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***** USA This is the Wrong Time to Physically Confront China Now *****

Willing to escalate to a new military conflict/war with China now?

  • Yes, it is worth the risk now

    Votes: 20 32.3%
  • No, but in the near future, yes

    Votes: 9 14.5%
  • No, we should resolve this peacefully and diplomatically instead and work together on global issues

    Votes: 19 30.6%
  • No, we should concede to China's sovereignty and work together on global issues

    Votes: 14 22.6%

  • Total voters
as I said a million time here and there

It's not that US "Confronting" China per se as in many different people said here

Look at what US did in the past 50 years, did US do any more now than in 50 years ago? The answer, is no.

What the American is doing now is what they were doing in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. They did not do more and they did not do less, just this time, China is getting bigger and now felt more threaten by what US did and do.

The situation is not going to change, because most Chinese does not seems to understand one thing. US is an international force, by being international, they are also part of Asia, and that's why US did what they do, to protect their interest in Asia.

Until the day we saw US pack up Guam, CNMI, Japan, South Korea and Probably Hawaii, US will continue to present in Asia, and I don't see how US will pack up Guam, CNMI, Japan and South Korea.
That's right. There's still a military embargo on us. And no intel chips, no many other things. Internet spy..
Too many things can be figured out that US continuously confront China in many ways.

Fight a war in SCS? Don't be kidding me. The result which US could never accept.. But US will definitely drive Pinoys, Japanese, Indians and Vietnamese to confront China even with a conflict.:D

Let's wait and see.:coffee:
This thread is normal if a Chinese created it but it is ridiculous because this guy is exactly a traitor of USA. I think we shouldn't listen to him any more unless he changes at least one flag back to China.
Blah Blah Blah, and yet you still refuse to answer me question

Note that none of what you said actually answering my question. Beside calling my question ridiculous.

lol, you have a very good day.

lol I was not talking about the situation today, but rather in the 50s, 60s and 70s.

Back then was the only time China can take Taiwan at its weakness, but since their navy is nothing more than a joke (I think they have a few gunboat and that's it) and you cannot capture an Island without an Navy to escort your troop. That negate any ground advantage the Chinese have.

And yet, the aforementioned Chinese member think this is due to some US magically selling WW2 Era ship in the 70s lol. I had a very good laugh actually.

And for your question. It is impossible now for China to take Taiwan by force with minimal casualty. US hardly sell anything to Taiwan anymore and that is the reason Taiwan bump their own gear up instead of relying on the US.

As a military man myself, I know for a fact that to take an well defended Island, the attacker have to have at least 5 to 1 advantage, and don't say China, if US were to try and take Taiwan tomorrow, I would not want to be send onshore with one of the LCAC

I did answer your question. Perhaps your comprehension fails to see it. Just read it a few more times and you'll get it - eventually.

Waste of time.

Such a waste of time.
That's right. There's still a military embargo on us. And no intel chips, no many other things. Internet spy..
Too many things can be figured out that US continuously confront China in many ways.

Fight a war in SCS? Don't be kidding me. The result which US could never accept.. But US will definitely drive Pinoys, Japanese, Indians and Vietnamese to confront China even with a conflict.:D

Let's wait and see.:coffee:

US does not ban intel processor sale in China, the ban for Intel processor is for 4 governmental organisation that operate supercomputer. Normal Chinese can still buy a normal Intel core i7 CPU if they are allow to be sold in China by Chinese government.

As I said, US did not do more and they did not do less and we can see this is the trend on the future, a war in the SCS indeed not quite possible as no one want to shoot their own foot with their own gun. And nothing is going to change in the foreseeable future

I did answer your question. Perhaps your comprehension fails to see it. Just read it a few more times and you'll get it - eventually.

Waste of time.

Such a waste of time.

lol, no, you had not answer my question beside insulting my question and lunge a few personal attack on me.
US does not ban intel processor sale in China, the ban for Intel processor is for 4 governmental organisation that operate supercomputer. Normal Chinese can still buy a normal Intel core i7 CPU if they are allow to be sold in China by Chinese government.

As I said, US did not do more and they did not do less and we can see this is the trend on the future, a war in the SCS indeed not quite possible as no one want to shoot their own foot with their own gun. And nothing is going to change in the foreseeable future

lol, no, you had not answer my question beside insulting my question and lunge a few personal attack on me.

How did I not?

You attack my grasp of history, make self contradictory arguments and demand that I answer your question which I already had.

The U.S not arming Taiwan with AB and f.35 doest not constitute U.S non interference in China considering that they already armed Taiwan with efficacious f 16s. It could be worse but the sale of f 16s already crossed the line into undermining long ago.

Get the bit where I sarcastically stated that China should be thankful that the U.S did not arm Taiwan with nukes?

Get it now?


