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USA treats Russians as Indians whose interests can be ignored

People keep on Googling India, but fail to understand the difference between Indians from India and red Indians from US.

Besides, US is not gonna ignore India's interest because India's interests are US's interests.

I'm sorry, but that's just wishful thinking. No one country's interests ARE another country's. They might match until a certain point, but beyond that? Un-unh, sorry, buddy.

And I think it's more that they don't care for the difference, as in it helps them serve their idiotic anti-India agenda, and less of "they can't tell the difference".
Red Indians are not even a country most of them are parts of US itself.
Should we say height of Stupidity ?

I do remember few anti India post by topic posters which just fizzled out in similar way.
The word Indians here is used to describe Native Americans.

that's true

our interests cant be ignored or US wont get 1.6 trillion dollars worth deals in Indian energy sector
"Perhaps, Russia today is the best place for the activities of Western intelligence services and non-governmental organizations. The West does not take Russia as an equal partner. They think of Russians as Indians, whose interests can be ignored.

Seems like he's just saying what everyone else thinks, that india is considered a lapdog Shouldnt be so harsh on him.
Seems like he's just saying what everyone else thinks, that india is considered a lapdog Shouldnt be so harsh on him.

u didn't even bother to understand the article before starting to troll......the word indians here means red indians.....obviously u don't whats that, beacause u are too illiterate to know abt that, isn't it????
nothing to object to in that post.

it definitely doesnt say red indian or native indian and it wouldnt make any sense if it did.

it's a reference to India without doubt. Whether it's genuine or made up/believed by the writer is another matter.
Sometimes I wonder the reading comprehension level of people on this forum.

What the article means is that Even though the American Government made hundred of treaties with the Native American or Indian as they are called in the US, they never ever kept their promises and treaties. They signed the treaty took the land and kicked the Indians off of their land.
True very True NATO expanded to former soviet states and ex Warsaw pact countries when it said it would not come near Russia's border now to Georgia . west took advantage of russia weakness from the collapse of the USSR.
Sometimes I wonder the reading comprehension level of people on this forum.

What the article means is that Even though the American Government made hundred of treaties with the Native American or Indian as they are called in the US, they never ever kept their promises and treaties. They signed the treaty took the land and kicked the Indians off of their land.

that's more like your interpretation of what it means

with no reference to native indians or red indians and no clarification it is wishful to think that it refers to red indians.

to compare russia with red indians would be silly.
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