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Varyag PAR being installed, testing engine.

Good, but have you guys made engines of this type earlier? Minimum 200,000hp? They are not easily commercially available. That is what I read. Would like to know, thanks.
Type 051c and Type 052c are good examples, the former one used the indigenous steam turbines, and the later one used the imported German gas turbine initially.
Good, but have you guys made engines of this type earlier? Minimum 200,000hp? They are not easily commercially available. That is what I read. Would like to know, thanks.

China made the powerful steam turbine long time ago. We are just relatively weak at the gas turbine.

The steam turbine is more suitable for aircraft carrier, whereas the gas turbine is more suitable for the large destroyer and so on.
Type 051c and Type 052c are good examples, the former one used the indigenous steam turbines, and the later one used the imported German gas turbine initially.

Hey, the Type 051c is only 7000 tons. Varyag is 65,000 tons. The same engines will not do? Are you using nuclear power plants?
Hey, the Type 051c is only 7000 tons. Varyag is 65,000 tons. The same engines will not do? Are you using nuclear power plants?

Obviously not the same, but you could have 4 X steam turbines to power Varyag.

And the next carrier is 100% likely having 4 X steam catapults and even the nuclear power plant is a possibility.
Thanks CT, these Somalian pirates have screwed up our AC plans. Nothing to beat a 70,000 -80,000 ton AC with multiple steam catapults. All running on U235.
Thanks CT, these Somalian pirates have screwed up our AC plans. Nothing to beat a 70,000 -80,000 ton AC with multiple steam catapults. All running on U235.

So India also has the plan for the nuclear supercarrier?

Yeah, the catapult launch system is much better, the ski-jump is only used when we don't have any choice. Even Russia themselves prefer the catapult system.

Even Varyag wasn't initially designed to be installed with the catapult system, yet PLAN is very urged to put 2 X steam catapults in the diagonal flight deck.
When will India also launch its nuclear carrier?

Hopefully, in a few yeears, for the first time in 200 years, non-western navies will achieve parity with western navies, something that Qing, Japan, USSR, all failed to achieve.
When will India also launch its nuclear carrier?

Hopefully, in a few yeears, for the first time in 200 years, non-western navies will achieve parity with western navies, something that Qing, Japan, USSR, all failed to achieve.

1 CVN from india isnt anywhere near parity with the west
if everything becomes well between India and China..just imagine Varyag and Vikramadutya sailing in North Atlantic Ocean...what a sight it will be.

Man...I would love to see that happen one day. I know things are still wishy washy between our countries. At least when we look at one another, we don't view eachother as enemies. So there is always hope. :cheers:
We do have plans for the second indigenous AC to be a steam catapult one. the plan is to make it a 65,000/70,000 ton displacement carrier. Nuclear power would have been a government decision. The IN wants it nuclear powered. That will come only if and when the government allots separate budget for anti-piracy operations as these operations are eating into the Navy's budget.
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