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USA: Protesting to be made illegal.


why should american taxpayers money be spent to protect and save israel and do children of american senators serve in the armed forces?

It is also spent to prevent terrorist attacks in many countries worldwide so that hypocrites and sissies like yourself can live in relative peace in western societies where human rights are respected. US ta payer money is also spent to protect and secure shipping lanes all over the world, especially the Gulf, so that energy supplies are not disrupted to energy hungry countries like China. It is also spent in training Pakistani soldiers in more effective ways to combat terrorism.
No wonder that ignorant fools are stuck up on the so called Zionist Israel!
And oh, btw, for starters, you might want to look up on Sen John McCain's son who is on active duty! How many of your beloved country's politicians' kids actually serve in the armed forces?
Sure...This is from a Russian website..wake up and read some of their blogs..


The starter of the thread is actually using this???? wow! just....wow!

Sorry guys, the US is not going to crumble and fall like you want us too...
Doesn't feel good when outside media vilify your nation does it?
Americans have been doing this for their entire history and think they have a God given right to destroy other nations through their media.
Well out countries can play that good too.
This is Orwellian.. so is the NDAA. I wonder when Occupy and Tea Party will join forces to bring millions on the street.. How much more will you let the billionaires and there congress and police buddies f*ck you Americans? You are loosing your democracy fast.. You now have a police state plutocracy and only a couple of thousand protest? sad..
American democracy has been subverted by AIPAC and Israel for some time. Israel and AIPAC control american people and lawmakers make laws not to suit american public but Israel so this type of laws are inevitable in the long term as Americans go bankrupt to protect Israel
China has way too much invested in the US economy. If we fall, so do they.
SinoChallenger - please put down the crack pipe and breathe...please! LOL!
China has way too much invested in the US economy. If we fall, so do they.

we are quite insulated actually. we only hold paper financial assets in the US that we can sell off, even at a loss, on world markets very quickly electronically with the push of a button.

on the other hand, US investments in China are mostly physical goods or services, which can't be moved so conveniently (or at all).

don't drag us into this.
we are quite insulated actually. we only hold paper financial assets in the US that we can sell off, even at a loss, on world markets very quickly electronically with the push of a button.

on the other hand, US investments in China are mostly physical goods or services, which can't be moved so conveniently (or at all).

don't drag us into this.

Not true..The following link is just one link:

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