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@krash I understand you played horde so you are not excited about my alliance side. it was a big deal back in earlier expansions.
but I really enjoyed something I wanted.
a rag tag 3rd faction without any affiliation. where people of any race and faction can come and join much like the pandas get the option to join horde or alliance.

I played for a short while on a private server turtle wow where due to limited population the cross faction play was allowed so it was a real role play where we had a mixed faction dungeon runs.
Dwarf paladin healer
Human warrior tank
Tauren Druid dps
undead mage dps
troll hunter dps lol. we could talk normal and share loot and trde. only prevention was that races couldnt visit faction cities as the guards will attack but anything being run by Goblins like steamweedle cartel (like in retail) was no issue
. .
@krash I understand you played horde so you are not excited about my alliance side. it was a big deal back in earlier expansions.
but I really enjoyed something I wanted.
a rag tag 3rd faction without any affiliation. where people of any race and faction can come and join much like the pandas get the option to join horde or alliance.

I played for a short while on a private server turtle wow where due to limited population the cross faction play was allowed so it was a real role play where we had a mixed faction dungeon runs.
Dwarf paladin healer
Human warrior tank
Tauren Druid dps
undead mage dps
troll hunter dps lol. we could talk normal and share loot and trde. only prevention was that races couldnt visit faction cities as the guards will attack but anything being run by Goblins like steamweedle cartel (like in retail) was no issue

Did you ever play Warcraft 3? That was such a great game, I loved the story and gameplay was top-notch.

Looking forward to a remake.
Did you ever play Warcraft 3? That was such a great game, I loved the story and gameplay was top-notch.

Looking forward to a remake.
yes I played the original warcraft 3 its editor was top notch too for repeatability.
dont bother with its 2019 reforged version though . its nothing close to its advertisement and it screws up your older version. but if you get a chinese copy in Pakistan then go ahead. its
After finishing cyberpunks main story

... All I could think of was “Kiun?”
after watching the game play of cyber punk. I said to myself . this could be Star citizen which is never coming and its owners will continue to con its diehard fans by selling them the in game spaceships for real money,
yes I played the original warcraft 3 its editor was top notch too for repeatability.
dont bother with its 2019 reforged version though . its nothing close to its advertisement and it screws up your older version. but if you get a chinese copy in Pakistan then go ahead. its

after watching the game play of cyber punk. I said to myself . this could be Star citizen which is never coming and its owners will continue to con its diehard fans by selling them the in game spaceships for real money,
This is why I never buy a game when it releases. I wait a few months after because it might be cheaper and the hype is gone and people have finished the game so the reviews will be more honest.
The best games were on ps3. Think of all top games they started on ps3. Then companies just re released them on next gen consoles ... They were milking people so i decided m gona skip a generation n get pS5 ...
Ye I agree, however ps4 was also a great time for me, but nothing will ever live up to ps3, especially since I didn’t have to pay for online services, now I think it’s time for me to move from the PS4 to pc, I don’t think I’ll be getting the ps5, maybe when I move then I’ll consider it.
Ye I agree, however ps4 was also a great time for me, but nothing will ever live up to ps3, especially since I didn’t have to pay for online services, now I think it’s time for me to move from the PS4 to pc, I don’t think I’ll be getting the ps5, maybe when I move then I’ll consider it.
İ bought a PC. Downside is you can't buy used games. You can only buy new codes online from Steam. Unless you're in İndia/Pakistan then maybe you can buy bootleg.

For console İ used to wait and buy used or get games from my public library.
İ bought a PC. Downside is you can't buy used games. You can only buy new codes online from Steam. Unless you're in İndia/Pakistan then maybe you can buy bootleg.

For console İ used to wait and buy used or get games from my public library.
Ye that’s true however steam has so many games and also offers etc that you can get good games for free sometimes, from I’ve been told. Also if I do get a pc I’ll be getting it for work as I’m trying to work from online now and I’ll use it for gaming also, two birds with one stone. I might get the ps5 aswell eventually but my first priority in terms of these stuff is to get a pc, also pc can be used for anything.
Ye that’s true however steam has so many games and also offers etc that you can get good games for free sometimes, from I’ve been told. Also if I do get a pc I’ll be getting it for work as I’m trying to work from online now and I’ll use it for gaming also, two birds with one stone. I might get the ps5 aswell eventually but my first priority in terms of these stuff is to get a pc, also pc can be used for anything.
Killing two birds with one stone...all the power to you.
After console gaming. PC just don't feel the same.
. .
in what way? i always heard after playing pc, console never feels the same.
Just the logistics of it brother. PC you have to keep up with changing system requirements. Whereas, consoles can take up any new game, no problem. With PC there always has been more troubleshooting involved in my experience. You have to configure the game to run properly(if you're not that sort of person its cool I guess).

