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Varanasi court allows ASI survey of Gyanvapi Mosque, located next to Kashi Vishwanath Temple

It's gone


Places of worship (special provisions Act) 1991

An Act to prohibit conversion of any place of worship and to provide for the maintenance of the religious character of any place of worship as it existed on the 15th day of August, 1947, and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto

Unless you want to make your judiciary utterly worthless and humiliated in order to attack Indian Muslims and their historical religious sites by going against your own laws
Whatever will happen will be told by future.
For the past few years, under the guise of access, the Muslim neighborhoods around the Gyan Vyapi mosque are being cleared. Muslims are being told to relocate to another area of Varanasi. When Muslims will not be living around the mosque, the attendance will dwindle to a trickle.

With the ASI survey now, access to the mosque will be further limited under "safety" or "ASI guidelines". With no worshipers at the mosque, another case of adverse possession will be filed, and the same script will be enacted as in the Babri Masjid case.

Even an communal mind like you can't reject the overwhelming evidence that beloved Aurangzeb demolished one of the.most holy cites of Hinduism to build an mosque. Many attempts were made by later Marathas to rebuild the temple at the exact same spot but were left off due to political reasons.

Holy sites of Hindus should be given back to us. That is what social justice means. Of course people like you would.like to.glaot the killings of your ancestral co religionists bros.
Yeah but according to Indian law aren't Indian Muslims and their religious sites protected

As this site was a functioning mosque upon Indian independence day therefore that what it remains as per Indian law whether centuries ago a temple was destroyed or not

Outside of hindutva extremist SC laws seems like Indian Muslims have a pretty good case
Again the law as per India

Places of worship (special provisions Act) 1991

An Act to prohibit conversion of any place of worship and to provide for the maintenance of the religious character of any place of worship as it existed on the 15th day of August, 1947, and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto
Let me make you understand in simple words ,it was never a mosque, for us it was always a temple and still is a temple, which is occupied by a group of people that needs to be evicted.

Thus no such law will be applied here, secondly even if the law is applicable it can be amended to the current requirements.
What's the problem with all these mosques, churches being built on previous holy sites anyway? You polytheists lost them fair and square in historical battle. Why do you cry and cry now to have them back? Should every nation have this inferiority complex regarding medieval history and start uprooting buildings? Why should the monotheistic peoples be slighted by having their buildings uprooted?

You people never change. You cry and moan today about what happened in a fight centuries ago. Then through sheer weight of numbers and by bullying civilians, you satisfy your little inferiority syndromes.

it is continuous struggle ,
once we hindus , jews , christians are powerful enough ,we are taking our places of worship from illegal occupiers . it is requested from muslim brothers to vacate church of aya sophia , jew temple in jerusalem, kashi vishwanath and krishna janmbhumi temple in india .
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Even an communal mind like you can't reject the overwhelming evidence that beloved Aurangzeb demolished one of the.most holy cites of Hinduism to build an mosque. Many attempts were made by later Marathas to rebuild the temple at the exact same spot but were left off due to political reasons.

Holy sites of Hindus should be given back to us. That is what social justice means. Of course people like you would.like to.glaot the killings of your ancestral co religionists bros.

It was demolished on the request of the Nepali Hindu King whose daughter was raped by the temple priests. That was justice.
It was demolished on the request of the Nepali Hindu King whose daughter was raped by the temple priests. That was justice.
How so? So if a mullah from jama masjid rapes someone, should jama masjid also be destroyed?

Or does victim card only applies to you.

Why was mosque built there? Don't hide your communal angle under a facade of justice. Lol.
It has been used as a mosque by Indian Muslims for many centuries what is the point of upsetting our fellow Indians. Let the past be we are moving in the right direction as a strong democratic country with many faiths and languages. What is the point of this it will only make the Muslim community worry and feel like the state is against them. As a Sikh if a gurdwara was knocked down that we had been using for hundreds of years because in the past it was a mandir it would piss me off
When you know that your ancestors have knocked down a temple and built Gurudwara, as z civilized guy... You should hand over Gurudwara to right ppl because you have done a wrong by knocking down someone's place... Else, what your ancestors have done while in power would be repeated when other party comes to power...

If pulling down Gurudwara will piss you, having Gurudwara will piss other guy... So person who has to act is the person who committed mistake of pulling down temple and constructed Gurudwara...
The temple is next door. If you ever cared for Kashi you would know where the Kashi Vishwanath temple is. Reality is you only care about this because of the hatred against Muslims inside of you.

If you ever cared for secularism and social justice, you would argue historical injustice should be corrected. Like the affirmative action for the oppressed through reservation. But no, your beliefs will prevent you from even giving the thoughts of providing relief to the community affected by barbarity during your beloved Aurangzeb regime.

Then come here and preach secularism and how an communal hellhole India is. If all these sites had been claimed in 50's, India would have been much better country now. I partially agree the extreme right wings words of poison is sowing communal misdeeds. But when their cries for pleas were ignored by people ruling in power for plain simple vote bank politics.
It was demolished on the request of the Nepali Hindu King whose daughter was raped by the temple priests. That was justice.

ghajab ka fatwa hai ?

xeuss beta yeh kidhar likha hai ?

agar masjid ka maulvi koi galat kam karta hai to tum masjid tor kar mandir bana doge ?
How so? So if a mullah from jama masjid rapes someone, should jama masjid also be destroyed?

Or does victim card only applies to you.

Why was mosque built there? Don't hide your communal angle under a facade of justice. Lol.

Rich coming from someone whose society destroys mosques for no reason at all.....
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