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Veena Malik is crossing her limits

She has not effected Pakistan image, But may effected your image. No offense, just a say
Then why is there prostituion hubs known as hira mundi's operating in broad daylight across the country in major cities such as Lahore, multan, islamabad, karachi, etc.? Why doesn't the public demand closure of them?
I don't know how you speak on behalf of every Pakistani and why you assume that Pakistani Public don't want to shut these Dimond Markets. You better go and ask those peoples who live close to this area and they will tell you how much problems they are facing because of these brothel houses.These brothel houses were created by the British for the recreation of the British soldiers during the British Raj. These Mujras are running with support of some corrupt police/politicians . You will hardly see any Pakistani family visit cinema/theatre to view these mujra or third class vulgur stage drams as these are not representing Pakistani culture and educated class.

You should tell us how a common Pakistani can stop it and what you did to stop them running before you criticise others. Do you want peoples like talibans to come forwards and shut these evil houses and give lashes to those women who are running the buisness of prostitution. Thats the only choice you left with if Government is not taking any steps against them and i am sure if some groups take stand against them then they will be called extremist by you and some of your fellow Pakistani. So dude give us some suggestion

Our nation hasn't stood up in protests on national security matters like the memo case and OBL raid by the US, i doubt they'd ever stand on these issues...it's the internalized beghariti that we have too get rid of.
Wrong again. I don't think you watch the news as you have not seen the protests against US and drone attacks. Even if you open your eyes and read topics on this forums you will get strong opinions of Pakistani peoples against US interference in Pakistani politics
Well its not like she did this 'photo shoot' in the 'name of Islam', as our 'brothers' the religious nutjobs tend to claim when bombing markets, schools and mosques.

If it has not been pointed out yet, let me make this clear - members/Pakistanis are free to criticize her decision to do this shoot, but you are not free to call for violence or 'legal action' against her. The publication is non-Pakistani - no Pakistani laws were broken here.

This is Veena's choice and if she has 'sinned', Allah will judge everyone.

I agree with your post except last sentence

Nudity is sin as per teaching of Allah/islam so no question of if here :)
no offense??? you post may only be understood by idiots
Lol, so you say those members are idiots because they don't agree with your comments??.... :hitwall: Is this a good way to say
them "******"??? just because they don't agree with your comments?? I don't think this is the
respectable word you are using.
Boy oh boy, does someone have a short term memory. When people actually started to do something about these things they got labeled exremists and killed by government under Mushy.

Remember LAL Masjid?

Why doesn't the public demand an inquiry into the incident? who is stopping the awaaam now there's no dictator there?

The public didn't stand behind the Rasheed brothers of Lal masjid when they were protesting about the brothels issue. They had to physically take the law in their own hands. Pretty sad!!

she has effected pakistan's image, and that reality, go understand the reality

So what do you propose? We should kill her or burn her alive? Perhaps throwing a bit of acid on her face would solve the problem as ignorant ppl do in our communities?

She's just another Pakistani woman. When women are being raped or buried alive by tribal sick minded wahshee, and when militant groups are ruthlessly killing innocent ppl in karachi, they're not part of anyone's "izzat", and people still voting the same criminal wahshee's to power.

I don't know how you speak on behalf of every Pakistani and why you assume that Pakistani Public don't want to shut these Dimond Markets. You better go and ask those peoples who live close to this area and they will tell you how much problems they are facing because of these brothel houses.These brothel houses were created by the British for the recreation of the British soldiers during the British Raj. These Mujras are running with support of some corrupt police/politicians . You will hardly see any Pakistani family visit cinema/theatre to view these mujra or third class vulgur stage drams as these are not representing Pakistani culture and educated class.