Consoles are very simple logistically and cost wise. They are plug and play. But one downside for me I guess is I couldn't do modding like I used to do on GTA IV PC.
I didnt clarify I played on European servers started from Draenor and then transferred to another server but forgot its name it was a compound name (something of something lol).
playing on strictly pvp servers was a real kick . boy watching your back and getting pawned in contested zones was thrilling and annoying at same time

Yup same here. Can't remember the original realm I started on but then moved to Stormreaver a while ago.

STV, Hinterlands, Tarren Mill, and Tanaris all bring back horrific and awesome world pvp memories. 1 guy corpse camping a low level -> LFG spam -> we have a hours long battle on our hands.

there was no clear righteous side for sure although the knights of silver hand led by Luther were god guys.
although no faction was a given evil or hateful but I didnt like the over emphasis of showing horde as some spiritual one at peace with earth mother and all.

Hey man, cant be dissin the Orc and Tauren heritage like that.

Jokes aside, I always preferred the warrior heritage over shamanism for Orcs too. But Thrall just had to go chasing after that tail. I joined the horde mainly because of what the humans had done to the Blood Elfs and the Orcs.

I used to say that the hint is on their face. look at those big teeth. they are built for violence and fight.
violence and fight is not "evil". there was no political pandering for the forsaken. Silvanas is a proud bitch and is willing to do all it takes for her ends.

I personally love the counter intuitive 'Orcs and Trolls are also good' narrative. And also that "under their apparently civilized veneer the Humans are as savage, if not more, as anyone".

For Sylvanas, I like the fact that they went at a tangent from the usual character tropes. Garrosh was a bastard no doubt but a pretty boring one. Sylvanas is more interesting.

since I have played the warcraft 2 and warcraft 3 in late 90s as well so I know the lore and the characters pre wow too so I had a liking for Thrall.

Same here. I replayed the two quite a few years after to freshen the lore up as well. Also went through tons of it through books and online.

in caverns of time the escape from Durnholt keep is my most favorite dungeon. and the raids hands down its Karazan. the story is so solid .. the music score is Hollywood grade and the entire dungeon is beautifully created. I enjoyed this place the most out of all classic and later expansion.

I hate dungeons, every single one of them. Always have. They've always been a chore for me.

Raids though were a different story but I can't put my finger on any 1 or even 3 that I liked the most. ICC, Ulduar, BT, SOO, FL, 80 Naxx, TOT, and DS (unpopular opinion) all bring really fond memories for me. Don't remember much about Karazan since BT was released before I dinged so I didn't run it enough. Maybe 4-5 times?

Hated Argent Tournament. Still don't see the point of that raid.

my brother upped his game in arms warrior. he did really well. he used to bully horde faction at wintergrasp and the horde pvp guilds used to beg him to transfer his char to horde side or roll a horde. he liked the orc warier class and as you said . with gear and macros and trinkets he could tell how the game started and ended I used to heal for him. he played arms in pvp and fury for raids . warriors only had 2 extremes you were either shit player or excellent player.

Nice! For my priest I refused 2v2 except with a warrior, rogue, or lock (depending on the player).

its not an easy class to play heavily gear dependent.

Tell me about it. In certain patches, had to respec, regem, and change rotation after every new item. I exaggerate but you know what I mean. But in others it was ok.

you are right. some of the face roll classes like locks, hunters and mages etc can do great dps with only handful keys but to be a legend you need macros and maybe dedicated keyboard and there are videos on youtube of frost mages soloing heroic and normal dungeons.
in classic the level 60 dungeons were raid / heroic grade level compared to expansions strathom being one where a frost mage soloed it and made a video.

Really depends on the spec and the patch as well, IMO. For example, fire mages, demo locks, and survival hunters weren't face roll classes and in fact pretty difficult at times.

And yes, remember seeing some video of the sort. But, IIRC, that hasn't been possible in a very long while though.

its really hard to master more than 2 or three classes and you might agree if you are raiding then you can really have like 2 different classes as max. because to be top of your game you need to spend much time in leveling skills and gear and professions.

In the start it was but after I changed guilds in WOTLK it really wasn't. Most of the class mechanics remained derivative from expansion to expansion so there wasn't a whole lot new to get used to, especially when I'd been playing those classes regularly for years. Only leveled 2 profs per expansion on a single alt. Guildies and the guild bank took care of the rest.

