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Video: As Obama lands, IDF arrests Palestinian 8-year going to school


Jun 1, 2012
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Video: As Obama lands, Israeli soldiers violently arrest Palestinian 8-year-olds on their way to school

Video posted by the Israeli organization B’Tselem shows Israeli occupation forces, armed and financed by the United States, violently arresting Palestinian children in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron today as US President Barack Obama arrived for a visit to Israel.

The video shows harrowing scenes of young children clinging to parents as heavily-armed Israeli occupiers drag them away.

According to B’Tselem:

B’Tselem this morning urgently contacted the Army’s Legal Advisor for [the West Bank], demanding his emergency intervention regarding the detention of numerous children, including some as young as 8 to 10 years old, by the Israeli military this morning in Hebron. Preliminary information received this morning indicates that Soldiers detained or arrested over twenty minors on their way to school. About ten of them were released. The video was filmed by an international activist.
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Seriously brought tears to my eyes as how they were dragging them down like animals. I guess Obama,s arrival gave them balls to commit some Human right violation openly.
Typical modus operandi: send kids to throw stones, then film how they are "arrested". Dont worry, nothing will happen to them just interrogated and released.

Its not Iran or Syria where even peaceful protestors are murdered and raped.
Typical modus operandi: send kids to throw stones, then film how they are "arrested". Dont worry, nothing will happen to them just interrogated and released.

Its not Iran or Syria where even peaceful protestors are murdered and raped.

Interrogate an eight year old?

I mean that is ok with you?
And please dont drag in Iran or Syria as your defense, They dont claim to be democracies with rule of just law.
They should not throw stones thats bad! I have had some very bad experiences with pally kids throwing stones..these guys dont know how to raise kids.
They must've been one of those rock throwers. A few days ago, a 2 year child was almost killed by those rock throwers.

Though in my opinion a better way would be to arrest the parents who incite their kids to throw rocks instead of arresting the kid.

Interrogate an eight year old?

I mean that is ok with you?
And please dont drag in Iran or Syria as your defense, They dont claim to be democracies with rule of just law.

Leaving out the army and/or police, what would you do if rocks were thrown at you while you were driving or walking? Wouldn't you apprehend those kids or call the police to do so?

Those kids would be released anyway after some interrogation. It is their parents who are guilty of feeding their kids with hate propaganda;
Interrogate an eight year old?

I mean that is ok with you?
And please dont drag in Iran or Syria as your defense, They dont claim to be democracies with rule of just law.
If 8 years old boy will throw stones at cars in UK street do u think police wont detain him and interrogate?

Right now there is 3 year old girl in Israel in critical condition because of stone thrown at car. Very possible that it was thrown by some 8 years old kid.

Palestinian kids often behave in provocative way with Israeli soldiers, but no one detain them unless they do something violent.


Typical modus operandi: send kids to throw stones, then film how they are "arrested". Dont worry, nothing will happen to them just interrogated and released.

Its not Iran or Syria where even peaceful protestors are murdered and raped.
look at what there terrorist did in the beginning and the police did not even intervene, they burnt down police stations, courts, government and private buildings... it wasn't until those terrorists started killing protesters to blame the government, just watch this video before you comment about Syria next time...

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Typical modus operandi: send kids to throw stones, then film how they are "arrested". Dont worry, nothing will happen to them just interrogated and released.

Its not Iran or Syria where even peaceful protestors are murdered and raped.

ohh okaaaaaa but then why jew soldier killed a small boy on his birthday for no reason and then he was given a medal
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