You should tell us how a common Pakistani can stop it and what you did to stop them running before you criticise others. Do you want peoples like talibans to come forwards and shut these evil houses and give lashes to those women who are running the buisness of prostitution. Thats the only choice you left with if Government is not taking any steps against them and i am sure if some groups take stand against them then they will be called extremist by you and some of your fellow Pakistani. So dude give us some suggestion

Wrong again. I don't think you watch the news as you have not seen the protests against US and drone attacks. Even if you open your eyes and read topics on this forums you will get strong opinions of Pakistani peoples against US interference in Pakistani politics

Why do the people keep voting these same bastards to represent them? Why's there no protests to condemn and address those issues then?
my dear firefighter,i dont want to go emotional, but anybody can realize what im trying to say, guy you are not that foolish:lol::lol::lol:

a guy takes money from saudiarabia and gives to taliban to rape americans in afghanistan, you so called liberal guys have an itch in the hole, but when a low level woman gets some indian money for doing you know what, get publicity, then you guys dont have problems, guys like you should have some sense of self respect, and no im not taking about throwing acid, killing her to the low level woman, im from educated back ground it belongs to village mentality, and im sure you are fresh out of village because guys fresh out of village become liberals and uncle sam worshippers
Mods, can we close this goddamn thread please? There are many more urgent things to talk about than Veena Malik, & it is shocking that we have two concurrent threads running on her.
ueen of controversies Veena Malik may or not have done a nude shoot for an Indian magazine but this time it may not be a hands-down win for Pakistan's custodians of morality because her admirers seem to have multiplied over the year.

Malik, who last ran into trouble for not playing miss-goodie-two-shoes on Indian reality show 'Bigg Boss IV' earlier this year, is back in the spotlight for allegedly posing nude for the cover of FHM India magazine with an "ISI" tattoo on her arm.

She has denied posing nude and has threatened to sue the magazine, whose editor Kabeer Sharma insists that he has a video and an email from Malik that prove the authenticity of the photo.

Pakistan's Interior Minister Rahman Malik has said he had not seen the pictures.

However, he contended that if Malik had done a nude shoot, "strict action" would be taken against her.

Women have come out in hordes in the virtual world, at least, to support Malik.

"Veena I am proud of you!" wrote Sonia Wahab on a web page.

The best response came from filmmaker Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy.

She posted on Twitter: "For all you clerics waiting to pounce on Veena Malik better have your excuses lined up about why you were looking at FHM in the first place!"

On the website of The Express Tribune newspaper, Abdul Jabbar posted: "Veena has every right to pose how she wants.

"May be she's showing our moral hypocrisy where we value a woman by her sex life. Maybe she feels she has got nothing to be ashamed of her body, that the female body is not a source of sin and shame. I for one, will not condemn her.

"The Egyptian blogger did it recently and her reasons were valid. There is no need to attach a woman's value in society by the amount of clothes she wraps herself into," he wrote.

But Malik had her share of detractors too. On a Facebook page floated to hate all things Indian, the administrator posted: "Shameless Veena Malik poses naked for men's magazine FHM (India). Notice the ISI tattoo on her arm. This gesture from eastern (sic) neighbour speaks of their frustration and hatred towards the ISI. Veena Malik shame on you".

Over 80 comments that followed requested members of the page to ask Pakistan's Supreme Court to cancel Malik's nationality and to make sure that she does not live in the country again.

Malik has been trending on microblogging website Twitter since the photo became public yesterday.

Actress Meera, Malik's bete noire, called her a "completely mad woman".

The feminists, while supporting Malik's decision to pose nude, wondered if it also amounted to real empowerment.

"Why 'empowerment' and a 'free life' mean no clothes?" tweeted Ayesha Malik.

Some others explained why Malik was in denial. "After all, she probably fears being stripped of her Pak citizenship," wrote blogger Cafe Pyala.

Veena Malik nude photo: Pakistan minister Rahman Malik warns her of 'strict action' - The Times of India

Is what is mentioned in bold true??!! It have serious doubts about it..!!
you dont know the hell abt me, so SU, i dont to go to next level of insults
Again you picked other member "wmdisinfo ", and forcing him to agree with your comments. Next level of insults??, its enough to say Man shows his family background and his teachings. I am not going to use abusive/insulting or respectable words for you. Of course you want to use it, Say..........., if you do, again you show lights of family teaching. I hope you are good guy. Don't be a kid
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