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USA lists Pakistan and China as 'Countries of particular concern' for Religious freedom violation

The same lobby that helped destroy PIA is also helping with this.
Pakistan shall straight away send F-16 to Shaheen exercise with J-10C and purposely show a Chinese pilot sit inside F-16 and gives a high five to the media.

The American are basically burning bridges with Pakistan this political cheapshot.
US and her allies specially France and Australia do not have clean slate.

Killing innocent people while "eliminating terrorism" in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria.
Openly ridiculing Islam and Prophet Muhammad salAllahu wassalm in the name of "freedom of speech".
Demolishing two cities of Japan by nuking and killing millions of innocent lives in the name of "just" war.

What right they have to issue such list? They themselves are global terrorists.
Reality Check:

a) Who enslaved Africans to be slaves in Crop fields ? Well obviously that would be USA
b) Who has the highest concentration of Black people in Prison for Petty Crimes ? USA
c) Who took over land belonging to Tribes/Indigenous people and later forged Treaties ? USA
d) Who had concentration camps based on Ethnicity during World War ? USA , reference Japanese Ethnicity concentration camps
e) Which country Illegal Immigrants are forced to sleep on tin foil ? USA
f) Which country had the largest cases of Black live protest ? USA
g) Which country , the Illegal Immigrant children are separated from families ? USA
h) Which country the Native Land owners were forced to walk barefoot across States (Provinces) , forced relocation? USA

The above is not my opinion these are facts from American history and present

While I do like USA and American people but sometimes some of the claims which come from USA are just ridiculous

Reports? From USA ? really
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How did you get out?
I know corruption helped you out but just want the data for innkeeping.

Had a great lawyer named Usman Ali. He managed to get me bail from the Punjab High Court after my first lawyer, useless Waqar Chaudhry, failed to get me bail from the Session Court
Had a great lawyer named Usman Ali. He managed to get me bail from the Punjab High Court after my first lawyer, useless Waqar Chaudhry, failed to get me bail from the Session Court
What was your case ID?
But not India where angry mobs literally beat people to death day in and day out LMAO What a joke, the political motivations are so transparent.
What was your case ID?

Not a clue, all the papers are in Pakistan with my lawyer. It's been nine months since I was released and returned to Canada
bruh. what did you say?

I was accused of preaching Qadianism after I had a debate with Maulana Usman Rizvi of Allah Wali Masjid in Mughalabad Rawalpindi that was broadcast live on Facebook. The subject of the debate was cessation of Prophesy:
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