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USA keeps incitating Israel to attack Iran

Yes, that was without the absolute destruction of all of Lebanon as an opening strike, without AI, Trophy, a much upgraded drone force, precise artillery, advanced BMS, and years of training against Hezbollah.
yeah that was with the bombing of any thing north of Lebanon and running out of bomb and go beg NATO to give you its reserves and firing 8000 shell at a small village that was protected by 16 Hezbollah fighter and having an advantage of 20-1 and support of air , sea and armored force.
10-15km line is BS btw, as Israeli forces easily maneuvered deep inside Lebanon.
after 30 day in some area you reached Litany river if you forget that others still remember it
We took South Lebanon twice lol. Except next time we will leave nothing out of Lebanon.
one time and there was no Hezbollah then
the second time there was Hezbollah and you failed

forget 10-15km, they couldn't even conquer Bint Jbeil only 3km inside Lebanon or Maroun al-Ras 1km inside Lebanon

in both cases maximum 100 Hezbollah fighters with no navy and no air force and no armoured vehicles etc etc defeated thousands of invading Zionist soldiers with special forces and dozens of armoured brigades and total uncontested air supremacy with the most advanced air force in the region
well actually in Maroon-al-raas it was more like 17 Hezbollah fighter against Unit 621 "Egoz", Unit 212 "Maglan", 35th Paratroopers Brigade, 101st Battalion, 5135th Recon Battalion,Engineering Corps Battalion,Tanks from 7th, 188th and 401st armored brigades, Units from Air Force and Artillery (according to Wikipedia not me so it may be more) in that battle they fired more than 8000 artillery round and managed to kill 7 hezbollah fighter but filed to secure the village
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1. Saddam had similar thoughts.
saddam when he had power he retreated instead of fight and lost its best force in retreat , in 2003 let not talk about it.
ISIL there is a theory that another group defeated them not usa
Al-Qaeda? come on USA killed some commander , but were they destroyed ?

look at Taliban , what happened after 10 year of destroying them
saddam when he had power he retreated instead of fight and lost its best force in retreat , in 2003 let not talk about it.
ISIL there is a theory that another group defeated them not usa
Al-Qaeda? come on USA killed some commander , but were they destroyed ?

look at Taliban , what happened after 10 year of destroying them

Saddam had the guts to stand up to the US and ordered his army to stand its ground in the face of buildup of the US-led coalition near Iraq and Kuwait in 1991. Iraqi forces went on the offensive in Khafji inside Saudi Arabia but US Marine Corps defeated this strike force.

Your country could not take over Iraq even in 2003, do not even comment about what US could do.

Which group this was? Iran and its allies fought ISIL but they could not drop bombs on ISIL positions across Iraq and Syria like US could. US-led forces and Air Power was instrumental in defeating ISIL across Iraq and Syria in fact. This is a well documented development. How about you check threads that I have created?

ISIL was a massive movement launched by former elements of Iraqi army in collusion with jihadi networks in the region. There is no shortage of jihadi idiots in the pan-Islamic bloc.

You still see suicide attacks on pilgrims in Iraq.

Taliban were hiding in caves in Pakistan and Iran. Qatar convinced the US to negotiate with Taliban groups.

A large number of Al-Qaeda operatives are dead. Leaders create organizations. Continue to kill leaders and the organization begins to fall in disarray.
yeah that was with the bombing of any thing north of Lebanon and running out of bomb and go beg NATO to give you its reserves and firing 8000 shell at a small village that was protected by 16 Hezbollah fighter and having an advantage of 20-1 and support of air , sea and armored force.

after 30 day in some area you reached Litany river if you forget that others still remember it

one time and there was no Hezbollah then
the second time there was Hezbollah and you failed

well actually in Maroon-al-raas it was more like 17 Hezbollah fighter against Unit 621 "Egoz", Unit 212 "Maglan", 35th Paratroopers Brigade, 101st Battalion, 5135th Recon Battalion,Engineering Corps Battalion,Tanks from 7th, 188th and 401st armored brigades, Units from Air Force and Artillery (according to Wikipedia not me so it may be more) in that battle they fired more than 8000 artillery round and managed to kill 7 hezbollah fighter but filed to secure the village
And we still won that war😂 Hezbollah had 7 times more casualties and Lebanon is unstable to this day

Next war we finish them off, and soon after we will hang your cuck of a leader and nuke you waterless desert dwellers
And we still won that war😂 Hezbollah had 7 times more casualties and Lebanon is unstable to this day

Next war we finish them off, and soon after we will hang your cuck of a leader and nuke you waterless desert dwellers
Fattah hypersonic missile - 400 seconds to Tel Aviv

Can you tell the location of your house so one Fattah missile could be devoted specifically for YOU?

