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USA is finally out of Afghanistan

Pentagon announces completion of Afghanistan withdrawal 02:37

(CNN) The last US military planes have left Afghanistan, Commander of US Central Command, Gen. Frank McKenzie announced Monday at the Pentagon. The US departure marks the end of a fraught, chaotic and bloody exit from the United States' longest war.

"I'm here to announce the completion of our withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the end of the military mission to evacuate American citizens, third country nationals, and vulnerable Afghans," McKenzie told reporters. "The last C-17 lifted off from Hamid Karzai International Airport on August 30th, this afternoon, at 3:29 p.m. East Coast time, and the last manned aircraft is now clearing the airspace above Afghanistan."
The departure marks the first time in nearly two decades that the US and its allies have not had troops on the ground in Afghanistan and -- after $2 trillion in spending and nearly 2,000 US troops killed in action -- the pullout raises questions about the utility of a war that saw the service of parents and then their grown children.

With no US diplomats remaining in the country a senior State Department official said that they expected the US Embassy in Kabul to suspend embassy operations upon the end of the military retrograde but said "that doesn't mean that we are suspending any commitments to American citizens in Afghanistan, to at risk Afghans, to the Afghan people."

The official said that they expected the US Embassy in Kabul to suspend embassy operations upon the end of the military retrograde, but said "that doesn't mean that we are suspending any commitments to American citizens in Afghanistan, to at risk Afghans, to the Afghan people."

Nearly 20 years after the US invaded Afghanistan to avenge the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, and strike at al Qaeda and the Taliban, which hosted Osama bin Laden, another American administration is leaving the country in the control of Taliban militants who still maintain close ties to al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations.

Even as Biden pulls the US from the country, Afghanistan looks likely to shadow him politically and engage him militarily -- on Monday, White House officials said the President is continuing the hunt for terrorists in the country, telling his military commanders to "stop at nothing" to avenge the deaths of 13 US service members at Kabul airport last week.

As of Monday, more than 122,000 people had been airlifted from Hamid Karzai International Airport since July, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told reporters, including 5,400 Americans.

A senior State Department official said the department believes there are fewer than 250 American citizens currently in Afghanistan who may wish to leave, as US officials stressed a Taliban commitment to let Afghans leave the country after the US and allies' withdrawal. The State Department official put the number of American citizens who have left the country through evacuation flights or other means closer to 6,000.

"We believe there's still a small number who remain, and we're trying to determine exactly how many," the official told reporters Monday. "We are going through manifests of people who have departed, we are calling and texting and WhatsApping and emailing our lists, in an effort to have a more concrete figure regarding how many Americans may remain."

In the 24 hours leading up to Monday morning, 26 military C-17 aircraft lifted off from Kabul carrying 1,200 evacuees, according to Gen. Hank Taylor, the deputy director of regional operations for the Joint Staff, who spoke alongside Kirby at a Pentagon briefing earlier Monday. In total, 28 flights departed from Kabul airport in that 24-hour window, Taylor said.

In the same 24-hour period, the US conducted a drone strike that killed multiple civilians, including children, the Kabul airport was targeted by rocket fire, and military officials continued to warn of active, specific threats to the evacuation effort.

The "threat stream is still real. It's still active, and, in many cases, it's still specific," Kirby said at the Monday morning briefing when asked if another attack on the airport was still likely. Taylor added that military operations were continuing with a focus on the security of the US troops in Kabul, and the military would have capability to evacuate Afghans until the very end.

"We're taking it very seriously and we will right up until the end," Kirby said.

Along with the military exit, the US is pulling out all diplomatic representation, leaving open the question of whether it will formally recognize the Taliban as the rulers of Afghanistan.

The formal military and diplomatic "retrograde" is ending even as the US leaves behind Americans, some of whom did not want to leave and others who may have already left, according to State Department officials, as well as vulnerable Afghans who worked for the US military and now face possible Taliban retaliation.
That tragically unfinished business will become part of the broader political challenge that Biden faces as he enters the second half of his first year in office. As a devastating hurricane batters the South and the Covid-19 pandemic once again gains traction, Biden is also facing calls for an accounting of the Afghanistan withdrawal.

