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Bangladesh has inclusive development, India doesn't. India mostly has crushing poverty and a few Billionaires leaching off of Billions of outdoor defecating poor. Which leads to 'aspirational lifestyles' seen on Bollywood and Indian TV channels.
Read the following, written by an Indian...
Human Development Index figures indicate "a comparative measure of life expectancy, literacy, education, standards of living, and quality of life."
An important aspect that sets Bangladesh apart from India and many of its states is a consistent commitment by the former country to empower the women.
Many experts believe the main factor keeping India backward is that a large section of women in India are still the last in line for receiving education, jobs training, credit, food, other opportunities, etc.
Compare that to Bangladesh, some 88% of women are literate today, as against 68% of women in India.
How Bangladesh did it is not rocket science. In giving women better health and more autonomy, family planning was one of a number of factors that improved their lot, and by so doing did much to reduce poverty. The spread of primary education was one of the others (the government has been better than many at helping women this way); the proportion of girls who get schooled has increased much more than the proportion of boys. And both the boom in the textile industry and the arrival of micro credit have, over the past 20 years, put money into women’s pockets—from which it is more likely to be spent on health, education and better food.
Further Reading:
The path through the fields
How Poorer Bangladesh Outpaces India on Human-Development Indicators