head bobbling shenanigans. Bloody shameful mate. I can't believe some people ever expected Gangetics and IVC folk to live together.
Lol looks like you don't come here often.

Spoken like a true pakistani, your narrow mindset fails to understand that two countries can be enemies yet be respectful to each other just like British and Germans.
You foolish man. Fifteen years of clandestine disinformation designed to degrade and damage Pakistan, and you're singing bhai bhai with Pakistan? You lot started this conflict. We shall finish it .

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