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USAF final formation out of Afghanistan 6 x C17 + 6 x KC0135 tankers

Might I request you to elaborate on that part in bold, please?
Islamic escatology describes 19th to 21st power sources as Pax Brittanica( British rule over the whole world and its control over many resources) broken up and replaced by Pax Americana with the USA governing the whole world as a leader in finances and controller of technology. It is predicted that this would be replaced by Pax Judea initiated by a/world wide financial collapse and the dismantling of the dollar as the dominent currency. This would transfer power into the hands of Jews with their dominence over the world and eventual formation of the greater Israel.
These are mere predictions and no one knows how they will come about. However given the current weakness of the US dollar and the US debt such a situation could theoretically be triggered. This would require financial control though formation of a new dominent currency( possibly moneyless system) so that financial control could be exerted. It remains to be seen how this will be executed.
Islamic escatology describes 19th to 21st power sources as Pax Brittanica( British rule over the whole world and its control over many resources) broken up and replaced by Pax Americana with the USA governing the whole world as a leader in finances and controller of technology. It is predicted that this would be replaced by Pax Judea initiated by a/world wide financial collapse and the dismantling of the dollar as the dominent currency. This would transfer power into the hands of Jews with their dominence 9ver the world and 3ventual formation of the greater Israel.
These are mere predictions and no one knows how they will come about. However given the current weakness of the US dollar and the US debt such a situation could theoretically be triggered. This would require financial control though formation of a new dominent currency( possibly moneyless system) so that financial control coupd be exerted. It remains to be seen how this will be executed.

Thank you for that indulgence, it helps me understand your points of view better. Obliged!
Not that there is anything wrong with that! :D
What I believe in is the formation of the greater Israel because that has been predicted in Ahadeeth. Escatology is more of a take based on Ahadeeth and looking at the running of the financial world of today. It remains a prediction which can be read with some interest but need not be believed as the mechanism of the formation of greater Israel and the source of its power is not described by Rasool Allah SAW. SO i do not have any problem with anyone believing or not believing this explanation. This is my last post on the subject as we have deviated from the thread.
Kind regards
What I believe in is the formation of the greater Israel because that has been predicted in Ahadeeth. Escatology is more of a take based on Ahadeeth and looking at the running of the financial world of today. It remains a prediction which can be read with some interest but need not be believed as the mechanism of the formation of greater Israel and the source of its power is not described by Rasool Allah SAW. SO i do not have any problem with anyone believing or not believing this explanation. This is my last post on the subject as we have deviated from the thread.
Kind regards

Fair enough.

To get back on topic, do you see the departure of US forces from Afghanistan as anything more than the ending of a long war in the region? Or not much of a change?
Next Era Cold War II (US & China).
The Middle East and Pakistan should egg both of these giants to confront each other.

Muslims do not do that, we do not encourage war. But if someone tries to stop us from establishing our faith, then we fight for our right to practice our faith.

Besides, the zionists have already set this up, it's their game plan and that's why the U.S and the West are being so aggressive toward Russia, China, Iran and Pakistan.
Islamic escatology describes 19th to 21st power sources as Pax Brittanica( British rule over the whole world and its control over many resources) broken up and replaced by Pax Americana with the USA governing the whole world as a leader in finances and controller of technology. It is predicted that this would be replaced by Pax Judea initiated by a/world wide financial collapse and the dismantling of the dollar as the dominent currency. This would transfer power into the hands of Jews with their dominence over the world and eventual formation of the greater Israel.
These are mere predictions and no one knows how they will come about. However given the current weakness of the US dollar and the US debt such a situation could theoretically be triggered. This would require financial control though formation of a new dominent currency( possibly moneyless system) so that financial control could be exerted. It remains to be seen how this will be executed.
The Greater Israel project is exaggerated in my humble opinion. However, it is possible that the existing statusquo will not last and Palestine will be swallowed whole.

Hadith describe numerous events and one of them is about a war which will be fought in 3 phases. The Romans will inflict heavy losses on Muslims in the 1st and 2nd phases of the war (victory in each) but Turkey will be overrun in the 3rd phase. It is however, unclear how this would happen and what would be the political realities of the time. Syria might be in Roman camp in these times but not sure. The Romans would be very much in game nevertheless.

