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the Ai definitely is dumbed down , but not to the extent u seem to be encountering, i always play at setting above hard cus anything below usually end up with Ai that alway unrealistically tries to pursue diplomatic alternatives before and after battles. Try moving the slider higher.

As far as the lag goes havent encountered any, nevertheless the maps are way too expansive and the processing time betweens turns are a disaster.

Im playing on hardest (the setting just lower than legendary). After 25 hours it feels like mop up - the battles are easy, I dont even bother to assign strong generals + legion standard as any full stack is more than enough to destroy the enemy. The hardest part is food and public order but even that is easy once you figure out the correct balance.
Pretorians in mosh pit brawls always come out on top and unleashing war dogs at the very beginning of the battle will bleed the enemy terribly. Its just too easy.

I remember in the original Rome I lost armies after armies trying to invade Britain. Their chariots under a 8 star general would tear up my tight legionary lines. Those were the good old days.
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Man waiting for the new Command & Conquer...anyone in it?

Ive applied for a beta key but havent received it yet. Only 'The ultimate collection' buyers have the privilege.

I cant believe cnc generals was released a decade ago! How time flies.

This time there is no China or USA - there is APA and EU.
Im playing on hardest (the setting just lower than legendary). After 25 hours it feels like mop up - the battles are easy, I dont even bother to assign strong generals + legion standard as any full stack is more than enough to destroy the enemy. The hardest part is food and public order but even that is easy once you figure out the correct balance.
Pretorians in mosh pit brawls always come out on top and unleashing war dogs at the very beginning of the battle will bleed the enemy terribly. Its just too easy.

hmm well frankly it was pretty much the same with Shogun as well , Combat ai is preety much prone to kiting and lure gank, lure gank kind of rut i usually preferably do(,playing Spartans with atleast 2 skirmisher cavlry and 10-12 archer units with hoplite Pikmen phalanxed fr defence ) The only hard part is the initial stages after that phase and flourishing trade with 20 stack generals ur prety much unbeatable.

Maybe u got used to Shogun and Multiplyer that this seems dumbed down now? Everything gets dumbed down after multiplayer.
tho This game is definitely not a step up from shogun thats fr sure .
It runs on frostbite 3 engine......and i've looked some alpha videos....it doesn't feels like old generals ...although they're trying hard

I reckon it looks like the old generals, at least artistically. The videos that I have seen there are fewer units in the battles when compared to the original.
I remember building literally several dozens of scorpion tanks as GLA in the original generals because watching them roll in collum and leaving tracks behind was awesome. Equally awesome is building dozens of Chinese APC, rolling into the enemy base and letting out hundreds of red guards. Looks awesome but not very effective.
My specs arent great - i7 2600k, gtx 660 but ive never had as much problems with other games as this one. I went back and now onto 25 hours but still many problems and ive quit.
On hardest setting the same tactic decimates a retarded ai again and again - pretorians + auxiliary infantry holds line. War dogs flank = victory. War dogs can get up to 1000 kills and the ai doesnt even defend against them!
Defending town sieges + fleet assaults is absolutely awful. The AI mills around the town and blocks off totally irrelevant points displaying a retarded attempt at strategy. Then they come surging towards the capture points through defensive lines and rout.

I spent near 200 hours on Shogun 2, mainly multiplayer. Rome 2 ive given up on already.

Damn, you got a nice cpu but your graphic card is holding you back. I recommend a 770. Anyway, the ai has improved considerably patch 5. It's not as good as shougun 2 but it's getting there. They should have just waited a little bit longer to release it. But I bet sega is to blame. It's all about money now a days. Develepors just release games and think they will just fix the major problems with a patch.
Your probably right, past total war games always had terrible AI. Its just that I had so much expectation for this game only for it to display the usual (if even worse) ai.
biggest fear is that this game doesn't turn into pay to win types .....i want to see c&c revival

CnC turned into 5hit with Tiberian twilight.
From what ive seen it doesnt look play to win, its just that you will have to grind if you want access to upper tier generals + powers.
Whats also interesting is that there is going to be campaigns added next year! The original Generals campaign was awesome! Especially Zero Hour where Jarmon Kell attacks the US, hijacks the orbital laser and sinks the carrier.
you seem to be a big fan of c&c mate?

yah they messed up with Tiberian thingy...... do you play relic games ? CoH, DoW and Wh40k???

