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Video Gamers report in!

Now playing --
Black Ops ,
Batman Arkham Asylum
AC: Brotherhood
Mass Effect 2
Alan Wake
NFS Shift
Prince of Persia : The Forgotten Sands

All on Xbox 360

Currently playing Black Ops online .

I will get Bulletstorm tmrrw :yahoo:

W8ing for Crysis 2 , Dragon Age 2 and Homefrnt to launch
Are you in Pakistan? I just dont think of people in Pakistan or in India as gamers.

Unless they are in western countries.
Only thing on the PC im waiting for is Shogun 2 total war..p

No man ...
There are lot of ppl in India who play on Xbox 360 and PS3 .
And both the consoles r officially launched in India and we get games at Day 1 of launch .

I had preordered Bulletstorm and I am getting it on 26th Feb .

Neither Xbox 360 nor PS3 has been officially launched in Pakistan . So they will have lesser players than India .
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Hey guys add me up ps3 users rajjaiswal (online id)

PSN: shaheen47
Add me ! :D

So who's buying Killzone 3 next week?

I would trade my arm for that. Actually, no.. how would I play then ? :/

i downloaded the demo on psn the last week ,played it for about an hour and didnt like it, it felt to bulky for my likeing :smokin:

i guess im to used to cod games :( currently 13th prestige on blackops Ps3 :smokin:

PSN: shaheen47
Add me ! :D

Cool, add me PSN is IIdeleteduserII. I hardly play PS3 anymore but I might give you a game. :) My KD in Black Ops is 2.60 with like 17% accuracy (I like to spray, I know: "that's what she said" :D). AK-47 is my favourite gun with dual mags.

PSN: shaheen47
Add me ! :D

"Camping like a baby? No points."

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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This video, by SeaNanners literally made Notch 1 million customers. Check out how many views it has.
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okey do you mean playing pirated or cracked games offline and the original ones online

Pirated games offline and original games online so you dont get banned?

I want to play some original games online, but not sure if i can on live because i will get banned. :hitwall:
Pirated games offline and original games online so you dont get banned?

I want to play some original games online, but not sure if i can on live because i will get banned. :hitwall:

I'm not sure I get what you're trying to say but of course you can play original games on Xbox Live. Why would you get banned?
i love having infinite TNT in minecraft

i gave up on the online because there were too many griefers

Look for a server which has hierarchy mods and moderators online. I found one in which they had actually built a city... complete with skyscrapers, bridges, shops and it's very own subway system! No joke. :D



Look at the graphics! Look at them God-damnit!

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One of my friend told me he had some problem when he went online coz he use to play pirated games
I'm not sure I get what you're trying to say but of course you can play original games on Xbox Live. Why would you get banned?
Currently Playing:
1. Sid Meier's Civilization V
2. Blurr
3. Age of Empires 2 The Conquerors

Most Anticipated:
1. The Elder Scrolls: V Skyrim
2. Fallout 4
3. Age of Empires online
4. Dragon Age II
5. The Witcher 2

ZaYYaF, which games you like to play or which games you currently playing? Please do tell us if you already have not. (I might have missed it or something. :-s )
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