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USA, China, CPEC and Gilgit-Baltistan

You're right. We should keep the talks moving while the Americans are in Afghanistan. Once they are gone we'll lose all leverage over them and they'll start threatening us with sanction and prepare India with all kinds of support and getting the world behind them to go for the attack.
I don't think so America is not run by the foolish persona of trump but a very cunning and farsighted deep state Pakistan is the only counterbalance to India and the key to the whole region. Moreover we are too democratic, numerous, heavily armed (nuclear), and clever to be cornered like Iraq or Afghanistan etc
Aqalmand Kay liya ishara kafee Hota hay
Sorry for the clumsiness of my posts I am posting via a mobile phone.

Let's wait and see. There's a reason why Chinese army is present and ready at Wakhan Corridor.

ISIS v Afghan Taliban hasn't started yet and no transition of power to Taliban will happen until ISIS has been utilised for the purpose it was planted there - to attack Pakistan.
To deter India from doing something foolish Which they won't (I maybe wrong though).

Isis is in no position/condition to do anything of consequence to Pakistan. Other than a few peripheral terrorist attacks and we have been living with them.
I don't think so America is not run by the foolish persona of trump but a very cunning and farsighted deep state Pakistan is the only counterbalance to India and the key to the whole region. Moreover we are too democratic, numerous, heavily armed (nuclear), and clever to be cornered like Iraq or Afghanistan etc
Aqalmand Kay liya ishara kafee Hota hay
Sorry for the clumsiness of my posts I am posting via a mobile phone.

The problem is, The West is looking for a counter-weight to China the region, and for them India fits the bill. Now why would they they want this country to focus its attention on it western border by using using Pakistan as a counter-balance? That would be self-defeating. 90% of all of Indian forces are already oriented towards Pakistan.
The problem is, The West is looking for a counter-weight to China the region, and for them India fits the bill. Now why would they they want this country to focus its attention on it western border by using using Pakistan as a counter-balance? That would be self-defeating. 90% of all of Indian forces are already oriented towards Pakistan.
That's how the larger chess game of geostrategy Is played you always have a counter balance for the power of your interest. It's like a leash A leverage. and it's not for the faint hearted or naive people
To deter India from doing something foolish Which they won't (I maybe wrong though).

Isis is in no position/condition to do anything of consequence to Pakistan. Other than a few peripheral terrorist attacks and we have been living with them.

We should not expect India not to do something foolish, because it will.
USA wants out of Afghanistan and wants no serious wars in Kashmir that could lead to a nuclear exchange. I doubt this is a USA objective. India and Afghanistan may consider doing something like this.
gauging them by their current performance and even by their past performance in kashmir region and the situation on ground in iok i won't be surprised if they lose some of their land instead of gaining ours
It is not only Kashmir that India has lost, also, with the mistreatment of other minorities will lead to another war of independence for Sikh, Muslims and others in the southern India. Petratism is no longer a cementing force to keep India together. Diversity amidst such a volatile environment of Hindu nationalism will force India into disintegration.
It wouldn't concern the West if South Asia is engulfed in a nuclear fireball, because their long term goal would be accomplished: Denying China access to the Indian ocean.
Respect your passion but u went a little ahead of yourself. In todays world, a nuclear war in any part of the world means disaster for the whole world.
So just to explain it, just a little nuclear misadventure in south asia would mean in 30 years the whole world will be covered by the radiations effect. Nuclear winter will start and smog will start developing in this region and will eventually spread. Diseases without sunlight will grow and will spread through the world. Scarcity of food and hunger will kill whole region very fast and will cover the world slowly with nuclear winter like cobditions
There is no long term goal for any country if there is a nuclear war
In the end, pretty much all people in power realize this more than us (mango people)
An all out war will become unpredictable as there are are too many variables which cannot be controlled.
Our enemies have been taking advantage of faultlines within the country and exploiting them. Baloch insurgency, TTP, PTM. They will continue to do so. So the most important thing is UNITY. We have been subjected to pretty intense fifth gen warfare or hybrid war which is going on and will continue. Unfortunately most people and politicians are mostly ignorant of this.
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