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USAF final formation out of Afghanistan 6 x C17 + 6 x KC0135 tankers

To be honest, America has given Afghanistan a lot.

We don't realise it, but Afghanistan's basic history is...

1) The Soviet Union invades Afghanistan and establishes communist authority, which is reviled by most Western and Muslim countries.

3) Infiltrates Mujahideen, which are supported by the US and trained by Pakistan.

4) The USSR is vanquished, and the US withdraws from the scene, leaving a power vacuum.

5) Mujahideen funding ceases, and the group begins battling amongst itself for control of Afghanistan. New Warlords appear on the scene, spreading chaos. they imposed a heavy tax on common citizens to travel from one part of the city to another, and rape, kidnapping, and murder were all part of the daily routine. According to the Taliban, about 200 people were killed every day in Afghanistan when they took over.

6) The Taliban arrive, and opium production is reduced to virtually zero, rape cases are almost non-existent owing to fear of being stoned to death, and the total number of murders per day is greatly reduced.

But there was one major issue. They lacked fundamental financial, judicial, bureaucratic, and policing infrastructure. They had no banks, no foreign investment, no international recognition, and, of course, they were occupying the country by force, so they didn't have much public support except pushtoons. They had no understanding of human rights and their leaders were clearly not educated enough, probably that is why they were still called "Taliban" (students). I have always called them "Jungli" people... they were IMO cavemen by habits

In the last 20 years, the United States has not only raised the army (which has since vanished) and the police (some of whom are still on the job), but also civil service, infrastructure development, primary to higher education, democratic values, and worked in every sector that could help them transition from the tribal world to the modern world.

The major issue with Afghanistan, in my opinion, is that they have been at war with several countries for the past 200 years. Most countries in the globe were ruled by kings in the 19th century, but the United Kingdom established its form of democracy throughout the colonial era, and many countries followed suit, but Afghanistan was unable to progress naturally and still adheres to 19th century norms.

So, in conclusion, there is no justification for foreign invaders, and the United States was going to leave this land one day, but they have done a lot of good things at the same time, and Afghanistan has changed dramatically, and they are no longer stuck in the past as they have been for the last 100-200 years.

USA paid the Afghans for breaking the backbone of Soviets (thus ending the cold war and USA becoming sole superpower) and the bloodshed of Afghans by them subsequently. That's how I look at it.
The end of Pax Americana. America is no longer the dominant force on the planet.
Whether pax Americana ends or not ;only time will tell. However, US for all it's shortcomings is still the best place to live in the world. It is still the place where most of the world wants to come. Not to mention even those who destest this country the most.

For example there are millions of Chinese in the US, who can vouch for what I'm saying. One might take issues with US foreign policy, but it is still a fantastic place to live and work, given you are a hard worker and a go getter. Chinese have done very well here.

There is something very unique about the US culture that is so dynamic that scientific inventions just keep coming. China has yet to prove that it can match the US largesse to the poor of the world, and develop it's own technology.
USA paid the Afghans for breaking the backbone of Soviets (thus ending the cold war and USA becoming sole superpower) and the bloodshed of Afghans by them subsequently. That's how I look at it.
USA used Afghan people to take revenge of Vietnam war and abandoned them after their use was over. It left vacuum of power leading to unstable Governments in Afghanistan. Not wrong to say the land was open for occupation so the warlords fought with each other resulting in anarchy.

There are no friends or foes and every nation looks for their interest to determine their relationship. It is very clear that Taliban do not want to spoil the institutions built by the United States and they will focus on transforming these institutions into Islamic lifestyle and it won’t be anarchy like they did back in 1990s
Whether pax Americana ends or not ;only time will tell. However, US for all it's shortcomings is still the best place to live in the world. It is still the place where most of the world wants to come. Not to mention even those who destest this country the most.

For example there are millions of Chinese in the US, who can vouch for what I'm saying. One might take issues with US foreign policy, but it is still a fantastic place to live and work, given you are a hard worker and a go getter. Chinese have done very well here.

There is something very unique about the US culture that is so dynamic that scientific inventions just keep coming. China has yet to prove that it can match the US largesse to the poor of the world, and develop it's own technology.

US is now a fascist country. Chinese are going back to China in droves.
US is now a fascist country. Chinese are going back to China in droves.
Indeed US has swung to the right during last few years, but the equilibrium will be restored by the establishment eventually. These forever wars are not helping the cause of a common man in the US. There is definitely a great need to look inwards, and spend money on the people and the infrastructure at home.
All C17 and KC-135 flights filtered
The end of Pax Americana. America is no longer the dominant force on the planet.

Correction .... the exit of american forces from Afghanistan, is the beginning of the end of Pax-Americana. The first wobble came back in 2018, when the Russian Federation announced the development and deployment of new weapons, such as the HGV Avanguard, Burevestnik, Kinzhal and Poseidon. These are weapons that NOT to be found anywhere in the West, today.

Afghanistan will prove to be the "Straw that broke the Camel's back." We shall see how it turns out.

The second shadow is now beginning to fade away, as the third and last shadow will begins to emerge once Pax-Americana is gone.
the exit of american forces from Afghanistan, is the beginning of the end of Pax-Americana.

Didn't your kind say the same thing after Vietnam? What happened after that?
shortcomings is still the best place to live in the world.
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