For gearing we had our MO dialed down pretty well. Before every new expansion the two core raid groups with 12-13 members each would already have discussed and decided on every member's main, according to the raid combos we were planning (We all had 4-5 active/geared alts so it wasn't a problem). After launch we would all level cap the mains as soon as we could and get straight to gearing. We would also optimize the group's classes for loot. For example, each group could have 1 plate tank and 1 leather tank so that there was minimal overlap on the drops. Same thing with the heals with a 2 healer cloth, leather, mail, or plate combo. Same thing again with dps: Say 2 ranged, a mage/lock/spriest with a hunter/druid/shaman. Then 3 melee, a rogue, a warrior/palladin, and one more depending on the previous combinations. When there was loot overlap (which was often since the raid combo was more important) the leader decided who got the item based on who the group needed to be geared first. After a few runs, the core groups would be pretty well geared with the raid tactics well practiced. We would then swap these mains with our alts or other guildies' mains (which were already running the other regular scheduled raids. Just not as effectively) and start gearing the rest of the guild. In regular times, we used to run a scheduled highest tier raid every day (five 10mans and two 25mans in a week) along with other impromptu ones depending on the need of the guild. We had leveling groups running all day for the first few months of the expansion so leveling was quick too. We were pretty quick. I think you underestimated our levels of 'nerd'.

I guess all of the above was mostly because of the people and guild we had assembled. At times we had 40 active players online at the same time.

@krash I understand you played horde so you are not excited about my alliance side.

Haha, no no. I was just trying to be funny. Two of the guys I played the most with were alliance. Met the first while camping for spirit beasts and the second while camping for TLPD. You can imagine how much time we would have spent together every day. Enough that both times one of us decided to jump on their opposing faction alt and exchange discord details.

it was a big deal back in earlier expansions.
but I really enjoyed something I wanted.

That is all that matters. Apart from the toxic little kids, I think the "feud" between the two factions now is purely RP.

a rag tag 3rd faction without any affiliation. where people of any race and faction can come and join much like the pandas get the option to join horde or alliance.

I played for a short while on a private server turtle wow where due to limited population the cross faction play was allowed so it was a real role play where we had a mixed faction dungeon runs.
Dwarf paladin healer
Human warrior tank
Tauren Druid dps
undead mage dps
troll hunter dps lol. we could talk normal and share loot and trde. only prevention was that races couldnt visit faction cities as the guards will attack but anything being run by Goblins like steamweedle cartel (like in retail) was no issue

Hahaha! That would have been a sight to behold!
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Killing two birds with one stone...all the power to you.
After console gaming. PC just don't feel the same.
in what way? i always heard after playing pc, console never feels the same.

I've been a hybrid gamer all my life. Before I used to always prefer my PC when given the choice for a game between the two. The console was still good for the exclusives and big screen gaming. Now, after a long day at the office, I'd rather not go sit at my PC's desk. The couch, controller, and bigger screen looks much more comfortable. Factor in the Sony exclusives and it looks even better. I'm genuinely debating whether to upgrade the gpu or not. Pure performance wise though, consoles can't ever beat a PC. Just like a PC can't ever beat a console in performance/dollar.

On a side note, the new PS5 controller and the custom I/O have for the very first time offered something on the console which isn't available on the PC. Very impressed with the dualsense and can't wait to see what first party PS5 exclusive titles will do with the custom I/O.

The best games were on ps3. Think of all top games they started on ps3. Then companies just re released them on next gen consoles ... They were milking people so i decided m gona skip a generation n get pS5 ...

Not really but to each his own, I guess.
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Yup same here. Can't remember the original realm I started on but then moved to Stormreaver a while ago.

STV, Hinterlands, Tarren Mill, and Tanaris all bring back horrific and awesome world pvp memories. 1 guy corpse camping a low level -> LFG spam -> we have a hours long battle on our hands.

Hey man, cant be dissin the Orc and Tauren heritage like that.

Jokes aside, I always preferred the warrior heritage over shamanism for Orcs too. But Thrall just had to go chasing after that tail. I joined the horde mainly because of what the humans had done to the Blood Elfs and the Orcs.

I personally love the counter intuitive 'Orcs and Trolls are also good' narrative. And also that "under their apparently civilized veneer the Humans are as savage, if not more, as anyone".

For Sylvanas, I like the fact that they went at a tangent from the usual character tropes. Garrosh was a bastard no doubt but a pretty boring one. Sylvanas is more interesting.

Same here. I replayed the two quite a few years after to freshen the lore up as well. Also went through tons of it through books and online.

I hate dungeons, every single one of them. Always have. They've always been a chore for me.

Raids though were a different story but I can't put my finger on any 1 or even 3 that I liked the most. ICC, Ulduar, BT, SOO, FL, 80 Naxx, TOT, and DS (unpopular opinion) all bring really fond memories for me. Don't remember much about Karazan since BT was released before I dinged so I didn't run it enough. Maybe 4-5 times?