Watch out when you sit in your toilet...maybe one Fattah missile launched from Iran will unexpectedly hit you in just 6 minutes.

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And we still won that war😂 Hezbollah had 7 times more casualties and Lebanon is unstable to this day

Next war we finish them off, and soon after we will hang your cuck of a leader and nuke you waterless desert dwellers
@waz Please check this vermin. he is back.
Saddam had the guts to stand up to the US and ordered his army to stand its ground in the face of buildup of the US-led coalition near Iraq and Kuwait in 1991. Iraqi forces went on the offensive in Khafji inside Saudi Arabia but US Marine Corps defeated this strike force.
no iraqi force not decimated when Saddam unilaterally pulled back of kuwait not when they were attacking or were in defensive position well if you call 90 armor out of several thousand iraqi armored vehicle decimation and operation was done with some already damaged divisions . for Saddam it was nothing but propaganda tool
Your country could not take over Iraq even in 2003, do not even comment about what US could do.
my country did. not wanted to take over iraq , not in 1975 , not in 1980 and not in 1991 certainly not in 2003

Which group this was? Iran and its allies fought ISIL but they could not drop bombs on ISIL positions across Iraq and Syria like US could. US-led forces and Air Power was instrumental in defeating ISIL across Iraq and Syria in fact. This is a well documented development. How about you check threads that I have created?
in iraq it was Iran and its allies who stopped isil advancement and drove them back not USA and co. the only thing they managed to do was postpone the capture of Mosul .

Taliban were hiding in caves in Pakistan and Iran. Qatar convinced the US to negotiate with Taliban groups.
don't recall any Taliban fighter in Iran and no they were in Afghanistan fighting Karzai and USA
A large number of Al-Qaeda operatives are dead. Leaders create organizations. Continue to kill leaders and the organization begins to fall in disarray.
that's the problem , you guys think you can fight an ideology with gun
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And we still won that war😂 Hezbollah had 7 times more casualties and Lebanon is unstable to this day

Next war we finish them off, and soon after we will hang your cuck of a leader and nuke you waterless desert dwellers
you didn't won the war and lebanese civillian had 20 time more casualties than israeli civillian . show certain entity frustration
hezbollah had around 2 time more casualties than you , but the point was that it show you guys that south of lebanon is not your backyard
Fattah hypersonic missile - 400 seconds to Tel Aviv

Can you tell the location of your house so one Fattah missile could be devoted specifically for YOU?

Watch out when you sit in your toilet...maybe one Fattah missile launched from Iran will unexpectedly hit you in just 6 minutes.
View attachment 944740
View attachment 944743
You and your bullshit missiles😂
Every ballistic missile is hypersonic, Fattah follows a mostly ballistic path, it's not a glide vehicle, it's nothing special.

Meanwhile our Jericho 3 would melt your crappy country

you didn't won the war and lebanese civillian had 20 time more casualties than israeli civillian . show certain entity frustration
hezbollah had around 2 time more casualties than you , but the point was that it show you guys that south of lebanon is not your backyard
It is our backyard lol, 2006 IDF is nothing like 2023 IDF and @LeGenD already pointed it out thoroughly. Hezbollah's arsenal has barely improved, meanwhile we countered every move Hezbollah made and will make.

We killed 7 times more Hezbollah fighters and we weren't even going full out. We fired thousands of artillery shells but at open fields, next war we will take out every village Hezbollah fighters are in, including everyone else there.
It is our backyard lol, 2006 IDF is nothing like 2023 IDF and @LeGenD already pointed it out thoroughly. Hezbollah's arsenal has barely improved, meanwhile we countered every move Hezbollah made and will make.

