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USA treats Russians as Indians whose interests can be ignored

a solid reply, polemos.

here's another explanation. India is considered a partner of the US from time to time. Sometimes it gets a bad deal and India asks russia for help. It is not an equal partner. That is much more valid an interpretation than claiming it's Red Indians.
That doesn't make any sense. India, the country doesn't get nearly as much press as you might believe in the west, and most westerners still think that India is a land of snake charmers and dense forests. If they referred to India the country, they would mentioned that explicitly. In mainstream US press, Indians means native Americans. It is not too much to connect the dots.
lol. i'm sure the person making the statement doesn't know anything about india. i even doubt whether he's american.
lol. i'm sure the person making the statement doesn't know anything about india. i even doubt whether he's american.

the fact is u are just stupid....if u just look at the colonial history of US u will understand beyond doubt that the reference is indisputably made about red indians....in US red indians are just called as indians, hence it can be said so.....read the history of thanksgiving day for better understanding instead of just trolling here for no reason......
Can anyone tell me whats difference between red indians, chirokee indians and indians from india? i mean i know the first 2 are from america but they look bit indians.... Even actor johnny depp is quarter chirokee indian blood.... All 3 indians looks alot similar.... (although west indiz dont look indians but they do have large number of indians who traveled there by ships 100s of years ago). Actor Jhonny depp looks bit mix of indian from india....

All the indigenous peoples of america (north and south) originate from central asia. That would explain why they share facial features and characteristics common to people from central asia.
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