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Oh assembled machines are no good at all... One of the great facts about custom building systems is that you get to do a lot of 'desi' shopping ... Bargaining, roaming around, contacting the 'friend' <who has contacts with contacts with a retailer >... Not to mention the street cred you get being the 'PC' guy....
Yep and that where the funs at:enjoy:
Hey Dudes I Finally Got my Asus Nvidia GTX550 Ti (1GB DDR5) DirectCU
Congrats dude ...Nice GPU...:cheers:*Nice Cooler*
And yea before u ruin the card(in the short-term) i hope ur running it on at least a 500w PSU with a dedicate 6 pin 75W Power connector(just making sure)
Yar i am changing my whole pc the card is not fitting in my Pc Case it is soooooo big card in size and my pc has a stock 300 watt supply Tomorrow i will Buy new case and a 500 watt Supply Wish My best of Luck cause i just saved Rs17000 from my pocket money from which i brought the for Pakistani Rs 16000 and now i am out of $$$$$$$ :lol:
Congrats dude ...Nice GPU...:cheers:*Nice Cooler*
And yea before u ruin the card(in the short-term) i hope ur running it on at least a 500w PSU with a dedicate 6 pin 75W Power connector(just making sure)
what happens if the recommended PSU is 400w for a Graphic card and we give the supply from 300watt please tell me Folks will it run or KABOOOOOOOOM:unsure:
Anyone plays world of warcraft? or thats just too nerdy for you guys lol
what happens if the recommended PSU is 400w for a Graphic card and we give the supply from 300watt please tell me Folks will it run or KABOOOOOOOOM:unsure:
what happens if the recommended PSU is 400w for a Graphic card and we give the supply from 300watt please tell me Folks will it run or KABOOOOOOOOM:unsure:

Nope, it will simply not powerup at all due to lack of power. I'd advise you to go from 700w+ with modern computer setups. Graphics cards are quite hungry nowadays and especially so if you go for a sLi or crossfire configuration.

700w or under is fine for configuration with a single graphics card, but i personally would prefer to have a bigger one to give your pc more room for future upgrades.

My computer 5 years ago was on a 400w and I am now using a 1000 powering two ATi cards.
Nice GPU Xracer, I see you went for the Nvidia in the end. :)

Nvidia has better software support whereas ATi are always buggy despite updates.
I am eyeing up the NV580s due to the 590 series being problematic and hates being clocked.
what happens if the recommended PSU is 400w for a Graphic card and we give the supply from 300watt please tell me Folks will it run or KABOOOOOOOOM
More power is always good an less power over time kills a card ...U will start seeing artifacts and texture tears during a render and sooner or later ur card dies.
Do not buy anything above 600-650W if ur planning to run only one card. And as @Rofl said go for anything above 80 Bronze.
the Epsilon modular PSU are really nice price performance wise.

I am eyeing up the NV580s due to the 590 series being problematic and hates being clocked.
Since u own a 1000w PSU id recomend crossfireing 2 6950 (mod to a 6970) . Its way cheaper and almost 30% more powerful.
I hope u own a good CPU cus there will be crazy bottlenecking here .

Im was planning on buying 2 6950s This Jan (AMT 6970) but even the latest sandbridge K(stock) couldn't mange em and had serious bottleneck issues
(im managing with an old Q6600 OC ed to 3.5 with a big *** Thermaltec cooler).
so unfortunately am now waiting for the new Haswell that probably would overcome the bottleneck. next year.
I went of Nvidia Because the biggest cause is PhysX And Nvidia is Reliable and it is less Hungry Card In power then ATIs
More power is always good an less power over time kills a card ...U will start seeing artifacts and texture tears during a render and sooner or later ur card dies.
Do not buy anything above 600-650W if ur planning to run only one card. And as @Rofl said go for anything above 80 Bronze.
the Epsilon modular PSU are really nice price performance wise.

Since u own a 1000w PSU id recomend crossfireing 2 6950 (mod to a 6970) . Its way cheaper and almost 30% more powerful.
I hope u own a good CPU cus there will be crazy bottlenecking here .

Im was planned on buying 2 6950s This Jan (AMT 6970) but even the latest sandbridge K(stock) couldn't mange em an had serious bottleneck issues(im managing with an old Q6600 OC ed to 3.5 with a big *** Thermaltec cooler). so am now waiting for the new Haswell that probably would overcome the bottleneck. next year.

I am personally running a 5850's crossfire configuration. It does everything at max settings without a hiccup. I love to have 2 x 6950's but I think that would be an overkill considering that I am gaming with a 27", not even on 3 screens (Eyefinity) or 40" etc.

Q6600 was a good chip, but you really need something with a bit more juice nowadays. Especially if you are considering running multiple graphics from the top end of the pool. I am currently on a i7 920 overclocked to 4.2GHz. I could go higher, but I am not on watercooling.
I went of Nvidia Because the biggest cause is PhysX And Nvidia is Reliable and it is less Hungry Card In power then ATIs
Nice nice ...but u kno u can force psy X on an ATI too...and even without it there isn't any difference:tup: ...
Nice cooler on it btw ..u could push it at least 20% on the core if ud want too and since it has a voltage regulator (wasn't expecting) u could keep the OCed clocks stable without ruining ur card.
*Nice Vid btw*

Q6600 was a good chip, but you really need something with a bit more juice nowadays. Especially if you are considering running multiple graphics from the top end of the pool. I am currently on a i7 920 overclocked to 4.2GHz. I could go higher, but I am not on water cooling.

Lol Q6600 is total **** now,cant even mange a single 6950. i barely managed to get a win Rating of 7.5 outa it and the card is already beyond 7.9(cant tell by how much , as the score gets capped at 7.9).

Im only going to upgrade my CPU if it can mange 2 6950 without bottleneck on stock..until then im good with what im setup with ...games are not the actual prob ... i just dont want something that i'll have to upgrade again later...
Since CPUs have a long life ( 6 years and still going ) im planing on getting something that will satisfy at-least another 4 to 5 years of use. Im hoping for a good Ivy bridge launch early next year..
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