Now please stop making self contradictory arguments and making personal insults while crying about others making insults.
US does not ban intel processor sale in China, the ban for Intel processor is for 4 governmental organisation that operate supercomputer. Normal Chinese can still buy a normal Intel core i7 CPU if they are allow to be sold in China by Chinese government.

As I said, US did not do more and they did not do less and we can see this is the trend on the future, a war in the SCS indeed not quite possible as no one want to shoot their own foot with their own gun. And nothing is going to change in the foreseeable future

lol, no, you had not answer my question beside insulting my question and lunge a few personal attack on me.

Of course I know the ban of processors for supercomputer and I am even glad to see they ban I series CPU as soon as possible.:D That's the ban be pointed to. :D As time pass by, I could not see more space that USA could do more.

No war except tricks, period.

How did I not?

You attack my grasp of history, make self contradictory arguments and demand that I answer your question which I already had.

The U.S not arming Taiwan with AB and f.35 doest not constitute U.S non interference in China considering that they already armed Taiwan with efficacious f 16s. It could be worse but the sale of f 16s already crossed the line into undermining long ago.

Get the bit where I sarcastically stated that China should be thankful that the U.S did not arm Taiwan with nukes?

Get it now?


Now please stop making self contradictory arguments and making personal insults while crying about others making insults.
The Sino-us diplomatic communique and The Sino-us 817 communique are there. That's the history. They will not slap their faces even harder. Calm down, brother.
Allow me to play devil's advocate.

The US is actually the greatest friend China ever had.

The US defeated (and nuked) Imperial Japan and saved China when it was fragmented and non-industrialised in the 1940s.

The US stood by and did nothing when China developed nuclear weapons in the 1960s.

The US toppled the Soviet Union and left China as the top dog on the Asian mainland by 1990.

The US built China into a global economic power with decades of imports and FDI. The US Navy kept the sea lanes open and allowed China to become the world's largest trading nation, manufacturer, and PPP economy. China's $4 trillion in forex reserves are all thanks to the US.

The US is currently ceding the entire South China Sea to China with their half-assed non-committal response.

So I want to give a big THANK YOU to the United States.:lol:
How did I not?

You attack my grasp of history, make self contradictory arguments and demand that I answer your question which I already had.

The U.S not arming Taiwan with AB and f.35 doest not constitute U.S non interference in China considering that they already armed Taiwan with efficacious f 16s. It could be worse but the sale of f 16s already crossed the line into undermining long ago.

Get the bit where I sarcastically stated that China should be thankful that the U.S did not arm Taiwan with nukes?

Get it now?


Now please stop making self contradictory arguments and making personal insults while crying about others making insults.

Dude, did you even know beside the Apache sale, when is the last time Taiwanese have a major procurement? Do you know how many Taiwanese request was rejected by the US? Do you even know how many US aide to Taiwan compare to other country like Japan, South Korea or even Pakistan??

Not supporting one decision of independence does not mean not supporting one right to defend themselves. So, by your logic, for China to call US non-interference then US must not even sell even one bullet or anything that can potentially use with an military application? Then if today is bullet, what's tomorrow bring? CPU? Computer? or Binocular? How about copper that makes the bullet, can US sell copper to Taiwan without being called "Interfering" Chinese affair because that copper can potentially turns into a projectile? Talk about ridiculous.

You do not even grasp the idea of US interest in Taiwan and come talk to me about my contradiction and ridiculous comment. And you have the guts to tell me to shut up when you attack me personally?

If that's how you win an argument, then well, lol
Dude, did you even know beside the Apache sale, when is the last time Taiwanese have a major procurement? Do you know how many Taiwanese request was rejected by the US? Do you even know how many US aide to Taiwan compare to other country like Japan, South Korea or even Pakistan??

Not supporting one decision of independence does not mean not supporting one right to defend themselves. So, by your logic, for China to call US non-interference then US must not even sell even one bullet or anything that can potentially use with an military application? Then if today is bullet, what's tomorrow bring? CPU? Computer? or Binocular? How about copper that makes the bullet, can US sell copper to Taiwan without being called "Interfering" Chinese affair because that copper can potentially turns into a projectile? Talk about ridiculous.

You do not even grasp the idea of US interest in Taiwan and come talk to me about my contradiction and ridiculous comment. And you have the guts to tell me to shut up when you attack me personally?

If that's how you win an argument, then well, lol

You do not even grasp your own argument about undermining and interfering.

You first state that the U.S does not in any way undermine China.

You then state that the U.S sold 100 f16 to Taiwan but claim that its not undermining because 100 f-16 are older than the ones in Pakistan.

You then state that the U.S sold apache helicoptors to Taiwan but its long ago so its alright.

You then attack my grasp of history and cry foul when I retaliate.

You then demand that I answer your question about the sale of f 35 and ab destroyers which i did.

