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USA helicopter fire martyred 3 Pakistani FC troops along Pak-Afg boarder


With all due respect to Air Marshall (Retd) Chaudary, after a thorough search through the WSJ, we could not find any such report confirming his claim that such an incident was ever reported by the WSJ. We would really like to know what sources he is citing.

Also, it’s interesting as to why this statement was made in response to a discussion on the motivations of Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel’s, visit to Islamabad. It would be highly unlikely for a high-profile visit like this to be conducted with weeks of planning and preparation, no? Since, once again, too many negative speculations and conspiracy theories are stemming out of this visit, we would like to clarify that this meeting was held in order to discussissues concerning our bilateral ties and regional stability. This is part of our on-going dialogue which went in full – swing during Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s recent visit to the U.S. Both countries agreed during this visit that Afghanistan, regional security and Pakistan’s economy regional trading relationships, secure transportation routes and international investment are related issues that must be addressed.

Haroon Ahmad
DET – U.S. Central Command

As I said in an earlier post

This thread was clearly based on rumors.

It is so unfortunate to see one of our retired generals getting in the middle of such rumor mongering.


This is the time for the armies of US and Pakistan to route out the Tali-barbarians operating from the Pak-Af border.
Brave soldiers of both our countries are giving the ultimate sacrifices to achieve this objective



rumors are being spread during critical moments of our joint struggle.

We must all unite to make sure such threads and rumors do not sap the morale to face of the threat posed by terrorists of TTP in particular and Talbian in general.
It's been almost 6 days since this bogus news was posted here,no other news outlets have reported it, the fact is, it could not even be found on the Wall Street Journal website.

So has Shahzad Chudrady already apologized for spreading fake news?
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