The airlift, which started as a seemingly haphazard and hastily organized effort, was scarred by the deaths of 13 service members last week and the death sentence hanging over Afghan translators who helped US troops and diplomats but were unable to escape the country. In addition, Biden's decision to leave will be shadowed by questions about whether and how well the threat of terrorism emanating from Afghanistan has really been addressed.

The President has already committed to prolonging some US engagement with Afghanistan, telling his military commanders that they should "stop at nothing" to make ISIS pay for the service members' deaths, Psaki said Monday.

I can tell you that the President has made clear to his commanders that they should stop at nothing to make ISIS pay for the deaths of those American service members at the Kabul airport," Psaki said at a White House press briefing.

Sunday's drone strike, targeting a suspected car bomb headed to the airport, killed nine members of one family, including six children, according to a relative of those killed who spoke to a local journalist working with CNN. US Central Command, which oversees US military missions throughout the region, had said earlier they were assessing the possibilities of civilian casualties.

As the US presence drew to a messy close, Blinken convened an international ministerial on Afghanistan, meeting virtually with members of the coalition present in Afghanistan and other allies and the United Nations Security Council met in New York.

The UN body was briefed on the latest news out of Afghanistan after France and Germany proposed a Security Council resolution "calling for safe passage for those leaving Afghanistan," that would include counterterrorism, human rights and humanitarian elements, diplomats told CNN over the weekend.

This story is breaking and will be updated.
Gen McKenzie confirms media reports that the Taliban provided US forces with a lot of support in securing the Kabul airport.

He says, while things did not work out perfectly, the group's help was crucial, particularly in the final days of the US withdrawal.

Earlier, he called the partnernship "a pragmatic relationship of necessity".


A summary of the Pentagon briefing: 'The end of a 20-year mission'

The Pentagon briefing is now over. Here's what we learned.
  • Gen Kenneth McKenzie, Commander of US Central Command, confirmed that the US had completed its withdrawal from Afghanistan
  • The last US flights left Hamid Karzai International Airport at 15:29 EDT - midnight, 31 August, in Kabul - the deadline agreed with the Taliban for the withdrawal
  • The Pentagon is to release a photo of the last C-17 leaving Kabul, with Major Gen Chris Donahue and US Ambassador to Afghanistan, Ross Wilson, on board
  • "Tonight's withdrawal signifies both the end of the military component of the evacuation, but also the end of the nearly 20-year mission that began in Afghanistan shortly after 11 September 2001," Gen McKenzie said
  • A total of 2,461 US service members and civilians were killed in Afghanistan, and more than 20,000 injured, in the last two decades - including 13 US service members who were killed last week in the IS-K attack on Kabul airport
  • Since 14 August, the day before the Taliban seized Kabul, the US has evacuated more than 79,000 civilians from the airport, including 6,000 Americans, and more than 73,503 third-country nationals and Afghan civilians. Afghans who worked with US forces and are eligible for Special Immigrant Visas are included in that number
  • In total, US and coalition aircraft evacuated more than 123,000 civilians - an average of more than 7,500 civilians per day
  • The evacuation mission was 18 days, including 16 full days of evacuations, and more than 19,000 evacuations on one single day
  • When the mission began, Gen McKenzie said, they were working on the "assumption that the Afghan security forces would be a willing and able security partner in Kabul, defending the capital for a matter of weeks" - this, however, didn't happen as the Taliban took control of the city the following day
  • In the 20 years of US presence in Afghanistan, more than 800,000 US service members and 25,000 civilians have served in the country
Here's a timeline of some of the biggest developments during the 20-year conflict.

