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Aug 25, 2009
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09/16/2009 -
The United States Air Force (USAF) shot down an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) on Sunday morning after it lost control of it over a remote area in Northern Afghanistan.

The USAF does not know how or why operators lost control of the MQ-9 Reaper Unmanned Aircraft System. "We do not speculate on the cause of an aircraft mishap," Captain Frank Hartnett, a spokesman for the Air Force, told Security Management. An investigation, however, will be conducted to find an answer, he said.
The Reaper was flying a combat mission when operators lost "positive control" of the UAV, or the ability to establish connections and send control inputs to the remote-controlled aircraft. When operators noticed the UAV was bound to exit Afghani airspace and all efforts to reestablish communication with the machine failed, the Air Force deployed an F-15E Strike Eagle to destroy it.
The fighter jet fired one Sidewinder missile at the Reaper, causing the UAV to crash into a mountain side. There was no report of civilian casualties or damage to civilian property, according to a USAF statement.
Harnett said the USAF has no knowledge of any similar incidents happening before. "This is the first MQ-9 Reaper crash that was due to loss of control," he said.
The unit cost of Reaper drones, which includes four aircraft with sensors, is $53.3 million in fiscal 2006 dollars, according to the USAF. The UAVs are manufactured by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.
The use of these "persistent hunter-killers," as they are described by the USAF, in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan has caused considerable controversy after drone attacks have reportedly killed innocent people, stirring up anger, fear, and resentment among local populations.
On Monday, a suspected U.S. drone attack killed four militants allegedly with ties to Al Qaeda and Pakistan's Taliban in North Waziristan. The missile strike destroyed a vehicle carrying both foreign and local militants, Voice of America reported. The third drone attack within a week, the strikes have killed a total of 18 suspected militants.

-Yeah it has a mind of its own :O, going rogue on their masters, It's going to take over the world...*Am I scaring you?* Well anyway, just shows even the most Advance technological equipment in the world has mishaps, yes even us the country you revere the most United States, I know it's shocking ;D...
WoW just look at the MQ-9 no wonder Pakistan want's it or any other country for that matter :D...Hellfire guide laser missiles can pin-point a fly 2 miles away...BEAST!!!

-Well this is going to be obsolete when they latest platform blocks come out for the Predator and MQ-9 :P...
There goes some 10 mill $ because on its official site it says

Unit cost USD 10.5 million for one aircraft with sensors !!!
The US should have invited the Pakistan Air Force shoot it down (for practice :lol:).
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That wouldnt have been a bad idea at all!! Truth dude!, that would make our ties even warmer :agree: :tup:

I hope you said it seriously :cheers:

Of course! If the US was really wanting to be nice, they would have secretly let the PAF shoot it down and leak that they did it to the press. Thereby further confusing the "enemy" Talibs.

But, you know, the US doesn't play conspiracy games .......

:usflag: :pakistan:
Hey buddy, is there a new version of Predator coming up?

Sir, MQ-1C Warrior is the advanced version of MQ-1 Predator, also MQ-9 Reaper can be said as an advanced version of predator also in other words.
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