USD is very strong, to the extent of being harmful to American manufacturing industry. COVID-19 have hampered American economic growth but let us see. USA also have largest reserves of Gold in the world - a contingency plan just in case. These people do plan for things many years in advance.

But Allah Almighty knows best as always.
Mohammad Najibullah's government lasted about 3 years after USSR withdrawal from Afghanistan. He fought bravely against armed to teeth Western puppets and probably he could still be in power if Russia have not stop arms supplies due to collapse.
Soviet army left the country in full order with banners unfurled.
US puppet regime have fallen even before Americans run from the country as thieves.
Mohammad Najibullah's government lasted about 3 years after USSR withdrawal from Afghanistan. He fought bravely against armed to teeth Western puppets and probably he could still be in power if Russia have not stop arms supplies due to collapse.
Soviet army left the country in full order with banners unfurled.
US puppet regime have fallen even before Americans run from the country as thieves.
The Americans also had a deal with Afghan Taliban, remember? Things are different in both developments.
USD is very strong, to the extent of being harmful to American manufacturing industry.
Businessmen/women look at the overall cost per unit of products, not the per unit of the cost.
Fair enough.

To get back on topic, do you see the departure of US forces from Afghanistan as anything more than the ending of a long war in the region? Or not much of a change?
Personally the war lost direction soon after its inception. If you look at it objectively it was a war without any specific aims.
Think of all the premises on the basis of which the invasion took place. What was achieved possibly other than the OBL killing and that too in Pakistan.
The Al Qaeda simply melted amongst the masses and The Taliban did the same. So at some stage( the stage can be differed and you may have anogher view point about it) the war became a Zero sum game.
What is being projected is the same old story of two sides pf the coin. The Taliban see this as a victory since they have retained their internal structure intact and still come out on top. The US sees it as the end of a campaign and therefore the return to base is the natural culmination. The defence conglomerate sees it as enough pillage of the national exchequer and want the US to recuperate before the next campaign.
As to the truth it lies somewhere in the middle of all the three axes. For the Taliban they have learnt the art of management of a dire situation and if they can survive the initial 6 months the government will stabilize. The US will always see this as a voctory but the aims and objectives need to be evaluated and one has to say it has been stalemated into withdrawing which was the only plausible outcome.
I do not know how history will judge this invasion of Afghanistan.
Personally the war lost direction soon after its inception. If you look at it objectively it was a war without any specific aims.
Think of all the premises on the basis of which the invasion took place. What was achieved possibly other than the OBL killing and that too in Pakistan.
The Al Qaeda simply melted amongst the masses and The Taliban did the same. So at some stage( the stage can be differed and you may have anogher view point about it) the war became a Zero sum game.
What is being projected is the same old story of two sides pf the coin. The Taliban see this as a victory since they have retained their internal structure intact and still come out on top. The US sees it as the end of a campaign and therefore the return to base is the natural culmination. The defence conglomerate sees it as enough pillage of the national exchequer and want the US to recuperate before the next campaign.
As to the truth it lies somewhere in the middle of all the three axes. For the Taliban they have learnt the art of management of a dire situation and if they can survive the initial 6 months the government will stabilize. The US will always see this as a voctory but the aims and objectives need to be evaluated and one has to say it has been stalemated into withdrawing which was the only plausible outcome.
I do not know how history will judge this invasion of Afghanistan.

I guess one way to judge what the eventual verdict will be on the war would be to see if that region is able to mount another attack on the US mainland. Thus far, assurances from the Taliban and other parties in stridently reiterating that such will not be the case will need to be evaluated over time.
I guess one way to judge what the eventual verdict will be on the war would be to see if that region is able to mount another attack on the US mainland. Thus far, assurances from the Taliban and other parties in stridently reiterating that such will not be the case will need to be evaluated over time.
I know you will not believe me as the world is strongly in favour of the US narrative but to this day I personally believe that 9/11 was not the work of OBL/Al Qaeda. This remains my personal view point.
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