COH and DOW2 I only played the campaigns. Not really my thing as I hate too much micro. I prefer large scale pitch battles like

Supreme commander
Stronghold series
Age of Kings
Total annihilation

DOW 2 had an enjoyable campaign and I really liked the bleak as hell setting of 'A thousand wars accross a million worlds'. I never played multiplayer though
'Call of Duty: Ghosts' review – a right-wing spectacular?
By Adam Shaw

Published November 08, 2013
  • cod2.jpg

    Gameplay from the popular "Call of Duty" series. (Activision)

  • Call%20of%20Duty%20-%20Ghosts%20boxshot.jpg

    The cover for the new video game "Call of Duty: Ghosts," the latest chapter in the popular series. (Activision)

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    Actress Meghan Fox makes a cameo appearance in a new trailer for "Call of Duty: Ghosts," the newest version of the popular military simulator. (FoxNews.com / Activision)
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“Call of Duty: Ghosts," the newest version of the highly popular military first person-shooter series, is out this week -- and arguably has one of the most right-wing premises in video game history.

The COD games are the video game equivalents of Michael Bay movies: loud, shouty, full of explosions, ever so slightly ridiculous, and outrageously popular in spite of the critics.

“Call of Duty: Ghosts” is very much the same, which is its strength as well as its biggest weakness. There's no denying the game excels at heart-pounding action, addictive multiplayer mode and stunning graphics. But the whole thing has an air of déjà vu that may irritate some gamers.

The background to “Ghosts” reads like a novel from the minds of domestic oil drilling supporters mixed in with some neo-conservative foreign policy, with a few sprinklings of pro-border security sentiment thrown in for good measure.

In the alternate reality in which the game takes place, America’s reliance on foreign oil has become its Achilles heel after the Middle East oil economy collapses. With the U.S.A.’s peace-keeping dominance crippled, the geopolitical situation destabilizes, and a shadowy group known as “The Federation” takes over South and Central American countries and begins executing North American nationals on the orders of their anti-American leader. America gets weak, bad things happen.

Despite the U.S.’s best efforts to keep those south of the boarder at bay by building an enormous wall across the border (sounds like comprehensive immigration reform was a bust in this reality), The Federation manages to hijack an American space weapon and obliterate a handful of major U.S. cities, launching their invasion in the process.

After his home is destroyed in the above obliteration, the American protagonist comes across the remnants of a band of elite soldiers known as “The Ghosts,” and joins them in fighting back against the forces at bay. Cue lots of “Oorah” Marine sentiment, tattered American flags waving defiantly against the foreign aggressors, solemn trumpet music and guns that make the AR-15 look like a water pistol.

Little features like your new canine chum “Riley,” who will prowl around the battlefield hunting for stray opponents, are nice little additions, but they are hardly game-changing developments. Although the environments are different in some ways (in the first 5 minutes you’ll find yourself in orbit fixing a space station), the meat of the Call of Duty gameplay is as it always was, and many of the set pieces feel like the same old thing wrapped up in a new environment. It’s still lots of fun, but you may have the unerring sense that you’ve played this mission before in a different world.

The single player will also struggle to last beyond 6 or 7 hours. That comes to about 10 bucks an hour. Worth it on its own? Probably not.

Yet single player has never been the selling point for COD; instead it’s the multiplayer that proves to be the draw. Like its predecessors, the multiplayer option in “Ghosts” is among the best of any on the market.

There are multiple ways to play, from traditional individual or team deathmatches to twists on capture-the-flag, to even fighting off hordes of alien invaders in the new “Extinction” mode.

These modes are strung together by the ability to upgrade your player’s rank by succeeding in battle, leading to a “just one more fight” addictiveness. These upgrades allow greater customization with loadouts and personalization, now even allowing you to create your very own squad of up to ten soldiers with which you can fight against other squads online.

There are a whole host of options, and everything runs deliciously smoothly, sliding you from game to game, and making the whole process highly addictive as you seek to level up and get cooler stuff.

Ultimately “Call of Duty: Ghosts” won’t satisfy those looking for a single-player only experience, nor will it convert those who have never worshipped at Activision’s altar. But then again, Activision and Infinity Ward don’t need to proselytize – millions play Call of Duty all over the world every day, and are eager for a new game even just a bit better than the last edition.

In this “Ghosts” does not disappoint, and fans will respond to the call of duty once again.


Call of Duty: Ghosts is available now for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Microsoft Windows and Wii U, and will be available for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 later this month. The Entertainment Software Rating Board rating is M – Mature.

Adam Shaw writes about video games for FoxNews.com. You can follow him on Twitter @Kupo1211
Who here is playing battlefield 4?

I just finished the campaign on pc, its not bad but also not good. Hannah's schreeching when in a firefight really puts me off.

Im practicing jet fighting in MP now, apparently the Q5 is the best fighter easilly schredding up f35s and t-50s like paper.
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