So you then give me a negative rating while posting condescending messages about how I win arguments.

Its been one waste of time talking reason to you. I will add you to ignore for sure once I find out how.

Done, like you never existed.
USA This is the Wrong Time to Confront China Now ... Do u just forget China is one of the Nuclear Power in the world ? American ready to fight a WWIII or just u help U.S to choose a Nuclear War completely different from past Iraq War & Afghan War ... Funny indeed !

If U.S has enough confidence to defeat China in a Nuclear War, pls let the Party Start ! Im 100% sure wherever u living in any corner of this world, ur family will get pains after a Big Nuclear War.

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You do not even grasp your own argument about undermining and interfering.

You first state that the U.S does not in any way undermine China.

You then state that the U.S sold 100 f16 to Taiwan but claim that its not undermining because 100 f-16 are older than the ones in Pakistan.

You then state that the U.S sold apache helicoptors to Taiwan but its long ago so its alright.

You then attack my grasp of history and cry foul when I retaliate.

You then demand that I answer your question about the sale of f 35 and ab destroyers which i did.

So you then give me a negative rating while posting condescending messages about how I win arguments.

Its been one waste of time talking reason to you. I will add you to ignore for sure once I find out how.

Done, like you never existed.

lol you just disregard my last post completely,

Put me on your ignore list lol, not like I can learn anything from you.

You want to know how to put someone on an ignore list?

Go to Top right (your right) hand corner to find your own username and hover over it

Go down to "People you ignore" and click it

Then put my name on the search box and viola.
Nothing gonna happen.Uncle Sam is too much of coward to try and do something.And colonies as Philippines or Japan not gonna start a fight on behalf of USA despite all posturing.For less than an year China publicly humiliated and scored 2 major victories over USA(with last year summit and this year AIIB) and feels quite comfortable in USA " backyard" -South America .And will continue to do so.USA would love to do something and regain lost ground but lack resources and enough time - with each passing day USA becoming more and more weaker and China becomes stronger. Sentence " Dogs keep barking,caravan keeps going" fits the situation.USA is like toothless barking dog -can do nothing apart from noise. There will be no war - simply because USA true rulers have lots to loose in such case.
This thread is normal if a Chinese created it but it is ridiculous because this guy is exactly a traitor of USA. I think we shouldn't listen to him any more unless he changes at least one flag back to China.
I don't know if I would go that far. (the traitor thing)

However. at the very beginning him saying "My USA" but to then proceed and act the almost complete opposite and show an obvious bias towards another flag. Well.. It just seemed a bit disingenuous to me.

Just be honest about what flag your true loyalties lie with. Once that is done, then there can be honest debate, and exchange of ideas and opinions.

Excuse me @KAL-EL and @Namin , I do not understand how disagreeing with Washington on issues with the South China Sea and China's sovereignty would lead to treason against USA as a whole. I take exceptionally great offense to your remarks. This is at China's backyard half a world away and NOT America's backyard close to our American borders. My original post is not a direct attack on our national borders and does not implicitly advocate a military invasion on USA by a foreign country. C'mon. Be real here guys. I just think my USA needs to clear its head much more and reconsider about what it is getting itself into in China's regional strategic space sooooo far away from our American homeland. Would us Americans like it if other countries in the future are directly imposing on our home turf in our maritime space with their military and then lecture to us Americans about our sovereignty? People of our USA, the SCS is NOT WORTH the war!
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No bro,that‘s just a trend of thoughts,not my attitude

In fact I don’t believe anyone is entitled to anything,only the Law of the Jungle applies to this world,China learned that the hard way from past 200 years,I think it‘s time we teach that lesson to our little vietnamese brothers :laugh::laugh:

China tried that in 79. Didn't end up well for China. So I don't think a smart China would confront Vietnam on land. The sea is a totally different story.
Excuse me @KAL-EL and @Namin , I do not understand how disagreeing with Washington on issues with the South China Sea and China's sovereignty would lead to treason against USA as a whole. I take exceptionally great offense to your remarks. This is at China's backyard half a world away and NOT America's backyard close to our American borders. My original post is not a direct attack on our national borders and does not implicitly advocate a military invasion on USA by a foreign country. C'mon. Be real here guys. I just think my USA needs to clear its head much more and reconsider about what it is getting itself into in China's regional strategic space sooooo far away from our American homeland. Would us Americans like it if other countries in the future are directly imposing on our home turf in our maritime space with their military and then lecture to us Americans about our sovereignty? People of our USA, the SCS is NOT WORTH the war!
When a guy like you say "my USA" will make a lot of real USA people feel ashamed and make foreigners feel ridiculous. You are just a person that holds a USA passport but not a real USA citizens. That's why you will not consider USA's benefits as what you have the oblige to defend. Luckily at least KAL-EN is a true American.

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