We killed 7 times more Hezbollah fighters and we weren't even going full out. We fired thousands of artillery shells but at open fields, next war we will take out every village Hezbollah fighters are in, including everyone else there.
Russia with a military budget of 67bln$ sent 250.000 troops with superior firepower and lots of heavy equipment against Ukraine which had a military budget of only 2bln$ and 250.000 troops and no any heavy equipment. And now you see how this played out...

Hezbollah has 40.000 troops who have battle experience of the Syrian Civil War and superior morale compared to IDF that hasn't fought any significant war for a long time.

If you create 1:1 advantage against Hezbollah, i/e send 40.000 troops with superior firepower against 40.000 Hezbollah you will end up like Russia in Ukraine or like IDF in Lebanon in 2006

You need to create an advantage of 3 to 1, i/e send 120.000 troops against 40.000 Hezbollah and that number is entire Israeli Ground Force.

And even if you win and destroy Hezbollah, you will probably suffer 40.000 casualties and Israeli critical infrastructure will be destroyed by Hezbollah's high-precision missiles.

So the reality is that you are incapable of easily finishing off even a non-state actor like Hezbollah.

Also who told you that Iran doesn't have nukes? What if Iran bought several nukes from the Soviet nuclear arsenal in 1990s, Iran also known to approach Pakistan regarding nuclear weapons and Iran could get few nukes from North Korea. So it might happen so that if you use nukes against Iran, you will commit suicide.

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Fattah hypersonic missile - 400 seconds to Tel Aviv

Can you tell the location of your house so one Fattah missile could be devoted specifically for YOU?

Watch out when you sit in your toilet...maybe one Fattah missile launched from Iran will unexpectedly hit you in just 6 minutes.
View attachment 944740
View attachment 944743
Dang, man. You guys are dangerous. Poor members are not safe even in their toilets.

@Beny Karachun

Watch your BIG mouth, bra. A strike while you are in a toilet will be tragic.

Imagine the headline. PDF member addressed while in toilet. Bad marketing.
Dang, man. You guys are dangerous. Poor members are not safe even in their toilets.

@Beny Karachun

Watch your BIG mouth, bra. A strike while you are in a toilet will be tragic.

Imagine the headline. PDF member addressed while in toilet. Bad marketing.
Russia with a military budget of 67bln$ sent 250.000 troops with superior firepower and lots of heavy equipment against Ukraine which had a military budget of only 2bln$ and 250.000 troops and no any heavy equipment. And now you see how this played out...

Hezbollah has 40.000 troops who have battle experience of the Syrian Civil War and superior morale compared to IDF that hasn't fought any significant war for a long time.

If you create 1:1 advantage against Hezbollah, i/e sent 40.000 troops with superior firepower against 40.000 Hezbollah you will end up like Russia in Ukraine or like IDF in Lebanon in 2006

You need to create an advantage of 3 to 1, i/e send 120.000 troops against 40.000 Hezbollah and that number is entire Israeli Ground Force.

And even if you win and destroy Hezbollah, you will probably suffer 40.000 casualties and Israeli critical infrastructure will be destroyed by Hezbollah's high-precision missiles.

So the reality is that you are incapable of easily finishing off even a non-state actor like Hezbollah.

Also who told you that Iran doesn't have nukes? What if Iran bought several nukes from the Soviet nuclear arsenal in 1990s, Iran also known to approach Pakistan regarding nuclear weapons and Iran could get few nukes from North Korea. So it might happen so that if you use nukes against Iran, you will commit suicide.

Ukraine had way more than 250,000 troops lol, it had over 1 million troops, and it doesn't matter because Russia is a paper tiger and all of its weapons are trash. Russia didn't even have air superiority. No APS, no BMS, aircraft lack targeting pods. Shit tier air defenses, took them months to take out the 50 Bayraktars that basically stopped all of Russia's advance. Didn't cover its supply convoys that got decimated and the entire Russian offensive stalled.

40,000 Hezbollah soldiers? Lol. What part of "we will destroy Lebanon as an opening strike" do you not understand lol. Imagine those soldiers hearing about the houses of their family wiped out lol, they'll all run to try to help their families, if they're even left alive.

Hezbollah didn't gain experience against the kind of warfare they will face in a war against Israel. All they did is fight using small arms against forces with no armor, no air force and no nation-state capability like ISIS. Hezbollah got ****ed by Turkish drones and military as well which would resemble how Israel will deal with you.
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