  • 7 October 2001: A US-led coalition bombs Taliban and al-Qaeda facilities in Afghanistan. Targets include Kabul, Kandahar and Jalalabad. The Taliban, who took power after a decade-long Soviet occupation was followed by civil war, refuse to hand over al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden
  • 13 November 2001: The Northern Alliance, a group of anti-Taliban rebels backed by coalition forces, capture Kabul
  • 7 February 2009: US President Barack Obama approves a major increase in the number of troops sent to Afghanistan. At their peak, they number about 140,000
  • 28 December 2014: Nato ends its combat operations in Afghanistan. With the surge now over, the US withdraws thousands of troops. Most of those who remain focus on training and supporting the Afghan security forces
  • 29 February 2020: The US and the Taliban sign an “agreement for bringing peace” to Afghanistan, in Doha, Qatar. The US and Nato allies agree to withdraw all troops within 14 months if the militants uphold the deal
  • 13 April 2021: US president Joe Biden announces that all US troops will leave Afghanistan by 11 September that year
  • 16 August 2021: In just over a month, the Taliban sweep across Afghanistan, taking control of towns and cities all over the country, including Kabul. Afghan security forces collapse in the face of the Taliban advance
  • 31 August 2021: The US completes its withdrawal from Afghanistan
Long night of celebration for Taliban fighters

Lyse Doucet

Chief International Correspondent

As the final US plane departed and America's longest war finally came to an end after 20 long years, the Kabul night sky was light up by red tracer fire and machine gun bullets, as Taliban fighters celebrated their victory.

In what must have been an incredibly difficult moment, the departing US troops came face to face with the Taliban's elite guard, who were preparing to take control of airport, firmly marking the end of what once seemed like an endless war.

It will be a long night of celebration for those Taliban forces, who see the departure of US troops as the end of a hated occupation by a foreign power and the defeat of the mighty American empire.

President Joe Biden has kept his word to withdraw from Afghanistan by the 31 August. But it will have been at quite the cost.
'Stop at nothing'

With no US diplomats remaining in the country, a senior State Department official said that they expected the US Embassy in Kabul to suspend embassy operations but added "that doesn't mean that we are suspending any commitments to American citizens in Afghanistan, to at risk Afghans, to the Afghan people."

The departure marks the first time in nearly two decades that the US and its allies have not had troops on the ground in Afghanistan and -- after $2 trillion in spending and nearly 2,000 US troops killed in action -- the pullout raises questions about the utility of a war that saw the service of parents and then their grown children.

Nearly 20 years after the US invaded Afghanistan to avenge the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, and strike at al Qaeda and the Taliban, which hosted Osama bin Laden, another American administration is leaving the country in the control of Taliban militants who still maintain close ties to al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations.

Even as Biden pulls the US from the country, Afghanistan looks likely to shadow him politically and engage him militarily -- on Monday, White House officials said the President is continuing the hunt for terrorists in the country, telling his military commanders to "stop at nothing" to avenge the deaths of 13 US service members at Kabul airport last week.
Taliban defeated the 42 Crudading Alliance of Nato because they trusted in the promise of Allah.
be patient and follow Allah's commands == you get to be victorious .
That is the lesson we have learned,
Islam is the deen of Allah and no one can defeat Allah swt.
Islam is going to rule the world,
Bush Obama Biden Macron Putin Angela Xi Modi .... all them kuffars will never stop the light of Allah swt
Islamic Jihad has defeated a Christian Crusade in a 20-year long struggle.

Afghanistan is finally free from the most evil crusade in human history.

Mubarrak to all the Muslims especially the people of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
USA will be known as an arrogant superpower, that is was arrogant. :D
Islamic Jihad has defeated a Christian Crusade in a 20-year long struggle.

Afghanistan is finally free from the most evil crusade in human history.

Mubarrak to all the Muslims especially the people of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
I concur with you. Americans thought Pax Americana would last forever, the Americans thought like this. :D
What next for Afghanistan?

After 20 years of war, the Taliban has swept to victory in Afghanistan.

The group completed their shockingly rapid advance across the country by capturing Kabul on 15 August.

It came after foreign forces withdrew from Afghanistan following a deal between the US and the Taliban, two decades after US forces removed the militants from power in 2001.

The conflict has killed tens of thousands of people and displaced millions.

Taliban forces have pledged not to allow Afghanistan to become a base for terrorists who could threaten the West.

But questions are already being asked about how the group will govern the country, and what their rule means for women, human rights, and political freedoms.

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