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Use of Religiously Bigoted and Racist Terminologies on PDF

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terms like snake god, monkey god, pagans, idolators, internet hindus, stone worshippers, infidels and saying stuffs like your religion is not true, its impure, satanic etc etc are constantly done by muslims here we never complained much :angel:
i dont think any of the word you quoted above are racist except for "stuffs like your religion is not true, its impure, satanic etc etc "

How do yo u describe vayu...ofcourse as wind god or for agni as god of fire hence the snake god and hanuman as monkey god.Kafir i dont think its racist as malecha is not racist people in india do generally refer muslims as malecha.

report such usages and let the Mods take care of it..
Highly insensitive and offensive utterances about our Prophet (PBUH) and his life.

I agree with not bashing on any religion or God for that matter. Its people's beliefs and I personally do not have any problem with anyone believing in anything they want. However, what is "offensive" should be defined. Criticisms can very easily be taken as offences.

For example, I might criticize Hinduism for being superstitious in certain instances. That is not offensive.
I might criticize Christianity, Islam and Judaism because they are fundamentally anti-gay (a right that I support for people cuz its their preference and I am liberal).

These are NOT anti-religion, and are not to be taken as religious slander.

Indians stating frequently that the terrorist meet his 72. This is an offensive religious slur, religious bigotry and is racist.

It is normal to say that Pakistanis would blow themselves up in the markets and bazaars etc. Suicide bombing kills people and such characterization of a group of people is extremely offensive. Most of the time, it is just meant to characterize Muslims and Pakistanis. I have even seen posters using such frivolity against unborn children.

Terrorist is always referred to as a Muslim or a Pakistani. In my opinion terrorism does not have a religion.

The term Wahabis and Salafis have become synonymous for many as terrorists. How can one classify a whole Muslim sect or a group of people to be terrorists based on a few who resort to such violence.

Using terminologies which may be common utterances in many Indian forums like BR, but are offensive, demeaning and are an expression of bigotry.

To have a clean and worthy discussion on any topic which is free of bigotry and racism is indeed enjoyable and worth the effort and time. To achieve such an environment, it is important that we should not resort to use of such terminologies which are offensive.

When it comes to this, I have seen a number of posts (infact most world affairs) that are anti-Indian. This puts a number of Indian posters on the offensive side, and therefore you get what you set out seeking. A troll thread. Few things that I would like to highlight here:

1. Blatant partiality from the mods - If an Indian says something, it is either immediately deleted or the person given an infraction. If a Pakistani says anything anti-Indian, it is allowed to not only be there, the person rarely gets any punishment. This unequal treatment is first of all not fair, secondly silly. It is an internet forum. Not international politics where such hypocrisies might be allowed.

2. Concentrating on the worst: India's poverty, internal tensions etc being over exagerrated. Any India related story, even if positive, has to be derailed and the country trashed in the form of links, videos, news articles or blatant trolling. All this with impunity. Any anti-Pakistan thread or activity is however immediately silenced.

You could always say - "This is a Pakistani forum", but in reality, it is an internet forum and it is a public site. As such its not unfair to ask for equal treatment be it political rivals or not. Some Pakistani members have themselves declared HATE for Indians, but I havent seen many Indians actually say such stuff.

I have seen a number of your posts, hardly anything is productive. You live in Pakistan, yet your mind is always in India. On India's misfortunes, failures or problems. Rarely do you ever concentrate or criticize anything about Pakistan.

And rarely do Pakistani members say something positive about India. Atleast because good relations start with the educated folk, but that is clearly not the case here.

I dont even need to speak about the Chinese posters - although a lot of them react normally when spoken to properly.

Respect is a two way street. And Double standards wont solve any of your issues on PDF. You are asking for change, you need to change too.
you don't need to do anything for me. pdf is simply a source of cheap entertainment for me.
thankfully i don't take the interweb too seriously.
thats why you are always on forefront.............:D
Kafir i dont think its racist as malecha is not racist people in india do generally refer muslims as malecha.

I am hearing this malecha word for the first time
in that thread even some bangladeshis used terms like 72 virgins, jehadis which many conservative muslims might find offensive but i agree indians shouldnt use this 72 virgin part on non indians but we have the right to use that on idiots on our side of border
btw forgot to mention it howcome muslim freedom fighters of kashmir or for that matter any other indian muslim are different from other muslims of the world that you were justifying the usage for them?????
I agree with 72 virgins rant and request the members to avoid using it.

When something is said rarely, it's not offensive and can be taken as sarcasm but when you start repeating every now and than, MODs will have to come in action :D
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