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USA lists Pakistan and China as 'Countries of particular concern' for Religious freedom violation

Oh, ****!! Has Pakistan started to provide jobs for Muslims? You have fallen with China. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Toilet paper

This close to the end of his term, Trump’s government is just laying down speed bumps in foreign relations, on their way out the door, to waste the first and possible second year(s) of the Biden presidency.
In Pakistan Ahmadis are imprisoned like Abdul Shakoor was simply for printing their religious literature. Does India proscribe Muslims with similar restrictions on their freedom of religion?
I myself spent five months in Adiala Jail after being charged with 298-C. Pakistan doesn't have religious freedom
Says a country that banned Muslims. Americans have really lost their minds. :laughcry:
What happened to the minority red indians on the murican land and the australian aboriginals? Sorry they dont exist any more! This list only applies to the surviving minorities.

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