Hated Argent Tournament. Still don't see the point of that raid.

Nice! For my priest I refused 2v2 except with a warrior, rogue, or lock (depending on the player).

Tell me about it. In certain patches, had to respec, regem, and change rotation after every new item. I exaggerate but you know what I mean. But in others it was ok.

Really depends on the spec and the patch as well, IMO. For example, fire mages, demo locks, and survival hunters weren't face roll classes and in fact pretty difficult at times.

And yes, remember seeing some video of the sort. But, IIRC, that hasn't been possible in a very long while though.

In the start it was but after I changed guilds in WOTLK it really wasn't. Most of the class mechanics remained derivative from expansion to expansion so there wasn't a whole lot new to get used to, especially when I'd been playing those classes regularly for years. Only leveled 2 profs per expansion on a single alt. Guildies and the guild bank took care of the rest.

For gearing we had our MO dialed down pretty well. Before every new expansion the two core raid groups with 12-13 members each would already have discussed and decided on every member's main, according to the raid combos we were planning (We all had 4-5 active/geared alts so it wasn't a problem). After launch we would all level cap the mains as soon as we could and get straight to gearing. We would also optimize the group's classes for loot. For example, each group could have 1 plate tank and 1 leather tank so that there was minimal overlap on the drops. Same thing with the heals with a 2 healer cloth, leather, mail, or plate combo. Same thing again with dps: Say 2 ranged, a mage/lock/spriest with a hunter/druid/shaman. Then 3 melee, a rogue, a warrior/palladin, and one more depending on the previous combinations. When there was loot overlap (which was often since the raid combo was more important) the leader decided who got the item based on who the group needed to be geared first. After a few runs, the core groups would be pretty well geared with the raid tactics well practiced. We would then swap these mains with our alts or other guildies' mains (which were already running the other regular scheduled raids. Just not as effectively) and start gearing the rest of the guild. In regular times, we used to run a scheduled highest tier raid every day (five 10mans, two 25mans) along with other impromptu ones depending on the need of the guild. We had leveling groups running all day for the first few months of the expansion so leveling was quick too. We were pretty quick. I think you underestimated our levels of 'nerd'.

I guess all of the above was mostly because of the people and guild we had assembled. At times we had 40 active players online at the same time.

Haha, no no. I was just trying to be funny. Two of the guys I played the most with were alliance. Met the first while camping for spirit beasts and the second while camping for TLPD. You can imagine how much time we would have spent together every day. Enough that both times one of us decided to jump on their opposing faction alt and exchange discord details.

That is all that matters. Apart from the toxic little kids, I think the "feud" between the two factions now is purely RP.

Hahaha! That would have been a sight to behold!
you had very big guild and at prime time too. we struggled for some specific DPS like mages or hunters as they brought so much on the table.
sometimes we even switched to other alts to help with CC or some boss mechanics which demanded a certain class.

I only had one guild where we had a druid tank otherwise it was mainly plate. in that sense Paladin healer was a winner with no competition from any other class.
the guilds I been in was very generous in loots with simple rule of first preference for mains and regulars then the rest. I was in a hardcore guild once just because they needed druid healer but they has people waiting in line for months to earn enough raid points (whatever that was called) to be able to roll for boss drops
regarding your disliking for dungeons I agree they became more of a chore to earn the daily points or badges for your raid gear.
argent tournament was fun first but no depth I agree. both dungeon and its raid were basically a preperation for ICC thats all. I mean its heroic gear was level 226 where as all prior raids had max 200 or 223 level gear whereas ICC 3 dungeons alone were 213 and 219 gear and harder than some early raids for low geared people.
I've been a hybrid gamer all my life. Before I used to always prefer my PC when given the choice for a game between the two. The console was still good for the exclusives and big screen gaming. Now, after a long day at the office, I'd rather not go sit at my PC's desk. The couch, controller, and bigger screen looks much more comfortable. Factor in the Sony exclusives and it looks even better. I'm genuinely debating whether to upgrade the gpu or not. Pure performance wise though, consoles can't ever beat a PC. Just like a PC can't ever beat a console in performance/dollar.

On a side note, the new PS5 controller and the custom I/O have for the very first time offered something on the console which isn't available on the PC. Very impressed with the dualsense and can't wait to see what first party PS5 exclusive titles will do with the custom I/O.

Not really but to each his own, I guess.
Yeah cost/value is best for consoles. Exclusives like uncharted, gran turismo etc are great. But having said that I'd probably also call myself a hybrid gamer.

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